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In routine parentage tests, trio analyses (father-mother-child) are preferred. Under certain circumstances, laboratories may have to perform duo analysis (without mother/father). However, duo analyses increase the risk of false inclusions. This paper aimed to evaluate the false inclusion risks of duo analyses in the Turkish population from the point of forensic applications and the Turkish judicial system. Children from 400 previously analysed cases were compared separately with fathers and mothers of other cases by using a computer programme. From the total 345,006 comparisons, in 16 comparisons, no Short Tandem Repeat (STR) mismatch was observed at 15 STR loci between the child and an unrelated parent. In other words, duo tests provided a coincidental second mother or father to 16 children. In almost all of these cases, the probabilities of paternity estimation values are greater than Turkish Judicial System’s parentage acceptance limit, which is 99.73%. According to results, we suggested that trio cases should be performed as much as possible and the parentage acceptance limit, which is 99.73%, should be re-evaluated by a law maker’s commission to prevent false inclusion parentage cases in Turkey.  相似文献   
Many existing DNA repositories do not have robust characterizations of smoking, while for many currently ongoing studies, the advent of vaping has rendered traditional cotinine‐based methods of determining smoking status unreliable. Previously, we have shown that methylation status at cg05575921 in whole blood DNA can reliably predict cigarette consumption. However, whether methylation status in saliva can be used similarly has yet to be established. Herein, we use DNA from 418 biochemically confirmed smokers or nonsmokers to compare and contrast the utility of cg05575921 in classifying and quantifying cigarette smoking. Using whole blood DNA, a model incorporating age, gender, and methylation status had a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) area under the curve (AUC) for predicting smoking status of 0.995 with a nonlinear demethylation response to smoking. Using saliva DNA, the ROC AUC for predicting smoking was 0.971 with the plot of the relationship of DNA methylation to daily cigarette consumption being very similar to that seen for whole blood DNA. The addition of information from another methylation marker designed to correct for cellular heterogeneity improved the AUC for saliva DNA to 0.981. Finally, in 31 subjects who reported quitting smoking 10 or more years previously, cg05575921 methylation was nonsignificantly different from controls. We conclude that DNA methylation status at cg05575921 in DNA from whole blood or saliva predicts smoking status and daily cigarette consumption. We suggest these epigenetic assessments for objectively ascertaining smoking status will find utility in research, clinical, and civil applications.  相似文献   
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