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Objective: To explore the therapeutic methods, surgical indications and clinical practice of minimally invasive surgery on traumatic epidural hematoma (EDH). Methods: Retrospective study was made on 135 patients with traumatic EDH admitted into our hospital from June 2002 to August 2005. Sixty-five patients were treated with mini-invasive negative pressure drainage (treatment group), 70 patients with comparable condition used traditional craniotomy (control group ). The mean time of operation, average days in hospital, expenditure and prognosis of two groups were recorded and analyzed. Results: There was no significant difference in therapeutic efficacy between two groups. Patients in treatment group had a shorter hospital stay and less expenditure than those in control group. Conclusion: Mini-invasive negative pressure drainage is simple, effective, economical and applicable to some traumatic EDH patients.  相似文献   
瘢痕疙瘩的治疗进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
瘢痕疙瘩确切的发病机制尚不清楚,迄今仍没有能达到完全满意的治疗方法,目前提倡根据临床表现施以综合治疗以提高疗效,文章对多年来国内外瘢痕疙瘩治疗方法予以分类综述,为临床提供参考。  相似文献   
本文就双源CT的市场需求、特点和用途进行了详细分析,为医院引进双源CT提供参考。  相似文献   
目的报道应用掌背动脉逆行岛状皮瓣修复多手指软组织缺损的方法。方法应用掌背动脉逆行岛状皮瓣修复手指软组织缺损16例38指。结果术后16例38块皮瓣全部存活。随访时间为4个月~1年,皮瓣外形优良,不臃肿,皮瓣两点分辨觉为5~9mm。供区植皮成活,掌背有环形瘢痕,少许色素沉着。结论掌背动脉逆行岛状皮瓣操作方便,易切取,损伤小,不牺牲主干动脉,手术可同时切取多块皮瓣修复多指软组织缺损,是修复多手指皮肤软组织缺损的良好方法。  相似文献   
Both mice and rabbits immunized with dengue virus E protein peptide spanning amino acids 100–119 (D4E) produced antibodies that reacted not only with the D4E peptide itself but also with human plasminogen, as shown by ELISA and Western blot. Sera from dengue virus-hyperimmunized mice and dengue patients also contained antibodies against D4E and plasminogen. Furthermore, such sera all contained plasmin inhibitory activity. Using affinity-purified anti-D4E antibodies and free D4E peptide for competitive inhibition, we demonstrated that the inhibition of plasmin activity was due to anti-D4E antibodies rather than other substances in the sera. Taken together, these results suggest dengue virus E protein amino acids 100–119 are a cross-reactive immunogenic region, and antibodies against this region may interfere with human fibrinolysis.  相似文献   
本文通过人精浆对PHA、ConA和PWM三种丝裂原诱导淋巴细胞转化反应的影响,间接了解HSP对T辅助、T抑制和B淋巴细胞功能的影响,结果发现不同浓度的精浆对三种丝裂原诱导的淋转反应均有明显抑制作用(P<0.05),且三种浓度HSP的抑制作用在无显著性差异(P>0.05);中浓度的精浆对PHA、ConA和PWM诱导转反应的抑制率分别为69.7、51.7和48.3%,说明精浆对机体的T辅助、T抑制性和B淋巴细胞功能均有明显的抑制作用。此外,还对精浆的免疫抑制作用机理和意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   
随着国家对居民户口管理政策放宽及城市经济发展的需要 ,城市规模逐渐扩大 ,人口 (包括流动人口 )数量成倍增长 ,城市垃圾产量逐渐增多 ,新建垃圾填埋场及垃圾转运站 (下称转运站 )工程将大量增多。为提高新建垃圾转运站工程的各项卫生指标达标率 ,笔者就近年来参与转运站工程设计卫生审核的体会 ,提出转运站工程设计卫生审核的几点意见 ,供商榷。1 概况国内目前多数城市生活垃圾的处理 ,采用的是直接运输与填埋相结合的方式 ,由收集车到市区内将垃圾收集后 ,运到垃圾处理场填埋。这种方式在垃圾填埋场与城市相距不远时还比较适用 ,但当城…  相似文献   
目的:探讨前不均倾位的诊断及处理方法,以期提高临床医师对前不均倾位的认识。方法:对我院1995年1月~2006年11月收治的51例前不均倾产妇的发病年龄、胎产次、发病原因、临床表现、母儿产时产后并发症及诊治方法进行分析。结果:50例前不均倾均以剖宫产结束分娩、母婴安全。1例自然分娩。结论:前不均倾位产时并发症多,不易做出早期诊断,对母婴危害大,难以经过阴道分娩,诊断一旦明确,应及时行剖宫产终止妊娠。  相似文献   
我院创建于1938年,当时名叫“寸金公共医院”,座落在名闻遐迩的寸金桥畔。经过66年的建设和发展,现有职工1300多人,其中副高以上技术职称的188人;享受国务院特殊津贴的专家8人,省市突出贡献专家4人。医院开放病床l000张,拥有一大批高精尖诊疗设备,是一所集医疗、教学、科研、急救、康复、保健于一体的湛江市属三级综合医院。  相似文献   
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