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Objective: Our aim is to evaluate the capacity of intrapartum translabial ultrasound (ITU) with pushing in the prediction of difficulty of fetal extraction in vacuum assisted deliveries. Prospective, observational study performed (2/2015–8/2015) on 75 nulliparous women, ≥37 weeks with singleton pregnancies at full dilatation who had ITU-with-pushing performed, previous to vacuum-placement for fetal extraction. Working on the translabial sagittal-plane, we assessed: Angle-Progression (AoP), Progression-Distance (PD) and Head-Direction (HD); in the axial plane we evaluated: Midline-Angle (MLA) and Head-Perineum-Distance (HPD). Vacuum extractions were classified as easy-difficulty (ED) (≤3 vacuum-pulls), difficult-unsuccessful (DD) (>3 vacuum-pulls). We did not assess occipito-posterior-presentations.

Results: Seventy nulliparous were studied (44-ED,26-DD). We observed no differences in obstetric, neonatal or intrapartum characteristics between the two study groups, with the following exceptions: newborn weight (3272?±?438?g versus 3540?±?372?g; p?=?0.011) and number of vacuum-pulls (1.4-ED-vs-4.4-DD; p?<?0.0005). AoP-pushing was 143.9°?±?14.6° in ED and 115.1°±?12.9° in DD (p?<?0.0005); Head-Up was 79.5% versus 38.4% (p?<?0.0005); PD-Pushing was 42.7?±?11.3?mm versus 30.4?±?9.8?mm (p?<?0.0005); MLA-Pushing was 27.6°±?26.6° versus 57.5°±26.5°(p=0.025); HPD-Pushing was 40.8?±?10.0?mm versus 47.4?±?10.9?mm (p?=?0.039).

Conclusion: We identified that the presence of an AoP-Pushing?>?128° predicts an Easy-Vacuum-Delivery (≤3 Vacuum-Pulls) in >85% of cases (Sen 80%–FPR 9.3%).  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine incidence trends and outcomes for pediatric patients with malignant breast disease. METHODS: The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results registry was examined for all females 19 years of age and younger diagnosed with a malignant breast tumor between 1973 and 2004. RESULTS: A total of 75 patients with malignant breast tumors were identified. Overall, 14.5% of patients had in situ tumors, and 85.5% had invasive disease. Tumors were classified as being either carcinomas (n = 41, 54.7%) or sarcomas (n = 34, 45.3%). The majority of sarcomatous lesions were phyllodes tumors (n = 29, 85.5%), whereas most carcinomas were of a ductal etiology (n = 19, 46.3%). The age-adjusted incidence of all malignant pediatric breast tumors in 2003 was 0.08 cases per 100,000 people (0.03 carcinoma and 0.06 sarcoma cases per 100,000 people). In the carcinoma group, regionally advanced disease was present in 11 patients (26.8%), whereas only 3 patients (7.3%) presented with metastatic disease. All patients with sarcomatous tumors presented with localized disease. Adjuvant radiation therapy was administered in only 9.8% of carcinomas and 8.8% of sarcomas, and 85.4% of carcinoma patients and 97.1% of sarcoma patients underwent surgical resection for their primary disease. Subgroup analysis revealed 5- and 10-year survival rates of 89.6% for patients with sarcomatous tumors and 63.1% and 54.3% for carcinomas. CONCLUSIONS: Malignant pediatric breast malignancies remain relatively rare. The two most common histologies of breast neoplasms in children are malignant carcinomas followed by sarcomas. Although uncommon, malignant disease must be considered in the differential diagnosis of the pediatric patient with a breast mass.  相似文献   
Objective The objective of the study was to determine the outcomes for primary gastrointestinal melanomas (PGIM). Material and methods The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database (1973–2004) was queried. Results Overall, 659 cases of PGIM were identified. The annual incidence of PGIM was approximately 0.47 cases per million in 2000. Overall median survival time was 17 months. Tumors were identified in the oral–nasopharynx (32.8%), anal canal (31.4%), rectum (22.2%), esophagus (5.9%), stomach (2.7%), small bowel (2.3%), gallbladder (1.4%), and large bowel (0.9%). Univariate analysis demonstrated age, tumor location, stage, surgery, and lymph node status were significant predictors of improved survival. MST has not been reached for tumors located in the large bowel, while tumors located in the stomach demonstrated the shortest median survival (5 months). Improvement in MST was observed for those patients undergoing surgical resection. The presence of lymph node involvement conferred a poorer prognosis. Multivariate analysis of the cohort identified that location, advanced tumor stage, failure to undertake surgical resection, positive lymph node status, and age were all independent predictors of poorer outcome. Conclusion PGIM occurs most often in the oral–nasopharynx and anal canal. Surgical extirpation is the only identifiable treatment modality that significantly improves survival.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: It is well documented that malnourished and/or obese surgical patients have increased morbidity and mortality post-operatively. Only a few studies investigating the effect of nutritional status on mortality are available pertaining to the transplant population. Since limited data are available on the nutritional status and its effects on mortality in the lung transplant population, we sought to ascertain whether there is an association between mortality and preoperative nutritional status. METHODS: We examined mortality during the first 3 months after transplantation. Patients were grouped by body mass index (BMI) categories as < 17 kg/m(2), 17 to < 20 kg/m(2), 20 to 25 kg/m(2) (reference group), > 25 to 27 kg/m(2), and > 27 kg/m(2). Additional risk factors retrieved from the pre-transplant records included age, gender, diagnosis, energy requirements, protein requirements, protein and caloric intake, and weight history. Logistic regression for univariate and multivariate analysis for mortality used recipient age, gender, disease category, pre-transplant cytomegalovirus (CMV) serology, transplant type (single or bilateral), and donor age, gender, and CMV serology. RESULTS: The likelihood estimates or odds ratios (ORs) of the risk of death within 90 days of lung transplantation for the BMI categories compared to the reference group were 3.7 for BMI < 17 kg/m(2) (p = 0.085), 1.6 for BMI < 17 to 20 kg/m(2) (p = 0.455), 3.5 for BMI > 25 to 27 kg/m(2) (p = 0.069), and 5.0 for BMI > 27 kg/m(2) (p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: In patients with a pre-transplant BMI < 17 kg/m(2) or > 25 kg/m(2) the risk of dying within 90 days post-transplant was increased. In patients with a pre-transplant BMI of > 27 kg/m(2) the risk was significantly higher in than the reference group.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: For persons with spinal cord injury (SCI), severe bodily pain is related to a lower quality of life. However, the effect of pain from a specific body region on quality of life has yet to be determined. The shoulder joint is a common site of pain among persons with SCI. Therefore, our purpose was to identify the relationship of self-reported shoulder pain with quality of life, physical activity, and community activities in persons with paraplegia resulting from SCI. METHODS: Eighty participants with shoulder pain who propel a manual wheelchair (mean age: 44.7 years; mean duration of injury: 20 years; injury level T1-L2) completed the following questionnaires: Wheelchair User's Shoulder Pain Index, Subjective Quality of Life Scale, Physical Activity Scale for Individuals with Physical Disabilities, and Community Activities Checklist. Correlations between shoulder pain scores and quality of life, physical activity, and community activities were determined using Spearman's rho test. RESULTS: Shoulder pain intensity was inversely related to subjective quality of life (r(s) =-0.35; P= 0.002) and physical activity (r(s) = -0.42; P < 0.001). Shoulder pain intensity was not related to involvement in community activities (r(s) = -0.07; P = 0.526). CONCLUSIONS: Persons with SCI who reported lower subjective quality of life and physical activity scores experienced significantly higher levels of shoulder pain. However, shoulder pain intensity did not relate to involvement in general community activities. Attention to and interventions for shoulder pain in persons with SCI may improve their overall quality of life and physical activity.  相似文献   


In 2009 the Department of Health instructed McKinsey & Company to provide advice on how commissioners might achieve world class National Health Service productivity. Asymptomatic inguinal hernia repair was identified as a potentially cosmetic procedure, with limited clinical benefit. The Birmingham and Solihull primary care trust cluster introduced a policy of watchful waiting for asymptomatic inguinal hernia, which was implemented across the health economy in December 2010. This retrospective cohort study aimed to examine the effect of a change in clinical commissioning policy concerning elective surgical repair of asymptomatic inguinal hernias.


A total of 1,032 patients undergoing inguinal hernia repair in the 16 months after the policy change were compared with 978 patients in the 16 months before. The main outcome measure was relative proportion of emergency repair in groups before and after the policy change. Multivariate binary logistic regression was used to adjust the main outcome for age, sex and hernia type.


The period after the policy change was associated with 59% higher odds of emergency repair (3.6% vs 5.5%, adjusted odds ratio [OR]: 1.59, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.03–2.47). In turn, emergency repair was associated with higher odds of adverse events (4.7% vs 18.5%, adjusted OR: 3.68, 95% CI: 2.04–6.63) and mortality (0.1% vs 5.4%, p<0.001, Fisher’s exact test).


Introduction of a watchful waiting policy for asymptomatic inguinal hernias was associated with a significant increase in need for emergency repair, which was in turn associated with an increased risk of adverse events. Current policies may be placing patients at risk.  相似文献   
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