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Aim: Proliferation signal inhibitors (PSI) have demonstrated efficacy in prevention and treatment in an animal model of lupus nephritis (LN) but there are no data regarding the use of PSI in human LN. We report here our experience of using PSI treatment in seven patients with severe proliferative lupus nephritis. Methods: This is a retrospective study on patients with proliferative lupus nephritis who had received PSI treatment. Results: Seven patients were included. Two patients had concomitant membranous lupus nephropathy. The indications for PSI included mycophenolate mofetil intolerance (n = 4), history of malignancy (n = 2) and leucopoenia (n = 1). Five patients were given PSI when disease was active. Two had treatment discontinued because of acute cholecystitis and leucopoenia, respectively. In the other three patients combined steroid and PSI treatment as induction therapy led to improvements in serology, renal function and proteinuria. In two patients treated with PSI and low‐dose steroid as maintenance immunosuppression, both maintained stable lupus serology, renal function and proteinuria over 18 months. Side‐effects included dyslipidemia and oral ulcers. Conclusion: Proliferation signal inhibitors warrants further investigation as an alternative immunosuppressive treatment in lupus nephritis.  相似文献   
The authors report a case of ruptured giant thrombosed aneurysm successfully treated with endovascular internal trapping following emergent balloon occlusion test (BOT), and discuss its clinical implications regarding emergent BOT. A 41-year-old female showing massive epistaxis was referred to our institute for the treatment of a giant aneurysm. Computed tomography and digital subtraction angiography revealed a giant thrombosed aneurysm located at the petrous portion of the right internal carotid artery with an erosion of the petrous bone. Emergent BOT was performed under the monitoring of regional oxygen saturation of the brain (rSO?) and stump pressure as well as neurological changes and confirmed tolerance for permanent internal artery occlusion with a little change of rSO? and stump pressure. Endovascular internal trapping was performed with detachable coils and the postoperative course was uneventful. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a decrease in the size of the aneurysm three month after the treatment, and the aneurysm got organized four years later. For ruptured aneurysms, emergent BOT is sometimes difficult to perform due the neurological deterioration or inability to prepare radioisotope for single photon computed tomography. Nevertheless, monitoring of rSO? and stump pressure as well as neurological changes can be of help for decision making concerning the treatment strategy. Endovascular treatment following BOT is a feasible and life-saving approach for emergent management of ruptured internal carotid artery aneurysms presented with massive epistaxis.  相似文献   
The authors present the case of a 66-year-old female who developed progressive pulsating exophthalmos, a bruit, and conjunctival chemosis 7 months after a head injury. These symptoms, though highly suspicious of carotid cavernous fistula, were caused by an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) between the inferolateral trunk (ILT) and the ophthalmic veins. A direct AVF at the branch of the ILT without involvement of the cavernous sinus is extremely rare, but could occur in the case of acquired AVF since the ILT has some branches around venous structures outside the cavernous sinus. The clinical implications of this case are discussed in terms of the anatomical aspects.  相似文献   
AIMS: The aim of the present paper is to elucidate the possible involvement of time-dependent parameters as obtained by uroflowmetry in the manifestation of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in elderly patients. METHODS: Using simple and multiple regression analyses, the correlation of the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) with objective parameters including age, postvoid residual, uroflowmetry and transrectal ultrasonic measurements of the prostate was analyzed in 206 male patients (average age of 68.0 +/- 7.4 years) who visited our outpatient clinic complaining of LUTS. RESULTS: In the 206 patients, the mean maximum flow rate was 12.2 mL/s (13.7 mL/s in mild, 11.9 mL/s in moderate, and 11.2 mL/s in severe IPSS total score) and average flow rate was 4.4 mL/s (5.4 mL/s in mild, 4.3 mL/s in moderate, and 3.5 mL/s in severe IPSS total score). Simple regression analyses demonstrated that age, voiding time, and average and maximum flow rates correlate significantly with symptom scores. In particular, relatively strong relationships were found between average flow rate and scores of intermittency, weak stream and total and voiding symptoms scores. Serum prostate specific antigen level, postvoid residual and prostatic ultrasonic measurements did not show a significant correlation with symptom scores. Multiple regression analyses revealed age and average flow rate to be independent determinants for symptom scores. These results suggest that the time-dependent function in micturition interferes in the manifestation of LUTS in elderly men who have borderline or pathologic maximum flow rate. When evaluating uro flowmetry in elderly male patients with LUTS, attention should be paid to time-dependent parameters such as voiding time and average flow rate.  相似文献   
Cerebral CT venography   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
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