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Cultured keratinocytes were used as allografts on burn wounds in two patients. In both patients successful covering of the wounds was obtained. DNA fingerprinting of the epidermis covering the wounds 21 days later showed that the cultured keratinocytes were replaced by the patients' cells.  相似文献   
In experiments on albino rats it was established that three administrations of indomethacin in a dose of 0.01 g/kg body weight induced a severe damage of the liver characterized by disturbances of hepatocytic membranes, bile-producing and protein-producing functions of the liver, an enhancement of lipid peroxidation, a decrease of reduced glutathione pool. Antioxidants (tocopherol acetate, essentiale, legalon, flacumin) limit manifestations of indomethacin, hepatotoxicity, as a result of which tha functional-biochemical disorders in the liver show up to a lesser degree. During the combined use of antioxidants in indomethacin-induced lesions of the liver their hepatoprotective activity increases.  相似文献   
PCP and related compounds inhibit 3H-mazindol binding to the cocaine receptor on dopamine transporters. The relative potencies of these compounds are such that some of the behavioral effects of PCP could be related to its action at the cocaine receptor; however, the affinity of PCP at the cocaine site (Ki = 1.59 microM) is less than its affinity at its own receptor (Ki about 0.12 microM). More data will be needed to conclusively implicate the cocaine receptor in the action of PCP.  相似文献   
Neuromuscular junctions (NJs) of fin muscles of teleostean fishes, Lebistes reticulatus, were ultrastructurally analyzed during 60 min of chronic exercise and a subsequent period of 90 min of induced recovery. NJs from 30-min-exercised fishes showed an almost complete depletion of synaptic vesicles (SVs), corresponding to 83% of SV consumption; 76% of axon terminals were branched at the end of this period. During the recovery period, it was possible to observe the reversibility of the changes induced by the exercise and the transitory events that lead to the reacquirement of the normal NJ morphology. After 15 min of rest, SV population increased to a value of 54.6 SVs/micron2 and the percentage of branched axons was 66.5%. At 60 min of recovery the number of SVs reached a value of 84.6 SVs/micron2. The SV population was fully reestablished at 80 min of rest, while the percentage of branched axons was found within normal ranges after 90 min of recovery. These results demonstrate that chronic exercise induced physiological depletion of NJ SVs and other axon terminal morphological changes, as well as that postexercise rest induces the reestablishment of the normal NJ morphology.  相似文献   
We report a case of left iliofemoral vein thrombosis with extension to the inferior vena cava associated with giant right hydronephrosis secondary to ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Surgery revealed marked infrarenal vena caval compression and deviation to the left side caused by the dilated right renal pelvis, with resultant kinking of the origin of the left iliac vein. It is postulated that the reduction in blood flow caused by this compression and distortion predisposed this patient to venous thrombosis.  相似文献   
The amount of endothelial cell loss that occurs to the donor cornea during the trephination process was evaluated in 40 porcine eyes. A vital staining technique (alizarin red S and acid violet 19) was used to quantify the extent of endothelial damage and removal. Two types of corneal punches (Weck and H&I0 were used for trephination. The average amount of endothelial loss from the peripheral cornea was 7.9%, accounting for only a 3% loss of endothelial cells over the total surface area of the corneal button. a comparison of the Weck and H&I corneal punches showed no significant difference (P greater than 0.1) by Student's test for both endothelial cell damage and removal.  相似文献   
The acting or interim leadership position has been neglected in terms of selection, role identification, and status. Individuals, programs, and organizations are paying a price for this inattention.  相似文献   
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