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Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is the most severe complication of idiopathic inflammatory myositis (IIM), resulting in significant increase in morbidity and mortality and for which the best treatment remains controversial. We conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate the efficacy of therapies used for the management of IIM-related ILD.


Studies were selected from MEDLINE up to July 2017. Two investigators independently extracted data on study design, patient characteristics, clinical features, treatment, follow-up and outcomes. Global survival rates and objectively confirmed lung function improvements were extracted as the main outcome for rapidly progressive IIM-related ILD (RP-ILD) and chronic forms of ILD (C-ILD), respectively, and pooled using the weighted mean proportion with fixed or random-effects models in case of significant heterogeneity (I2?>?50%).


Twenty-seven studies encompassing 553 patients (male: 30.5%, age: 53.5?±?5.5?years) were included in the meta-analysis. Globally, retrieved studies were of limited methodological quality (no controlled studies and only 2 prospective studies). Dermatomyositis (40%) and anti-tRNA synthetase syndrome (45%) were the most represented IIM subtypes. In C-ILD, functional improvement rates were 89.2% (95%CI 82.5–93.6; 7 studies, n?=?124) for corticosteroids alone, 80.7% (95%CI 49.6–94; 6 studies, n?=?38) for cyclosporine A, 64.1% (95%CI 46.3–78.7; 4 studies, n?=?32) for azathioprine, 86.2% (95%CI 61.5–96; 2 studies, n?=?23) for tacrolimus, 56.4% (95%CI 44–68.0; 8 studies, n?=?71) for cyclophosphamide, and 76.6% (95%CI 50.4–96.0; 2 studies, n?=?20) for rituximab. In RP-ILD, survival rates at 3?months were 51.7% (95%CI 24.2–78.1; 2 studies, n?=?11) for corticosteroids alone, 69.2% (95%CI 55.0–80.5; 8 studies, n?=?146) for cyclosporine A and 72.4% (95%CI 6.4–99.0, 2 studies, n?=?16) for cyclophosphamide.


Despite aggressive immunosuppressive therapies, the short-term mortality of RP-ILD remains high. While immunosuppressive therapies are associated with significant functional improvements in most patients with C-ILD, substantial uncertainty remains about the best treatment strategy in the absence of good quality evidence.  相似文献   
We report on a consanguineous Brazilian couple whose 2 children had tibial aplasia-ectrodactyly. Femoral bifurcation was present in one of the affected children. The relationship of tibial aplasia-ectrodactyly to the Gollop-Wolfgang complex is discussed. Clinical and genetic aspects of the conditions involving tibial aplasia and femoral bifurcation are discussed.  相似文献   
Between 1965 and 1986 we saw 36 children with enuresis and urinary tract infection in association with “inversion” of facial expression when laughing. Urologic work-up of these patients disclosed characteristic findings of mild neuropathic bladder in all cases, with severe urinary tract damage in most of them. The clear association of distortion in facial expression and neuropathic bladder with resultant damage to the genitourinary tract should prompt urological evaluation of individuals with “inversion” of facial expression. About two thirds of the patients also had moderate to severe constipation. We suggest the term urofacial syndrome for this disorder. The occurrence of the disorder in multiple sibs, normal parents, increased parental consanguinity, and equal sex ratio indicate autosomal recessive inheritance.  相似文献   
The infectious power of Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. hominis was explored by inoculating SCID mice intranasally with either P. carinii f. sp. hominis or P. carinii f. sp. muris isolates. Only mice inoculated with mouse parasites developed Pneumocystis pneumonia, as assessed by microscopy and PCR. These results suggest that humans do not contract pneumocystosis from animals.  相似文献   
In this study we examined several behavioral, personality, and cognitive characteristics of boys with FG syndrome. We confirmed high rates of attention and activity level problems, which were described previously. Nine of the 11 patients met criteria for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The boys did not manifest autistic behavior, and none met criteria for an autism spectrum disorder, though their parents reported substantial repetitive behavior. The personalities of the participants often were described as friendly, good-natured, and cheerful, but they did not differ empirically on a standardized measure of personality structure from typically developing comparison children, even after controlling for the effects of IQ. Specifically, higher rates of agreeableness and extraversion were not confirmed, though these constructs do not correspond perfectly with the traits of affability and gregariousness described in earlier published case studies of FG syndrome. In terms of neuropsychological assessment, the boys had relatively less developed language, fine motor, and executive function skills, and visual-spatial abilities were a relative strength. Limitations and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


Principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square (PLS) regression may be useful to summarize the HIV genotypic information. Without pre-selection each mutation presented in at least one patient is considered with a different weight. We compared these two strategies with the construction of a usual genotypic score.  相似文献   
Despite initiatives to standardize methods for the development of clinical guidelines, several barriers hinder their integration in daily clinical practice: failure to fulfil quality criteria, poor effectiveness of their dissemination. Computerization of guidelines can favor their dissemination. The initial step of computerization is the knowledge specification from the text of the guideline. We describe the method of knowledge specification, which is used in EsPeR (Personalized Estimate of Risks), a web-based decision support system in preventive medicine, which allows, for a given person, to estimate risks and access recommendations, based on clinical profile. This method is based on a structured and systematic analysis of text allowing detailed specification of a decision tree. We use decision tables to validate the decision algorithm and decision trees to specify this algorithm, along with elementary messages of recommendation. Editing tools are used to facilitate the process of validation and the workflow between expert physicians and computer scientists. Applied to eleven different guidelines, the method allows a quick and valid computerization and integration in the EsPeR system. The method used for computerization could help to define a framework usable at the initial step of guideline development in order to produce guidelines ready for electronic implementation.  相似文献   
Etiological research spanning domains of inquiry as diverse as social psychology and molecular genetics has identified a number of potential factors that likely contribute to the development and clinical manifestation of schizophrenia. In this article, we first highlight the challenges inherent in developing cogent etiological models that represent both the diversity of suspected causal influences and their mechanisms of action. Then, using our own research program as a heuristic context, we present a general analytical framework for identifying and integrating multiple types of etiologic factors across different levels of analysis in the prediction of schizophrenia. In recognition of the myriad complexities of multifactorial causation, we argue that a multilevel causal perspective is required for the development and advancement of a fully nuanced theory of schizophrenia etiology and pathophysiology.  相似文献   
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