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Introduction and objectivesCardiac device-related infections (CDRI) may be life-threatening and require early and accurate diagnosis. The aims of this study were to analyze the performance of positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET/CT) in suspected CDRI, to assess changes to the initial diagnosis, and to identify a clinical subgroup deriving the greatest benefit from this imaging modality.MethodsRetrospective study including patients evaluated by PET/CT for suspected CDRI from 2011 to 2018. We assessed PET/CT performance and the agreement between the initial, post-PET and definitive diagnoses. We also assessed changes in the diagnosis, depending on initial clinical suspicion, to identify patients deriving the greatest benefit from PET/CT.ResultsWe included 44 patients. The prevalence of endocarditis was 57%. The sensitivity and specificity of PET/CT for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis were 0.84 and 0.95, respectively. Post-PET diagnosis improved the initial diagnosis by 45%. PET/CT correctly reclassified 57% of patients with initial suspicion of generator pocket infection by detecting lead infection.ConclusionsPET/CT showed high diagnostic performance in suspected of CDRI and significantly improved the conventional diagnostic approach, especially in patients with initial suspicion of focal infection.  相似文献   


The peritoneum is the serous membrane that covers the abdominal cavity and most of the intra-abdominal organs. It is a very delicate layer highly susceptible to damage and it is not designed to cope with variable conditions such as the dry and cold carbon dioxide (CO2) during laparoscopic surgery. The aim of this review was to evaluate the effects caused by insufflating dry and cold gas into the abdominal cavity after laparoscopic surgery.


A literature search using the Pubmed was carried out. Articles identified focused on the key issues of laparoscopy, peritoneum, morphology, pneumoperitoneum, humidity, body temperature, pain, recovery time, post-operative adhesions and lens fogging.


Insufflating dry and cold CO2 into the abdomen causes peritoneal damage, post-operative pain, hypothermia and post-operative adhesions. Using humidified and warm gas prevents pain after surgery. With regard to hypothermia due to desiccation, it can be fully prevented using humidified and warm gas. Results relating to the patient recovery are still controversial.


The use of humidified and warm insufflation gas offers a significant clinical benefit to the patient, creating a more physiologic peritoneal environment and reducing the post-operative pain and hypothermia. In animal models, although humidified and warm gas reduces post-operative adhesions, humidified gas at 32 °C reduced them even more. It is clear that humidified gas should be used during laparoscopic surgery; however, a question remains unanswered: to achieve even greater clinical benefit to the patient, at what temperature should the humidified gas be when insufflated into the abdomen? More clinical trials should be performed to resolve this query.
Background: Periodontitis is a chronic, polymicrobial inflammatory disease that degrades connective tissue and alveolar bone and results in tooth loss. Oxidative stress has been linked to the onset of periodontal tissue breakdown and systemic inflammation, and the success of antiresorptive treatments will rely on how effectively they can ameliorate periodontal disease–induced oxidative stress during oral infection. Methods: Rats were infected with polybacterial inoculum consisting of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, and Tannerella forsythia, as an oral lavage every other week for 12 weeks. Daily subcutaneous injections of enoxacin, bis‐enoxacin, alendronate, or doxycycline were administered for 6 weeks after 6 weeks of polybacterial infection in rats. The serum levels of oxidative stress parameters and antioxidant enzymes, including glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase, were evaluated in each of the infected, treated, and sham‐infected rats. Results: Rats infected with the periodontal pathogens displayed a five‐fold increase in the oxidative stress index compared with controls as a result of increased levels of serum oxidants and decreases in total antioxidant activity. The overall decrease in antioxidant activity occurred despite increases in three important antioxidant enzymes, suggesting an imbalance between antioxidant macromolecules/small molecules production and antioxidant enzyme levels. Surprisingly, the bone‐targeted antiresorptives bis‐enoxacin and alendronate inhibited increases in oxidative stress caused by periodontitis. Bis‐enoxacin, which has both antiresorptive and antibiotic activities, was more effective than alendronate, which acts only as an antiresorptive. Conclusion: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate that the increased oxidative stress induced by periodontal infection in rats can be ameliorated by bone‐targeted antiresorptives.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) recurrences can be due to either reactivation by the same strain (standard assumption) or reinfection by a new strain. Reinfection has mainly been studied in selected populations with a high risk of reexposure to TB. Our aim was to analyze the role of reinfection in TB recurrences in unselected populations, without the clinical/epidemiological circumstances that favor the involvement of a new different strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the recurrence. METHODS: A molecular typing analysis was performed with 92 sequential isolates of M tuberculosis from 43 patients with recurrent TB, during a 12-year period. The subjects were both positive and negative for the human immunodeficiency virus, most did not adhere to anti-TB therapy, and they lived in an area with a moderate incidence of TB. Recurrence was considered as being caused by reinfection when the molecular fingerprints for the strains involved in the sequential episodes of TB were different. RESULTS: In 14 (33%) of the 43 patients, different M tuberculosis strains were involved in the first and in subsequent episodes of TB. Reinfection was found for patients who were both positive and negative for the human immunodeficiency virus, and most patients did not adhere to anti-TB therapy. Differences between the reinfection and reactivation groups were not significant (P =.77) according to the time interval between episodes. CONCLUSIONS: Reinfection plays an important role in recurrent TB in a population without the clinical/epidemiological circumstances that are usually assumed to favor it. Reinfection should, thus, be considered as a cause of TB recurrences in a wider context than before.  相似文献   
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