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The Ultrapulse CO2 laser (Coherent Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA) was used in 239 patients, from March 1996 to July 1998, for full-face laser resurfacing. In 106 (43%) of these patients rhytidectomy was performed in the same procedure. All patients submitted to laser resurfacing were prepared for 1 to 2 months beforehand with retinoic acid and hydroquinone. The procedures were done under local anesthesia controlled by an anesthesiologist. A clear film dressing impregnated with silicone gel (Silon TSR; Bio-Med Sciences, Bethlehem, PA, USA) was used for 6 to 7 days and complete healing was observed in 7 to 10 days. Complications were exclusively dermatologic, without relation to surgery. No necrosis of the cutaneous flap was observed. Skin biopsies of 10 consecutive patients undergoing the combined procedures revealed no vascular impairment to the dermis. The patients were able to resume their activities 2 weeks after the procedure.  相似文献   
The surgical outcome of traumatic injuries of the brachial plexus (BP) depends on the following parameters: 1) accurate preoperative diagnosis of cervical root avulsion; 2) time interval between injury and surgery; 3) delicate handling of the nerve tissue; and 4) postoperative physiologic training. This report is based on a 15-year experience in brachial plexus surgery and is supported on the grounds of two major studies. In a prospective study, the authors controlled for the reliability of preoperative radiologic diagnosis by myelo-CT and MRI scans for 40 patients, to evaluate the integrity of the intraspinal cervical roots after brachial plexus injury. Surgical inspection via a cervical hemilaminectomy proved the accuracy of 85 percent and 52 percent of CT myelography and MRI, respectively. Retrospective statistical analyses were carried out of the long-term surgical results of 54 patients with traumatic injuries of the BP who received a grafting procedure between cervical roots C5 or C6 and the musculocutaneous nerve. Patients operated on up to 6 months after trauma showed a better result than patients operated on later than 12 months after trauma (p<0.05). In contrast, grafting between cervical root C5 or C6 and the use of different sural-graft sizes to reconstruct the musculocutaneous nerve demonstrated no statistically significant difference in the final outcome.  相似文献   
Adenohypophyses of human newborns contain characteristic psammoma bodies. Their numbers are maximal within 2 weeks of the neonatal period and diminish thereafter. They are very rare in infant pituitaries, seeming to disappear by shrinkage in that there is a significant direct correlation between their number and size. The bodies were found to contain a high concentration of endogenous peroxidase, thus suggesting that the enzyme may be responsible for their disappearance. A statistical majority of psammoma bodies were located within follicular lumens. By immunohistochemistry, the follicular epithelium surrounding psammoma bodies showed immunoreactivity for various pituitary hormones. Light microscopy demonstrated that adenohypophysial cells surrounding psammoma bodies contain randomly, scattered granules or globules exhibiting peroxidase activity. Extrusion of such granules into follicular lumens may play a role in the genesis of the concretions. The conspicuous lamellar nature of the calcified psammoma bodies suggests that waves of calcium deposition occur during their morphogenesis. Despite histologic similarities, the histochemical characteristics of this type of psammoma body differ from those in other organs as well as from the calcification encountered in prolactin (PRL)-producing pituitary adenomas.  相似文献   
The effect of GRH infusion on rat adenohypophysial morphology was studied by light microscopy, immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridization, and electron microscopy. Synthetic rat GRH was intravenously administered by osmotic minipumps at 14.4, 72, 360 and 720 μg/ day/rat for 1 week. In one group treated for 1 week with a daily dose of 720 μg GRH, the rats were killed 7 days after withdrawal of GRH. Control rats in which GRH was replaced by excipient, or those that received no treatment, were included as well. GRH infusion with daily doses of 360 and 720 μg resulted in a significant increase in pituitary weight and weaker GH immunoreactivity compared with other groups. Ultrastructurally, the somatotrophs were increased in size and became sparsely granulated, and the organelles involved in hormone sythesis were very prominent. The intensity of the GH mRNA signal did not differ from control animals, suggesting the desensitization of somatotrophs to GRH. The highest GRH dose induced an increased number of nuclei immunoreactive for proliferation cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). One week after GRH withdrawal, shrinkage of cytoplasm, involution of RER and Golgi complex, and a decrease of cell attachment sites indicated the reversibility of changes induced by GRH. In conclusion, GRH infusion induced, within days, hypertrophy and proliferation of somatotrophs with ultrastructural features of highly stimulated, sparsely granulated cells. Morphological changes were reversible.Endocr Pathol 4:131–139, 1993.  相似文献   
Three young family members with recurrent arterial thrombosis underwent investigation for lipid or coagulation abnormalities. Lipoprotein electrophoresis, cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and routine coagulation studies were unremarkable. By contrast, testing of platelet function showed enhanced platelet aggregability to epinephrine and collagen in two of the subjects. In addition, release of 14C-serotonin by adenosine diphosphate and epinephrine was increased over control values in these same two patients. The third subject demonstrated decreased platelet aggregation and lowered 14C-serotonin release, but was symptomatic with rest pain at the time of testing. The ongoing in vivo thrombosis in the third subject may account for hypocoagulable platelets by in vitro testing. These abnormally sensitive platelets identified by platelet function testing may be associated with a familial "hypercoagulability" syndrome. Definition of the hemostatic abnormality in these individuals provided a rational basis for pharmacological therapy with antiplatelet drugs, which appeared to be successful.  相似文献   
Atrial natriuretic peptide, vasoactive intestinal peptide, beta-endorphin and cortisol are humoral variables characterized by a 24-h periodicity. We evaluated the circadian rhythm of these peptides and hormones in healthy subjects who were young (between 20–25 years) or elderly (between 65–75 years). All were on controlled diets. Blood samples were collected six times during a 24-h period (at 06.00, 08.00, 12.00, 18.00, 20.00 and 24.00 h) beginning 8-h after start of recumbency. The time-related data were analysed by the Cosinor method in order to validate the circadian rhythm and to quantify rhythmometric parameters which included the midline estimate of rhythm (mesor). In contrast to the young subjects, Cosinor analysis failed to reveal a significant circadian rhythm in elderly subjects, for plasma cortisol. In elderly subjects oscillation (mesor) of atrial nutriuretic peptide was higher, while that of vasoactive intestinal peptide and beta—endorphins was lower. The results suggest changes in the physiological secretion of these three peptides in healthy elderly subjects.  相似文献   
Virus titration is an important step required on viral vaccines quality control. "Plaque assay", which employs several types of overlay media, is usually used on viral titrations. In this paper we describe the use of Tapioca as an overlay media. Firstly, the toxicity of Tapioca was tested on Vero cells inoculated or not with the Yellow Fever virus (YF) 17DD vaccine strain. Secondly, different batches of the 17DD virus using the Tapioca and Karaya gum as the overlay on Vero cells were tested when higher titres were obtained using Tapioca. Tapioca was also shown to be a suitable overlay to be used in thermostability and plaque reduction neutralization tests. Other systems could benefit from the use of Tapioca as an overlay, since it was possible to titer Measles virus in Vero cells. Tapioca is a cheap Brazilian product, is locally available, easy to use, and reliable. Its use is suggested.  相似文献   
This report describes two people in a family with Hageman trait (homozygotes) (Factor XII = 0.06%). In addition eight family members were studied to evaluate the inheritance of this congenital deficiency. A study of the Kallikrein-Kininogen system induced by the fragments of Factor XII was carried out. It is concluded that the inheritance is as described by Veltkamp and that the Kallikrein release from the prekallikreinogen (Fletcher factor) "in vitro" is related to the amount of Factor XII procoagulant protein.  相似文献   
We investigated whether chronic stress, applied from prepuberty to early puberty, interferes with the spermatogenic and androgenic testicular functions. Male pubertal rats (40 days old) were immobilized 6 h per day for 15 days. Plasma concentrations of corticosterone, prolactin and testosterone were significantly augmented following immobilization, whereas plasma luteinizing hormone decreased and follicle-stimulating hormone was not altered. Acute immobilization (5 min) increased prolactin and testosterone levels in control rats but caused a significantly higher increase in these hormones when superimposed on chronic stress. A lower extent of testicular maturation was observed in pubertal rats immobilized from prepuberty.  相似文献   
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