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The conditioning context arises from the relatively static features of the training environment. In rabbit eyeblink conditioning, procedures that retard acquisition (conditioned stimulus [CS] preexposure, unconditioned stimulus preexposure, blocking manipulations) are attenuated by context changes. In this article the authors investigate the effect of context exposure after initial delay conditioning. After conditioned responses (CRs) were established, one group received 6 sessions of context exposure, whereas control groups either remained in their home cages or received exposure to handling and a novel context. Thereafter, all groups received CS-alone testing. The expression of CRs was substantially reduced following context exposure relative to any retention loss in the home-cage control. Exposure to handling and a novel context facilitated the CRs rather than reducing them. ((c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   
This report describes a new, inexpensive procedure for the rapid and efficient purification of Sarcocystis neurona sporocysts from opossum small intestine. S. neurona sporocysts were purified using a discontinuous potassium bromide density gradient. The procedure provides a source of sporocyst wall and sporozoites required for reliable biochemical characterization and for immunological studies directed at characterizing antigens responsible for immunological responses by the host. The examined isolates were identified as S. neurona using random amplified polymorphic DNA primers and restriction endonuclease digestion assays. This method allows the collection of large numbers of highly purified S. neurona sporocysts without loss of sporocyst viability as indicated by propidium iodide permeability and cell culture infectivity assays. In addition, this technique might also be used for sporocyst purification of other Sarcocystis spp.  相似文献   


To characterize the suicide rates among patients with gynecologic cancer in the Unites States and to identify factors associated with high suicide rates.


Subjects with a diagnosis of gynecologic cancer were identified from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program for the period 1988-2007. Comparison with women in the general US population was based on WHO data 2005, matched for age in 10-year categories. Cox regression models were used to perform multivariate modeling for factors associated with suicide.


Among 252,235 patients followed for 1,207,278 person-years, the suicide rate was 8.3 per 100,000 person-years, with a standardized mortality ratio (SMR) of 1.4 (95% CI 1.2-1.7, p < 0.001). The highest suicide rates were observed in patients with ovarian cancer and within the first year following diagnosis. Suicide risk was associated with younger age at diagnosis, high grade disease and absence of surgical intervention.


Patients with gynecologic cancer have an increased suicide risk when compared to the general population. Suicide rates vary by cancer site and time since diagnosis. Effective screening and appropriate treatment of psychosocial stress among women with gynecologic cancer are warranted.  相似文献   
Chondromalacia of the patella is the most common cause of anterior knee pain in young women. The etiology of the disease is not well-understood but the initial lesion is a disorganization of collagenous structures. Since the disease is proposed to be due to generalized constitutional disturbance, we postulated that bony structures could also be involved. To investigate this hypothesis we measured the bone density of 286 patients with the diagnosis of chondromalacia of the patella during a 4-year period using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) method. We found a significant number of patients having low bone densities. This problem was more pronounced in men and in younger age groups. We suggest base-line bone density evaluation in all patients, treatment of osteopenia or osteoporosis in select patients and regular follow-ups using DXA.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: In spite of the government's efforts, the prevalence of contraceptive use in Iran is only 55.4%. Health concerns, side effects, failure of the methods and some demographic issues, among which education, age, and number of daughters, have a great influence on the enforcement of contraceptive measures. The aim of the present study was to identify factors affecting contraceptive use in Iran. METHODS: Data from the project 'The study of contraceptive practice in Tehran, 1999-2000' were analyzed with regard to the factors associated with contraceptive use by Iranian couples. A total of 4042 women at reproductive ages who had delivered in one of the 12 teaching hospitals of Tehran and had at least one child that lived for at least 24 hours after birth, were interviewed using a questionnaire that gathered information about their socio-demographic status, fertility history, and other characteristics. RESULTS: Using a multinomial logistic regression, it was found that the woman's age, her own or her husband's level of education, previous awareness about contraceptive methods, number of abortions, and number of sons and daughters were factors that were significantly associated with contraceptive use. CONCLUSIONS: A number of factors affect the application of contraceptive measures. It is essential that health policy makers be aware of these to promote contraception and population control.  相似文献   
Head and neck paragangliomas are tumors arising from specialized neural crest cells. Prominent locations are the carotid body along with the vagal, jugular, and tympanic glomus. Head and neck paragangliomas are slowly growing tumors, with some carotid body tumors being reported to exist for many years as a painless lateral mass on the neck. Symptoms depend on the specific locations. In contrast to paraganglial tumors of the adrenals, abdomen and thorax, head and neck paragangliomas seldom release catecholamines and are hence rarely vasoactive. Petrous bone, jugular, and tympanic head and neck paragangliomas may cause hearing loss. The internationally accepted clinical classifications for carotid body tumors are based on the Shamblin Class I-III stages, which correspond to postoperative permanent side effects. For petrous-bone paragangliomas in the head and neck, the Fisch classification is used. Regarding the molecular genetics, head and neck paragangliomas have been associated with nine susceptibility genes: NF1, RET, VHL, SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD, SDHAF2 (SDH5), and TMEM127. Hereditary HNPs are mostly caused by mutations of the SDHD gene, but SDHB and SDHC mutations are not uncommon in such patients. Head and neck paragangliomas are rarely associated with mutations of VHL, RET, or NF1. The research on SDHA, SDHAF2 and TMEM127 is ongoing. Multiple head and neck paragangliomas are common in patients with SDHD mutations, while malignant head and neck paraganglioma is mostly seen in patients with SDHB mutations. The treatment of choice is surgical resection. Good postoperative results can be expected in carotid body tumors of Shamblin Class I and II, whereas operations on other carotid body tumors and other head and neck paragangliomas frequently result in deficits of the cranial nerves adjacent to the tumors. Slow growth and the tendency of hereditary head and neck paragangliomas to be multifocal may justify less aggressive treatment strategies.  相似文献   
Quantitation of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) DNA is used to monitor immunocompromised patients in order to identify patients for preemptive therapy. Although several commercial qPCR assays are available for quantitation of HCMV, their major disadvantage is the high cost. In the present study, an internally controlled quantitative real-time PCR assay based on hydrolysis probe technology was developed for detection and quantitation of HCMV DNA in plasma samples. To demonstrate its performance characteristics, a total of 178 plasma samples from 102 kidney and hematopoietic stem cell transplanted patients were tested. The assay showed good precision and reproducibility, and an analytical sensitivity of 288.5 copies/ml or 17.6 copies/reaction. A sensitivity of 93.1% and a specificity of 96.6% were determined by examining clinical samples. Analysis of a panel containing potentially interfering viruses demonstrated no cross-reactivity with the assay. A strong correlation was observed between this qPCR method and the commercial Artus(?) CMV RG PCR kit (R=0.948; P=0.000). These results indicate that the affordable internally controlled qPCR method described will be useful for monitoring HCMV infection in plasma samples of immunocompromised patients.  相似文献   
ObjectiveUterine serous carcinoma (USC) constitutes 10% of uterine cancers but ~ 40% of deaths. Tumor size is a known prognostic factor in other solid tumors. In endometriod cancers it is one element used to identify the need for complete staging, while its significance in USC is debated. Therefore tumor size was examined as an independent prognostic factor.MethodsClinical and pathologic variables were recorded for 236 institutional patients, and those patients in the SEER database with USC. Chi-square and Fisher exact t-tests were utilized and survival data generated via Kaplan–Meier method; multivariate analysis was performed via cox-regression.ResultsThe patients' mean age was 67.2 years (range 40–91). Survival ranged from 0 to 184 months (mean 42.8). We used a tumor size cut-off of 1 cm and noted significant associations with myometrial invasion (p < 0.0001), angiolymphatic invasion (p < 0.0001), peritoneal washings (p = 0.03), stage (p = 0.015) and positive lymph nodes (p = 0.05). Furthermore, recurrence was associated with larger tumors (p = 0.03). In multivariate analysis, extra-uterine disease was the only factor associated with both recurrence and survival. Review of the SEER database noted association of larger tumors with lymph node involvement and a significant survival advantage with tumors < 1 cm in both univariate and multivariate analysis.ConclusionsTreatment options for USC are often predicated on the surgical stage and therefore components of the staging are vitally important. The 1 cm tumor-size cut-off should be studied prospectively as a prognostic indicator of survival and recurrence in USC and considered for inclusion in USC staging.  相似文献   
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