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A technique is described which permits rapid processing of neural tissue for light microscopic analysis of sections of 1-40 microns thickness. This technique was developed as an alternative to paraffin embedding. When compared to paraffin, polyethylene glycol (PEG) offers the following advantages: 10-15 degrees C lower embedding temperatures, net tissue shrinkage of less than 5% vs approximately 50% in paraffin, and approximately one-half the embedding time. Tissue orientation during embedding and sectioning is particularly easy to control, e.g. 500 microns brain slices can be routinely flat-embedded and sectioned at 5 microns to form excellent ribbons. Since PEG is water-soluble, tissue may be dehydrated with a series of aqueous PEG solutions; the embedding matrix is easily removed by washing with a variety of aqueous buffers. These procedures allow subsequent electron microscopic analysis of material with generally well preserved ultrastructure. However, PEG is hygroscopic, thus tissue blocks become soft and difficult to section in high (greater than 90%) relative humidity. PEG was found to be compatible with intracellular staining with Lucifer yellow, horseradish peroxidase enzyme histochemistry, aqueous histofluorescence and immunocytochemical demonstration of neuronal peptides and glial fibrillary acidic protein.  相似文献   
Recent electrophysiological experiments have suggested that electrical stimulation of an area dorsolateral to the rat supraoptic nucleus (SON) activates a cholinergic pathway to the vasopressin neurons of the SON. As no detailed information is available concerning the distribution and projections of the cholinergic neurons in this area, we have sought to provide this using a combination of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunocytochemistry and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) histochemistry. In some cases, these techniques were applied to the same neurons. Almost all neurons just outside of the SON that showed ChAT-like immunoreactivity also stained densely for AChE. These cells were distributed in a region dorsolateral to the SON. Light, punctate AChE staining around SON neurons was observed predominantly in the more ventral and posterior parts of the nucleus and were suggestive of synaptic terminals. Cholinergic fibres were found to enter the SON mainly from a lateral direction, turning in an anterior or posterior direction inside the nucleus. These results support the conclusion of earlier studies that the major cholinergic input to the SON arises in its immediate vicinity. We hypothesize that these ChAT/AChE-positive neurons are those responsible for cholinergically mediated, osmotically-stimulated release of vasopressin.  相似文献   
Platelets from diabetic humans and animals have been found previously to be hypersensitive to agonists, including thrombin, in vitro but it is unclear if this hypersensitivity also occurs in vivo and leads to a greater thrombotic tendency. In the present study, the effect of diabetes was examined on thrombus formation and vessel wall responses which result from continuous intimal injury induced by indwelling aortic catheters in rabbits. Platelet and fibrin(ogen) associated with the thrombus and damaged aortae were examined. Control or alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits (9-12 months after initial treatment) were injected with 51Cr-labeled autologous platelets and 125I-labeled fibrinogen (prepared from control rabbits) before insertion of indwelling aortic catheters. The anesthetized rabbits were perfused-fixed after 20 hr or 4 days. The dry weight of thrombus that formed was determined and platelet and fibrin(ogen) accumulation in thrombi and on injured aortae were calculated from the associated 51Cr and 125I, respectively. In diabetic rabbits, more platelets accumulated in the thrombi which formed after either 20 hr or 4 days, although the weight of thrombus and net fibrin(ogen) incorporation into the thrombus were not different from corresponding control rabbits. Net platelet and fibrin(ogen) association with the injured aortae were not different between control and diabetic rabbits. It is likely that the increased platelet accumulation in arterial thrombi in diabetic rabbits which results from continuous injury to aortae is a consequence of hypersensitivity of these platelets to thrombin generated in the thrombus and at the sites of vessel injury.  相似文献   
An extremely close association exists between the membranes of the neurosecretory endings and the resident astrocytes (pituicytes) of the neurohypophysis. Indeed, synaptoid contacts involving neurosecretory vesicle-containing axons contacting pituicytes have been observed, suggesting pituicytes as targets of the products released from neurosecretory axons. We have investigated the effects of various neural lobe peptides on pituicytes in primary culture from adult neurohypophyses. Using Fura-2 loaded cells and dynamic ratio imaging, we have determined that arginine vasopressin (AVP) or V1- but not V2-receptor agonists, mobilise pituicyte intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. AVP was consistently effective at concentrations of 10 nM or higher in elevating [Ca2+]i by 200-1000 nM. These responses could be blocked by V1-antagonists and were shown to be associated with accumulation of phosphoinositides. Oxytocin was also found to mobilise [Ca2+]i but was effective only at higher concentrations than for AVP. Oxytocin-evoked [Ca2+]i elevations were also blocked by V1-antagonists. Raising [K+]0 was ineffective in changing [Ca2+]i suggesting that these cells lack voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. We conclude that pituicytes possess V1-receptors, activation of which mobilises [Ca2+]i, possibly functioning to initiate a Ca(2+)-activated K+ conductance which could contribute to further depolarisation of secretory terminals and facilitate exocytosis.  相似文献   
The distribution and behavior of the rabbit plasma proteins albumin, fibrinogen, and antithrombin III (ATIII) (isoforms alpha and beta), have been examined in groups of alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits and control rabbits. By injecting radiolabeled preparations intravenously, measurements of plasma clearance, rates of catabolism, and compartmental distribution were made for each protein. In addition, after allowing the radiolabeled proteins to circulate for 12 hours, we excised aortas after exsanguination and determined the content of these proteins in the endothelium and subendothelium. The respective fractional catabolic rates of ATIII-alpha and ATIII-beta were similar in the diabetic and control rabbits, but fibrinogen and albumin were catabolized more slowly in the diabetic rabbit than in the control rabbit. The distributions of albumin and the ATIII isoforms between the intravascular, noncirculating vascular, and extravascular compartments in the diabetic rabbit were similar to the respective proteins in the control rabbit, but a smaller proportion of fibrinogen was associated with the vascular compartment of the diabetic rabbit when compared with that in the control rabbit. At 12 hours after injection, the quantities of fibrinogen and albumin associated with the diabetic aorta endothelium and particularly the subendothelium were increased, whereas ATIII-alpha and ATIII-beta were decreased relative to the control aorta. The fibrinogen-to-ATIII ratio in the diabetic aorta was increased twofold to threefold when compared with that in the control aorta. We conclude that the increased ratio of fibrinogen to ATIII in the aorta wall of the diabetic rabbit may be characteristic of the prothrombotic state that is conspicuous in insulin-dependent diabetes.  相似文献   
Electrotonic coupling is one mechanism which may coordinate the electrophysiological activity of a population of neurons. By measuring the incidence of dye coupling, we have investigated whether conditions that stimulate hormone secretion by hypothalamic magnocellular neuroendocrine cells affect coupling between these neurons. Neurons in the magnocellular regions of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), in slices prepared from normally hydrated or chronically dehydrated male rats, were intracellularly injected with the fluorescent dye Lucifer Yellow CH. The dye coupling index (DCI), the ratio of the number of dye-coupled neurons to the total number of filled cells, was determined for each treatment group. The DCI for slices from dehydrated animals incubated in 310 milliosmoles/kg of medium (0.121) was significantly lower than that for slices for hydrated animals incubated in medium of the same osmolality (0.333). This decrease was reversed when slices from dehydrates were incubated in medium having an osmolality of 340 milliosmoles/kg (DCI = 0.307). There was also evidence for an interaction between slices incubated in the same chamber: the DCI in slices from dehydrated animals was significantly higher (0.475) when slices from normally hydrated rats were also present in the incubation chamber. Based on these data and on cited evidence, we suggest that the osmolality of the extracellular fluid and the local concentration of sex steroid hormones may influence dye coupling in the PVN.  相似文献   
Explants of adult rat neurohypophysis were maintained in culture for 14 days. The majority of cells present in the outgrowth of such cultures were identified as pituicytes on the basis of immunostaining for glial fibrillary acidic protein. Pituicytes were also stained by antisera to the membrane glycoprotein antigen Thy-1 and the extracellular matrix glycoprotein fibronectin. The cultures contained naloxone sensitive binding sites for the opioid receptor ligand [3H] dynorphin A 1-8 and peripheral-type benzodiazepine binding sites. Dynorphin binding was visualised over pituicytes following autoradiography. The morphology of cultured pituicytes was regulated by beta-adrenergic receptors present on the cells which, when activated, stimulated rapid transformation from a flattened irregular morphology to a stellate, process-bearing morphology. Dynorphin was without effect on the morphology of cultured pituicytes. These findings are discussed in the context of the known morphological plasticity of pituicytes in vivo.  相似文献   
Immunologically pure human transferrin type C (TfC) was isolated from the plasmas of 11 individual healthy donors. After conversion into the 2Fe-form, the preparations were analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. In all samples studied by either method the presence of three components, designated A, B and C, was observed. Calculations from eight chromatograms yielded the following relative proportions for the components: A:6%, B:62% and C:32%. The quantity of iron bound played no role in this chromatographic resolution. The components were immunologically identical but their sialic acid content increased in the order of A<B<C. The presence of galactose as an ultimate residue of the oligosaccharide chains in TfC component A was confirmed by a biological test. This observation, together with the results of earlier analyses for hexose, hexosamine and galactose in the subfractions from Behringwerke human transferrin, suggests that sialic acid is probably the only variable among TfC components A, B and C. Loss of sialic acid from component C during the isolation of TfC was excluded as an explanation for the presence of the other two components. The electrophoretic appearance of TfC samples from five patients with liver disease (chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosis or alcoholic liver) did not noticeably differ from that of TfC from healthy persons. Baboon transferrin resembles TfC with respect to sialic acid heterogeneity. This species was therefore studied to decide whether sialic acid is gradually lost from transferrin in the circulation or whether transferrin is not fully sialylated before discharge from the hepatocyte. Using DEAE-cellulose chromatography no difference was found between baboon transferrin molecules which were less than 6h old and those which had a mean age of 8.9 days. By inference it is suggested that the reason for the multiplicity of TfC is also likely to be biosynthetic.  相似文献   
Although the precise mechanism of action remains to be defined, Cyclosporin A (CsA) has demonstrated potential for neuroprotection in animal models. Predictive dosing strategies for CsA in acute traumatic brain injured (TBI) patients must account for the influence of the acute phase response on drug disposition. To characterize CsA pharmacokinetic parameters early following acute TBI, serial blood samples from patients enrolled into a Phase II dose-escalation trial were analyzed. Within eight hours of injury, thirty patients admitted with acute severe TBI were prospectively randomized into three cohorts (n = 8 CsA; n = 2 placebo per cohort) in this dose-escalation trial. Patients received one of three doses (I = 0.625 mg/kg/dose; II = 1.25 mg/kg/dose; III = 2.5 mg/kg/dose) or placebo intravenously every 12 h for 72 h. Serial blood collection began prior to dose 1 and continued for 72 h following the completion of six doses. Whole blood concentrations were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet (UV) detection. Pharmacokinetic parameters were determined for each patient by fitting the concentration-time profile to a two-compartmental model with first order elimination. Mean area under the curve and predicted maximal blood concentration increased with each dosing cohort (I = 9840 h*microg/L, 398 microg/L; II = 18300 h*microg/L, 645 microg/L; III = 32500 h*microg/L, 1300 microg/L). Whole blood clearance, steady state volume of distribution, and beta half-life were independent of dose and higher than published reports from other populations: 0.420 L/h/kg, 5.91 L/kg, and 17.3 h, respectively. These data show patients with acute severe TBI demonstrate a more rapid clearance and a larger distribution volume of CsA. Pharmacokinetic parameters derived from this study will guide dosing strategies for future prospective clinical trials evaluating CsA therapy following acute TBI.  相似文献   
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