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By using the Golgi technique, the authors investigated the morphology of ganglion cells in the retinas of South American opossums. In flat-mount preparations of the retinas, cell bodies, entire dendritic fields, and the stratification level of ganglion cells were studied. Fractal dimensions of dendritic trees, an objective quantitative measure of morphological complexity, were included as a morphological parameter of classification. Based on these characteristics, nineteen types of ganglion cells were described. A great number of opossum ganglion cell types had dendrites stratifying in both sublaminae of the inner plexiform layer (IPL) in five different ways (S1-S3 [G9], S1-S4 [G17 and G22], S2/S3 [G19], S2-S4 [G15, G16, G21 and G221, and S2-S5 [G61), and only two types (G8, and G10) showed narrow field dendritic trees ramifying in S4 only. Morphological types of opossum ganglion cells were compared to their counterparts in cat retina. The distribution pattern of large cell bodies on the ganglion cell layer was analyzed employing the Nissl staining method, immunocytochemistry for neurofilaments, and the reduced silver neurofibrillar staining method. The results showed a random pattern of distribution.  相似文献   
We study the asymptotic behavior of curvature and prove that the integral of curvature along a geodesic without conjugate points is nonpositive and some generalizations of Myers theorem and Cohn-Vossen's theorem. Some applications are also given.  相似文献   
Summary  The aim of this study is to find out the effects of different doses of midazolam, when used epidurally, on somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) by delaying neuronal conduction. Thirty two New Zeland albino male rabbits were divided into four groups. All rabbits were anesthetised with ketamine and xylasine combination and atracurium was used as muscle relaxant. 10 mg/kg/hr ketamine infusion was used for maintenance of anesthesia. After insertion of the epidural catheter surgically; Group 1 received 1.5 ml isotonic saline (Control), Group 2 received 150 μg/kg, Group 3 received 250 μg/kg, and Group 4 received 500 μg/kg midazolam epidurally. With the stimulation of sciatic nerve, SEP records were recorded from the epidural space. Records were received before the injection of the drug, and 20, 40, 60 minutes after injection of the drug.  “Latancy” results were increased according to control in all groups (including isotonic saline-control-group). Increase in latancy in the control group was interpreted as due to the effect of temperature mismatch of the saline and the rabbits. While in the first and second group amplitudes showed no differences, group 3 and 4 showed decreases of up to 50%. Epidurally administered midazolam up to 150 μg/kg caused no change in SEP records, but 250 and 500 μg/kg doses caused decreases in SEP records which can lead to misinterpretation as neurological damage.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Nitric oxide (NO) may have an important role in the healing of burn wounds. This study investigated the effect of NO on experimentally induced burn wounds by preventing NO synthesis. METHODS: A total of 40 mice weighing 25 to 30 g were used in this study. The shaved skin on the back of the mice was immersed in 100 degrees C water for 10 seconds to achieve a partial-thickness scald burn. The mice were divided into two groups of 20. In group I (control group), 17.5 mg/kg of serum physiologic (placebo) was injected intraperitoneally two times a day for 15 days. In group II (study group), 17.5 mg/kg of aminoguanidine (NO synthase inhibitor) was injected intraperitoneally two times a day for 15 days. On day 15 of the burn, the animals were killed and the burn areas were investigated histologically. Histologic changes such as epithelial proliferation, abscess, collagen, and granulation tissue were evaluated. RESULTS: Epithelial proliferation, formation of collagen, and granulation tissue with rich capillaries observed in the control group were statically significantly higher than those observed in the study group (z = -2.022, p < 0.05; z = -2.02, p < 0.05; and z = -2.022, p < 0.05; respectively). CONCLUSION: We concluded that healing of the burn wound is delayed by preventing NO synthesis.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Ependymomas, the common glial tumors of the spinal cord, occur occasionally outside the central nervous system and are called exstraspinal ependymomas (EEP). EEPs are found primarily in sacrococcygeal region during childhood. The pathogenesis and the treatment of the sacrococcygeal (SC) ependymomas are still controversial. Therefore, we present our case with metaanalysis of other case reports to determine the optimal treatment modality for SC EEPs. METHODS: A metaanalysis of case reports of SC EEPs, including the current case, was conducted. Also all available case reports of EEPs, without age limit, were analyzed to determine the distribution of EEPs localization. RESULTS: EEPs usually are found in teratoma localizations such as the SC area, ovary, paraovarian structures, and medastinum. The distribution of EEPs localization differs with age. Local recurrence rate of EEPs after coccyx excision is zero, however, it increases to 71% when the coccyx was left behind. CONCLUSION: The identical clinical characteristics of the SC teratomas and EEPs imply that the SC EEPs may be monophasic teratomas as their ovarian counterparts are named. Coccyx excision is an important part of the surgical treatment of these tumors, with an apparent decrease in the recurrence rate.  相似文献   
Parasitic or heterotopic conjoined twins are exceedingly rare, and these cases are referred to as "heteropagus" when there is a parasitic attachment in a nonduplicated fashion to any portion of the body. Epigastric heteropagus twinning refers to the attachment of the parasite to the epigastric region of the autosite. An unusual epigastric heteropagus case is presented with a rudimentary cardiopulmonary and also nearly complete gastrointestinal and genitourinary system of the parasite, and an organogenetic and vascular status of the previously reported cases are reviewed. The current case might be unique for the parasite having a cardiopulmonary development--although rudimentary--and this might be the reason that it has more complete organogenesis than the cases that have been presented previously in the literature.  相似文献   
In this article, we report two siblings who have familial cerebellar ataxia and hypogonadism associated with sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy documented by light microscopy. This combination has not been reported previously in the literature. Cerebellar ataxia and hypogonadism is reviewed according to the clinical and laboratory features of the reported cases in the literature.  相似文献   
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