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The utilization of medical services by patients is an important determinant of doctor productivity, but this factor does not appear to have been given much attention in previous studies. In order to answer the question of why is there a wide variation in doctor output at low level medical facilities in China, an analytical framework of doctor productivity and utilization is developed. The simulation model is used to produce data that can be analyzed by such a framework. Great uncertainty about patient flows is one reason for the average lower and varying doctor productivity in lower level health facilities. Until uncertainty can be reduced, more flexibility is needed at the lower level to cope with changing utilization patterns and patient characteristics. The management by doctors of non-patient care activities (preventive programmes, medical research, teaching, and administration) is crucial to any approach to using doctor resources more effectively and efficiently.  相似文献   
Serum level of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) was measured by immunoradiometric assay in fifty two breast cancer patients and twenty nine healthy female volunteers. The results are as follows: 1) Although the serum SHBG concentration showed no significant difference between the breast cancer group and the healthy control group, the serum SHBG concentration in postmenopause was significantly higher in the breast cancer group (63.8 +/- 31.2nmol/ml/ml; mean +/- S.D.) than in the healthy control group (40.1 +/- 15.4nmol/ml). 2) Subsequently in the postmenopausal breast cancer group, the serum SHBG concentration was significantly higher in the estrogen receptor (ER)-negative cancer group (97.8 +/- 12.7nmol/ml) than in the ER-positive cancer group (55.8 +/- 32.1nol/ml). 3) No significant relationships were showed between the serum SHBG concentration and obesity or serum estradiol concentration in postmenopausal patients. 4) The serum SHBG concentration showed significant decrease 3 months after radical operation for breast cancer in postmenopausal patients. These results suggest the possibility of the SHBG synthesis in breast cancer tissue.  相似文献   
Transrectal ultrasonotomography is useful in following patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy, because prostatic shape and weight are precisely assumed. We studied the effect of chlormadinone acetate (CMA) on benign prostatic hypertrophy. CMA (50 mg/day) was administered to 30 patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy. Weight reduction over 10% of the gland was noticed in 24 cases (80%). Mictional conditions were improved in 70% subjectively and in 71.4% objectively. However, the number of nocturia decreased in only 18.9%. Reduction rate of the weight was unrelated with the weight of prostate before administration of CMA. Duration of administration of CMA and the reduction rate were estimated. There was no definite difference in reduction rate for the first 15 months, but there was a slightly high reduction rate after administration of CMA for more than 24 months. In 3 cases, the shape and weight of prostate were studied after discontinuation of CMA. The size of prostate showed a tendency to increase gradually.  相似文献   
O-beta-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1----4)-O-beta-D-galactopyranosyl-(1----4)-D- glucopyranose (designated as 4'GL) is produced from lactose by Cryptococcus laurentii. The influence of chronic ingestion of 4'GL on body weight gain, organ weight, serum lipids, and liver lipids was investigated in rats. The body weight gains of the 5% and 10% 4'GL-diet groups were higher than that of the control group. Food intake and fecal dry weight were significantly increased (p less than 0.05) by 4'GL feeding. The 4'GL diet produced a significant increase (p less than 0.01) in the wet weight and contents of both the cecum and the colon. However, no significant increase was observed in the weight of the stomach, small intestine, liver, or other organs. The effects of 4'GL on serum and liver lipid levels were not observed in this experiment. The digestion of 4'GL was measured in vitro using the artificial gastric juice, alpha-amylase of human saliva, alpha-amylase of hog pancreas, and mucosa of rat intestine. 4'GL was not hydrolyzed by these enzymes. Long-term ingestion of 4'GL did not cause any induction of 4'GL hydrolyzing enzyme activity in the rat small intestine.  相似文献   
Clinically significant contact lens induced corneal warpage is seen in a small proportion of soft and rigid contact lens wearers. Previous studies using the keratometer have found no correlation between the fit of the lens and the induced topographic changes. In this study, using computer-assisted topographic analysis, seven eyes (four patients) with rigid contact lens-induced corneal warpage were noted to have topographic abnormalities that correlated with the decentered resting position of the contact lens on the cornea. The warpage topography for each of these corneas was characterized by a relative flattening of the cornea underlying the resting position of the contact lens. Lenses that rode high, for example, produced flattening superiorly and resulted in a relatively steeper contour inferiorly that simulated the topography of early keratoconus patients who had not worn contact lenses. After discontinuing contact lenses the corneal topography returned to a normal pattern in five eyes. Two eyes retained asymmetry that is not characteristic of normal corneas. Up to 6 months was required for the corneas to return to a stable topography after contact lens wear was discontinued.  相似文献   
Five out of 12 physically healthy patients with depression undergoing a tyramine pressor test developed cardiac arrhythmias. These arrhythmias occurred in drug-free patients in three out of 12 infusions following as little as 0.03 mg/kg of tyramine and after moclobemide, a reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase-A, in four out of 14 tyramine infusions with as little as 0.04 mg/kg of tyramine. The arrhythmias seen were independent of patient's age and occurred both before and after 30 mmHg elevations in systolic blood pressure. Electrocardiographic abnormalities and arrhythmias seen were a loss of p waves, sinus tachycardia, frequent atrial ectopic beats, atrial premature beats, Wenckebach phenomenon, junctional rhythm, ventricular ectopics, varying QRS configurations, and ventricular bigeminy. Tyramine, both oral and intravenous, caused similar reproducible changes in dogs, though not in rats, mice or guinea pigs. Practical implications are that tyramine pressor testing in humans should be performed cautiously and only with adequate cardiac monitoring and resuscitation facilities at hand. These findings suggest that a normal dietary component can induce serious cardiac arrhythmias, and that a low-tyramine diet may be of value for patients who are susceptible to cardiac arrhythmias.  相似文献   
Bilateral arthrography of the wrist   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to determine the true significance of a positive arthrogram in the investigation of wrist pain, a prospective trial was carried out in 60 patients, using the opposite asymptomatic wrist as a control. Of the 46 patients with positive findings in the symptomatic wrist, 34 (74%), had positive arthrograms in the opposite, asymptomatic, wrist. As a result of this, we conclude that a unilateral arthrogram is of little diagnostic value and we recommend the use of the opposite, asymptomatic, wrist as a control.  相似文献   
The operative results of radial shortening in 23 patients with Kienb?ck's disease were analysed on the basis of age, stage of disease, ulnar variance and the amount of radial shortening. The patient's age was found to be the factor which affected the operative result most and unsatisfactory results were obtained in patients over 30 years old. However, neither the clinical stage nor ulnar variance affected the results significantly and the results in patients with ulnar zero or plus were no worse than in patients with ulnar minus. The risk of ulnar wrist pain was increased when the radius was shortened more than 4 mm in patients with positive or zero ulnar variance. This was an important cause of unsatisfactory operative results.  相似文献   
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