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Currently, the best treatment option for idiopathic cervical dystonia (ICD) is injection of botulinum toxin (BTX) into the affected muscles, whereas rehabilitative approaches have given disappointing results. We evaluated whether the association of an ad hoc rehabilitative program may improve the clinical efficacy of BTX treatment in a single-center, cross-over, controlled study. Forty patients with ICD were randomly assigned to two different treatment groups: (1) BTX type A (BTX-A) plus a specific program of physical therapy (BTX-PT) or (2) BTX-A alone (BTX-0). Patients in the BTX-PT group showed a longer duration of the clinical benefit (118.8 vs. 99.1 days) and needed a lower dose of BTX at reinjection (284.5 vs. 325.5 units). In addition, they showed more marked reductions in their disability in activities of daily living (-9.7 vs. -4.85 points) and subjective pain (-13.35 vs. 6.95 points) scores. Association of BTX-A therapy with a specific program of physical therapy may improve ICD treatment outcome.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the effectiveness of early orthodontic treatment with the Twin-block appliance for the developing Class II Division 1 malocclusion. This multicenter trial was carried out in the United Kingdom. A total of 174 children, aged 8 to 10 years old, with Class II Division 1 malocclusion were randomly allocated to receive treatment with a Twin-block appliance or to an untreated, control group. Data were collected at the start of the study and 15 months later. Results showed that early treatment with Twin-block appliances resulted in reduction of overjet, correction of molar relationships, and reduction in severity of malocclusion. Most of this correction was due to dentoalveolar change, but some was due to favorable skeletal change. Early treatment with the Twin-block appliance is effective in reducing overjet and severity of malocclusion. The small change in the skeletal relationship might not be considered clinically significant.  相似文献   
Quebec strain of C. difficile in 7 provinces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The portrayal of alcohol was examined in a systematic sampleof 50 programmes broadcast on British television. Four out offive programmes contained visual or verbal references to alcohol.On average, there was a reference to alcohol in every 6 minutesof programming. The programmes showed more alcohol being consumedthan soft drinks or beverages, but there were few referencesto the hazards of alcohol consumption. The main recommendationis that television companies should accept a responsibilityfor presenting a more realistic and healthier approach to theuse of alcohol in Britain  相似文献   
Reprinted from Sexuality Update, a publication of The National Task Force On Sexuality and Disability of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol 2, No. 1, 1989.  相似文献   
Back pain among nurses is a common problem. Prior studies of this problem have been based on cross-sectional or retrospective data. This 18-month prospective study involving nurses newly graduated from nursing school investigated personal, worksite, and training factors associated with future risk of back pain. Each nurse underwent a preliminary interview and periodic follow-ups to identify those with back injuries. Contingency tables and logistic regression analyses demonstrated that prior significant back pain episodes (evidenced by previous job changes because of back pain, frequent medication use, etc.) were associated with increased future risk. Training at nursing school or on the job did not have a protective effect. This pilot study therefore suggests factors useful in placement and counseling of new nurses and indicates the need for further implementation of mechanical lift assist device use. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In an Italian hospital, we observed that hand hygiene was performed in 638 (19.6%) of 3,253 opportunities, whereas gloves were worn in 538 (44.2%) 1,218 of opportunities. We observed an inverse correlation between the intensity of care and the rate of hand hygiene compliance (R2=0.057; P<.001), but no such association was observed for the rate of glove use compliance (R2=0.014; P=.078). Rates of compliance with hand hygiene and glove use recommendations follow different behavioral patterns.  相似文献   
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