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In order to examine the pathology in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS), the nonlinear properties of respiratory movement and breath-to-breath variations during resting wakefulness with eyes closed was investigated. Recording of the respiratory movement using inductive plethysmography was performed on 14 patients with OSAHS and 13 control subjects for 2 h in the supine position during daytime. To calculate the correlation dimension (D2) for respiratory movement, an algorithm proposed by Grassberger and Procaccia was applied. The indices of breath-to-breath variations were estimated. To calculate D2 and breath-to-breath variations, two different segments were selected (200 s each). The value of D2 for respiratory movement in patients with OSAHS was significantly greater than that in control subjects. In the case of > or = 2.0 of D2 for respiratory movement, the sensitivity and specificity of detecting the presence of OSAHS was 85.7% and 76.9%, respectively. On the basis of breath-to-breath variations, only the coefficient of variation of expiratory time for respiratory movement in patients with OSAHS was significantly greater than that in the control subjects. In conclusion, the measurements of correlation dimensions for respiratory movement with a brief period during wakefulness may be a useful index for identifying patients with obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome.  相似文献   
The topical organization of thalamic projections to the second and fourth somesthetic areas in the anterior ectosylvian gyrus of the cat has been studied using the technique of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. The projections of the posterolateral and posteromedial ventral nuclei (VPL, VPM) to the second somesthetic area (SII) are organized somatotopically. The posterior portion of SII (hindlimb area) receives fibers mainly from the dorsolateral part of VPL, the middle portion of SII (forelimb area) from the ventromedial part of VPL, and the anterior portion of SII (face area) from VPM. These topical projections are more loosely organized and less densely arranged than those to the first somesthetic area. The SII receives a few fibers from the medial geniculate nucleus, particularly its magnocellular and dorsal principal parts, and from the suprageniculate nucleus. The posterior part of SII lying near the secondary auditory area receives many fibers from the medial geniculate and suprageniculate nuclei, and only a few fibers from the lateral central and paracentral nuclei. The fourth somesthetic area (SIV), located in the dorsal bank of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus, receives fibers mainly from the dorsal principal and magnocellular parts of the medial geniculate nucleus, and from the suprageniculate nucleus. The SIV receives a fair number of fibers from VPL and VPM roughly in a somatotopical manner. The posterior portion of SIV receives fibers chiefly from the dorsolateral part of VPL, the middle portion of SIV from the ventromedial part of VPL, and the anterior portion from VPM. In addition, SIV receives a few fibers from the lateral central, paracentral, ventral lateral and ventral medial nuclei. The SIV, together with the most posterior part of SII, forms an auditory area, receiving many fibers from the medial geniculate and suprageniculate nuclei, and a few fibers from the intralaminar nuclei.  相似文献   
False aneurysms after aortic operations.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Between 1980 and August 1991, we encountered 11 non-infected aortic pseudoaneurysms after aortic surgery. The interval between the initial operation and revision varied from 1.8 to 26.8 years (mean 15.2 years). Three were found more than 20 years after operation. Pulling off of and degrading of the silk sutures were considered to be the causes. All patients underwent operative correction without mortality. In thoracic aortic pseudoaneurysm repair, a temporary bypass between the right axillary artery and left external iliac artery was generally adopted. There was no need for heparinization with this technique.  相似文献   
Seroepidemiologic, clinical, and virologic studies were performed to determine whether human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I was closely associated with uveitis in two hospitals. One hospital was in an endemic area of the virus (Miyakonojo, Miyazaki) and the other hospital was in a less endemic area (Kurume). In the endemic area, the seroprevalence of the virus in patients with uveitis without defined causes (35.4%, 62 of 175 patients) was significantly higher than that in patients with nonuveitic ocular diseases (16.1%, 42 of 261 patients), or in patients with uveitis with defined causes (10.3%, eight of 78 patients). The seroprevalence in younger patients (20 to 49 years of age) with uveitis without defined causes in the area was 44.8% (30 of 67 patients), whereas it was only 9.3% (ten of 107 patients) in the other two groups. A similar observation was recorded even in the less endemic area (Kurume). Because the seroprevalence of the virus in the general population is known to be low in younger patients and to increase with age, these findings were interpreted to indicate that the association of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I with uveitis was significant. Most patients, particularly those aged 20 through 49 years, had an intermediate uveitis characterized by a moderate inflammation in the vitreous body accompanied by an iritis and retinal vasculitis. The ocular symptoms in the patients differed from those of other types of uveitis common in Japan (Beh?et's disease, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada's disease, and toxoplasmosis, for example).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
HTLV-I uveitis: a distinct clinical entity caused by HTLV-I.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Seroepidemiological, clinical and virological studies were carried out in an HTLV-I endemic area to find out if HTLV-I caused an intraocular inflammatory disorder, uveitis. The seroprevalence in patients with uveitis without defined etiologies (62/175, 35.4%) was significantly higher than that in patients with non-uveitic ocular diseases (42/261, 16.1%) or in patients with uveitis with defined etiologies (8/78, 10.3%). Moreover, the seroprevalence in young adults (20-49 years) with uveitis without defined etiologies was 30/67 (44.8%), whereas it was only 10/107 (9.3%) in the other two groups. The uveitis in HTLV-I carriers was characterized clinically by a moderate inflammation of the vitreous body accompanied by a mild iritis and retinal vasculitis. The proviral DNA of HTLV-I was detected by polymerase chain reaction from the inflammatory cells in the anterior chamber in 9 out of 9 seropositive patients with the uveitis, but not in any of the tested patients with other types of uveitis. These data, thus, indicate that HTLV-I causes a specific type of intraocular inflammation, uveitis.  相似文献   
Isolated angitis of the central nervous system (IACNS) is rare condition with inflammation limited to vessels supplying the brain. This IACNS has been a poorly characterized and infrequently reported illness since it was first described as a separate entity in 1959. However, a patient with IACNS has not been reported in Japan. A patient, 39-year old-male, with IACNS limited to small and middle vessels is described. Recurrent, transient consciousness disturbances, focal myoclonus, papilloedema and temporal lobe epilepsy were observed during disease course. CSF finding of this patient showed lymphocytosis with marked increased protein. Carotid and vertebral angiogram showed irregular luminal outline in branches of all arteries. The most specific finding is that of alternating areas of focal stenosis and ectasia giving a "sausage" pattern. These characteristic findings showed in the branch of external carotid arteries. There was no evidence of systemic vasculitis by systemic angiography. Biopsy of temporal artery showed lymphocyte infiltration, fibrinoid necrosis without giant cell and granuloma. Formation of A-V malformation in the branch of external carotid artery was also observed. This histopathological finding was compatible with necrotizing angitis, not granulomatous angitis. Isolated angitis of the central nervous system was diagnosed. In spite of his administration of corticosteroid, cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities has not responded markedly. Abnormal findings of carotid and vertebral angiogram also has not changed. After 7 years from his onset, his neurologic signs and symptoms were well controlled with administration of anti-epileptic drugs.  相似文献   
The gene Bcl11b, which encodes zinc finger proteins, and its paralog, Bcl11a, are associated with immune-system malignancies. We have generated Bcl11b-deficient mice that show a block at the CD4-CD8- double-negative stage of thymocyte development without any impairment in cells of B- or gammadelta T cell lineages. The Bcl11b-/- thymocytes showed unsuccessful recombination of V(beta) to D(beta) and lacked the pre-T cell receptor (TCR) complex on the cell surface, owing to the absence of Tcrb mRNA expression. In addition, we saw profound apoptosis in the thymus of neonatal Bcl11b-/- mice. These results suggest that Bcl11b is a key regulator of both differentiation and survival during thymocyte development.  相似文献   
We investigated the relationship between Arc (activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein) and Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase II). Arc and CaM kinase II were concentrated in the postsynaptic density. These proteins were accumulated after electroconvulsive treatment. Arc increased about 2.5-fold within 30 min and was maintained at this level for 8h after the stimulation. CaM kinase II also increased within 30 min and remained at this level for at least 24h. The interaction of Arc with CaM kinase II was demonstrated using GST-Arc fusion protein, and confirmed in neuroblastoma cells by immunoprecipitation. We examined the function of Arc by introducing Arc cDNA into neuroblastoma cells expressing CaM kinase II. The cells expressing both Arc and CaM kinase II had longer neurites than those expressing CaM kinase II alone. Arc itself did not promote neurite outgrowth. The growth of neurites by Arc was completely blocked by treatment with KN62, an inhibitor of CaM kinases. These results indicated that Arc potentiated the action of CaM kinase II for neurite extension.  相似文献   
The first Japanese En(a-) individual (T.N.) was found by screening red cells from 250,000 Japanese blood donors with monoclonal anti-Ena. His serum contained no atypical antibodies and his partial red cell phenotype was M-N-S+s-, although a trypsin- resistant N antigen was detected. His red cells were En(a-) and Wr(b-), as determined by various human and mouse monoclonal antibodies. The absence of glycophorin A (GPA) and the presence of apparently normal glycophorin B (GPB) were demonstrated by immunoblotting with antibodies to the extracellular and cytoplasmic domain of GPA and to epitopes common to GPA and GPB. Sialic acid levels of T.N.'s intact red cells were substantially lower than those of control MN cells. Serologic tests suggested that both of T.N.'s parents were heterozygous for a recessive GPA deficiency gene.  相似文献   
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