Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is one of the most severe complications which is associated with connective tissue disease (CTD) and causes to morbidity and mortality. So, we aimed to determine serum levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-13, and IL-17, to investigate whether these cytokines are related to CTD-ILD, and to find their possible contribution to determining the prognosis of the disease.
A total of 150 participants, 80 patients diagnosed with CTD-ILD (mean age, 58.21?±?12.36) and 70 healthy controls (mean age, 57.07?±?9.60) were recruited from the rheumatology department between January 2016 and June 2019 in the study. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) findings were scored as similarly to previous studies. Serum IL-6, IL 13, and IL-17 levels were measured by ELISA test kits.
The levels of IL-6, IL-13, and IL-17 in CTD patients were significantly higher than the healthy individuals (p?<?001), but the HRCT score’s relation were not determined. IL-6 was associated with disease duration and disease activity scores of DAS28, ESDAII, and dSSc. There was a significant relation between dSSc, HCRT fibrosis, and total score.CRP, hemoglobin, and platelets were associated with the HRCT inflammation pattern.
At the study, it has been observed that serum IL-13, IL-6 and IL-17 levels are increased in patients with CTD-ILD. Besides, IL-6 was associated with disease activity scores of DAS28, ESDAII, and dSSc. Also, HRCT fibrosis score is associated with dSSc. Further and comprehensive studies are needed to understand better the complex intersection of lung disease with systemic autoimmunity.
Key Points ?Serum IL-13, IL-6, and IL-17 levels are increased in patients with CTD-ILD. ?IL-6 was associated with disease activity scores of DAS28, ESDAII, and diffuse skin involvement. ?HRCT fibrosis score is associated with diffuse skin involvement in patients with SSc-ILD. ?HRCT inflammation score is associated with PAH.
A knot occurred in a flow-directed balloon tipped (Swan-Ganz) catheter inserted through the right internal jugulary vein. Knot was undone using right Judkins catheter introduced via left jugulary vein approach. By passing through the loop of knot, right Judkins catheter was used to stabilize the knotted segment and knot was unknotted by gently pulling the Swan-Ganz Catheter. 相似文献
This study was conducted to evaluate the appropriateness of ambulance procedures and interventions in the management of patients
dispatched to 2 emergency departments (EDs) of urban hospitals in Izmir. Use of trauma boards and cervical collars, airway
patency, breathing, and circulation problems were recorded in both EDs. Eighty-one patients with a mean age of 47.54±2.36
years (range, 4–89) brought into the ED via ambulances were enrolled in the study. Airway maneuvers were performed in patients
with airway and breathing problems. There was no significant relationship between administration of IV fluids and the presence
of circulatory impairment (P=.053). A trauma board was used in 9 of 30 trauma cases (30%) and a cervical collar in 6 of 30
(20%). It was concluded that basic procedures used in the management of patients brought into the ED via ambulances were inadequate. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: The Kell blood group system comprises 21 antigens residing on a red cell membrane glycoprotein of apparent M(r) 93,000. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Serologic techniques were used to identify a new red cell antigen. The monoclonal antibody-specific immobilization of erythrocyte antigens (MAIEA) assay was used to identify the red cell membrane component carrying that antigen. RESULTS: A new high-frequency red cell antigen was identified and provisionally named RAZ. RAZ is absent from K.o red cells and from red cells treated with 2-amino- ethylisothiouronium bromide and is expressed weakly on McLeod phenotype cells. It differs from all other Kell system antigens, and no depression of other Kell system antigens on RAZ+ red cells was noticed. The RAZ antigen was shown by the MAIEA assay to be located on the Kell glycoprotein. CONCLUSION: RAZ is a new high-frequency antigen located on the Kell glycoprotein. The MAIEA assay is a very effective method of demonstrating the membrane structure carrying a red cell antigen. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Aeroallergen sampling provides information regarding the onset, duration and severity of the pollen season that clinicians use to guide allergen selection for skin testing and treatment. OBJECTIVES: This atmospheric survey reports (1) airborne pollen contributions in Adana in one-year period (2) pollen onset, duration and peak level (3) the relationship between airborne pollen and selected meteorological variables and; (4) effects on symptoms in pollen allergic children. METHODS: Pollen sampling was performed with a volumetric Burkard Spore Trap. Meteorological data were measured daily from April 2001 to April 2002. Asthma symptom scores were investigated in 186 pollen allergic children that were on follow up in pediatric allergy outpatient clinics during same period. RESULTS: Average measurements included 82.5% tree pollen, 7.7% grass pollen and 9.8% herb pollen 54 taxa were identified during one year. The most prominent tree pollens were Cupressaceae, Eucalyptus and Pinus. The most common herb was Chenopodiaceae pollen family. When airborne pollen levels were examined in relation to single meteorological conditions; daily variations in total pollen counts were not significantly correlated with any variable studied (humidity, rainfall, temperature and wind) (p > 0.05). On the other hand, statistically significant relationship between pollen concentration and symptom scores were found (p > 0.05). Positive correlations were seen between both Gramineae and Herb pollen, and humidity and rainfall from March to July. However, positive correlations were detected between tree pollen counts and temperature and humidity in May and June. CONCLUSION: This survey is the first volumetric airborne pollen analysis conducted in the survey area in Adana. This study suggested that the effects of weather on pollen count and symptom scores in this population could not be clearly identified with the evaluation of one-year data. However, pollen counts had effect on allergic symptoms in pollen allergic children. Examination of the complex interaction of multiple whether parameters would perhaps more fully elucidate the relationship between meteorology and aerobiology and provide the clinician with information necessary to forecast pollen prevalence. An awareness of the ever chancing, local aeroallergen patterns requires regular monitoring. Such awareness serves as a useful guide in the effective testing and treatment of atopic patients. 相似文献
Cystic adrenal masses are a relatively rare condition, and are usually nonfunctioning and asymptomatic. Differential diagnosis includes pheochromocytoma (PHEO) and adrenal carcinoma; 8-10% of patients with PHEO may be completely asymptomatic. Moreover, fewer than 10% of PHEOs secrete pure epinephrine. We report a case of a E-secreting pure cystic PHEO presenting with an incidental adrenal mass. A 49-year-old Turkish woman was hospitalized at Farabi Hospital for further examinations of a right adrenal cystic mass with a thick wall that was incidentally discovered by abdominal ultrasonography during examination for nausea, vomiting, headache, and angina-like chest pain in another hospital. On admission, her blood pressure was 100/60 mmHg. Tension Holter monitoring revealed paroximal hypertension (178/136 mmHg) and hypotension (78/54 mmHg) attacks. Of urinary catecholamines and its metabolites, only urine metanephrine was markedly increased, despite a urine epinephrine level near the upper limit of normal ranges. Abdominal computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging studies revealed a cystic round tumor approx 5 cm in diameter, located in the right adrenal gland. Right adrenalectomy was performed; the surgical specimen revealed pure cystic PHEO. Postoperatively, the urine metanephrine level returned to normal range and urine epineprine level was decreased approx 60%. In conclusion, a diagnosis of E-secreting PHEO should be considered in patients with nonspecific symptoms, presenting with an incidental cystic adrenal mass, even in the absence of hypertension. 相似文献
The aims of this study were to review the frequency, characteristics, and the clinical course of primary immunodeficiency (PID) patients admitted to pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and attempt to identify factors related with mortality that might predict a poor outcome.
We performed a retrospective review of children with PID aged 1 month to 18 years and admitted to PICU from January 2002 to January 2012 in our tertiary teaching children’s hospital.
There were a total of 51 patients accounting for 71 admissions to the PICU. The most common diagnosis was severe combined immunodeficiency. Respiratory problems were the leading cause for admission. A total of 20 patients received hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Immune reconstitution was achieved in 9 (45 %) patients and eight of them did survive. In all 56 % of all admission episodes resulted in survival. Risk factors for mortality included requirement of mechanical ventilation (P?<?.001), number of organ system failure (P?=?.013), need for renal replacement therapy (P?<?.001), use of inotropes (P?<?.001), higher Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction (PELOD) score (P?=?.005), and length of PICU stay (P?<?.001).
This is the first study regarding the outcome and mortality-related risk factors for PID patients requiring PICU admission. We suggest that PICU management is as important as early diagnosis and treatment for these patients. Prediction of those at risk for poorer outcome might be beneficial for accurate intensive care management and survival. 相似文献
Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the vasoreactivity in retina and choroid of the healthy eyes in response to experimentally altered partial arterial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) using a non-invasive technique, spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT).Materials and methods: The study included non-smoking participants between 18 and 35 years of age, having visual acuity of 20/20 and with no systemic and ocular diseases. At baseline, the participants breathed room air (normocapnia). Hypocapnia was created with the help of hyperventilation; for this, the participants were instructed to draw deep and quick breaths, resulting one breathing cycle per 2?s. To create hypercapnia subjects rebreathed from a 5?l bag at least 3?min. Choroidal thickness and retinal artery diameter were measured at baseline, and hyperventilation and rebreathing conditions by SD-OCT.Results: Twenty eyes of 20 healthy subjects were included in this study. Their mean age was 24.90?±?5.32 years. Hyperventilation caused a significant reduction in choroidal thickness, compared with baseline, at all points; whereas rebreathing caused no significant change at all points. The mean diameters of the arteries were 151.80?±?7.88?μm, with a significant decline to 148.90?±?7.25?μm at hyperventilation condition and a significant increase to 153.50?±?7.88?μm at rebreathing condition (p?=?0.018, p?=?0.043, respectively).Conclusion: This study demonstrated that, SD-OCT was a useful tool in measuring the ocular vascular response under hypercapnia and hypocapnia conditions. These findings may be helpful for further understanding the physiological nature of ocular blood flow and this preliminary study provides a basis for future studies. 相似文献