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Summary:  The goal of this study was to develop a new model of ischemia-induced seizures in immature rats using injection of vasoconstrictor Endothelin-1 (ET-1) into the brain. ET-1 (10, 20, or 40 pmol) was infused into the left dorsal hippocampus of freely moving Wistar rats 12 (P12) and 25 (P25) days old. Animals were then video/EEG-monitored for 100 min and monitoring was repeated 22 h later. Parameters of electrographic seizures (frequency and mean duration) as well as pattern of their behavioral correlates were evaluated. The pattern of behavioral seizures was used to develop model-specific scoring system. Cresyl violet and Fluoro Jade-B-staining were used to evaluate brain damage. Extension of the lesion was correlated with seizure severity. After ET-1-injection, seizures occurred in 83–100% animals of all age-and-dose groups and persisted for 24 h except P12 rats with 10 pmol. There were no differences in average seizure duration (18–40 s) or seizure frequency (3–7 seizures/100 min) among individual dose-groups. Between the 1st and 2nd observation period, total seizure duration decreased in 71% of P12 and 47% of P25 rats. Electrographic seizure activity was most frequently accompanied by clonus, incidence of more severe convulsions (barrel rolling or generalized clonic seizures) increased with dose of ET-1. Morphologic examination did not reveal any dose-related difference in damage severity, hippocampal damage was however more extensive in P12 compared to P25 animals. Seizure severity correlated positively with severity of the damage in both age groups. Our study presents focal injection of ET-1 into the brain as a new and practical model of ischemia-induced seizures in immature rats.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of education on diabetes prevention in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. A total of 100 subjects of impaired glucose tolerance with hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels >/=5.5 to <6.1% were assigned randomly to either support or control groups. All subjects received education in 8 sessions over a 6-month period. The support group consisted of 10 members collaborating with a dietitian or a nurse who learned coping skills by employing a participant-centered approach. Participants in the support group were required to keep a diary that monitored weight, food intake and blood glucose levels, while the control group attended several lectures. Subjects assigned to the support group had a reduction in mean HbA1c levels from 5.77 +/- 0.36% at baseline to 5.39 +/- 0.24% at the endpoint (p<0.01). Weight, total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and triglyceride (TG) levels also decreased (p<0.01) in the support group, whereas subjects in the control group had no observable reduction in these indices. After intervention, participants of the support group had improvements in their 2-h post-meal blood glucose levels. Support group education can be effective for improving glycemic control in participants when carried out in collaboration with educators and other team members.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae uses different mechanisms to adapt to changes in environmental osmolarity. Upon hyperosmotic shock, cells first mobilize a rapid rescue system that prevents excessive loss of ions and water; then in the adaptation period they accumulate a compatible solute (glycerol). When subjected to hypoosmotic shock, they rapidly release intracellular stocks of glycerol to reduce intracellular osmolarity and prevent bursting. The plasma membrane Nha1 alkali metal cation/H+ antiporter is not important in helping the cells to survive a sudden drop in external osmolarity, but is involved in the cell response to hyperosmotic shock. For this role, its long hydrophilic C-terminus is indispensable. The capacity of the Nha1 antiporter to transport potassium is regulated by Hog1 kinase. Upon sorbitol-mediated stress, the Nha1p potassium export activity decreases in order to maintain a higher intracellular concentration of solutes. The C-terminal-less Nha1 version is not inactivated and its potassium efflux activity renders cells very sensitive to hyperosmotic shock. Taken together, our results suggest an important role of Nha1p and its C-terminus in the immediate response to hyperosmotic shock as part of the rapid rescue mechanism.  相似文献   
Interstitial deletions of chromosome 6q are a relatively rare finding. Deletions have ranged from the loss of a single band to larger deletions spanning multiple bands. The clinical phenotype varies, but some features commonly seen include cardiac anomalies, hypotonia, facial dysmorphism and mental retardation. To further delineate the syndrome, we report an infant with facial dysmorphism, ectrodactyly and tetralogy of Fallot owing to interstitial deletion 6q16.1-6q22.32. On array comparative genomic hybridization analysis, the deletion spanned from the 93 377 323rd base to the 127 650 582nd base on chromosome 6 [coordinates are based on Human Mar. 2006 (hg18) assembly of International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium]. A literature review identified 16 additional cases with overlapping interstitial deletions of chromosome 6q between q13 and q23.1. Genotype-phenotype correlations are considered.  相似文献   
Although most components of the mitochondrial translation apparatus are encoded by nuclear genes, all known molecular defects associated with impaired mitochondrial translation are due to mutations in mitochondrial DNA. We investigated two siblings with a severe defect in mitochondrial translation, reduced levels of oxidative phosphorylation complexes containing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-encoded subunits, and progressive hepatoencephalopathy. We mapped the defective gene to a region on chromosome 3q containing elongation factor G1 (EFG1), which encodes a mitochondrial translation factor. Sequencing of EFG1 revealed a mutation affecting a conserved residue of the guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding domain. These results define a new class of gene defects underlying disorders of oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   
A number of X chromosome DNA sequences have been isolated from a dioecious plant, Melandrium album (syn. Silene latifolia),using chromosome microdissection followed by degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction (DOP–PCR) amplification. Six DNA clones were selected and further characterized by DNA/DNA hybridization techniques to check their copy numbers, sex-specific methylation patterns, species specificity and positions on chromosomes. These clones were moderately to highly repetitive (approximately 103–105 copies per haploid genome) and none of them gave a positive signal on Northern blots. One of the clones yielded a sex-specific methylation pattern: its abundant non-methylated CCGG island was found only in males. All the clones also hybridized to two closely related dioecious Melandrium species (M. rubrum and M. dicline). Nucleotide sequences of two X-derived clones showed a number of internal short direct repeats; one of them strikingly resembled a plant conservative telomere sequence (TTTAGGG).None of the clones hybridized to the X chromosome only, but all were localized at the telomeric heterochromatic regions (DAPI C-bands) of both arms of a vast majority of M. album chromosomes using the fluorescencein situ hybridization (FISH) technique. However, the non-homologousarm of the Y chromosome (contrary to the arm homologous to the X chromosome,possessing the pseudoautosomal region) showed neither a DAPI C-banding-stained heterochromatin nor a FISH signal with any of the DNA probes tested,thus indicating its evolutionary diversification. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Certification represents the first line of defense against fruit tree viruses. For certification or surveys dealing with large number of samples, ELISA is still considered the technique of choice and requires a continuous supply of good quality antibodies. Prune dwarf virus (PDV) is among the major viruses affecting stone fruits; it belongs to the genus Ilarvirus named so for its isometric labile particles. Recombinant DNA technology was investigated for production of PDV antiserum to avoid labile virus purification and virus maintenance problems. The PDV coat protein gene (CP) was cloned into a protein expression bacterial plasmid vector which allowed a good level of expression of up to 2mg native protein/L culture. The recombinant PDV CP was injected into rabbits and the crude antiserum was successfully used in indirect ELISA at dilutions of up to 1:5000 to detect PDV in infected leaf samples. Similar results were obtained in dot blot immunoassays (DBIA). The antibodies were used in double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) and results were comparable to a reference commercial kit. The crude antiserum was efficiently used for coating ELISA plates, thereby reducing test costs.  相似文献   
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