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Summary The pathogenesis of the nodular lesion in diabetic glomerulosclerosis is described in association with fibrils. Thirteen diabetic patients with glomerular nodular lesions and 9 diabetics without the nodules were examined by electron microscopy using periodic acid-thio-carbohydrazide-silver proteinate staining. In cases of nodular glomerulosclerosis, abundant fibrillar structures mixed with electron-dense material were detected within the nodule and the mesangial matrix. They were also occasionally observed along the subendothelial space of the glomerular capillary walls. On the cross-section, these fibrils, including the lucent periphery, were 34 nm wide. Immunohistologically, collagen V and collagen VI were detected in nodular lesions. In contrast, in cases of the diffuse type of glomerulosclerosis, the widened mesangium was composed of dense material, which resembled the original mesangial matrix. The above fibrils were not detected in the mesangium. These findings suggest that the accumulation of the peculiar fibrils in the glomerular mesangium is a major pathogenic factor in the formation of Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules.  相似文献   
Age-hardening mechanisms and related ordering behaviors of the experimental (AuCu)1−xZnx alloys with x0.2 were investigated for dental applications. The addition of Zn to equiatomic AuCu greatly increased the age-hardening rate and delayed overaging. It was suggested that the quenched-in excess vacancies were greatly related to the age-hardening rate in the AuCu–Zn pseudobinary alloys. In these alloys, the hardness became maximum during the very initial stage of ordering, and with the development of ordered phase, the hardness began to decrease. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the age-hardening of AuCu–Zn pseudobinary alloys is caused by lattice distortion that occurred during the very early stage of atomic ordering. The addition of Zn to AuCu effectively increased the density of antiphase boundaries per unit volume of the AuCu II superstructure. This is suggested to be the main cause for the retardation of the overaging in the alloys containing Zn of 5 at% or more. This pronounced effect of Zn addition to AuCu alloy on its age-hardening characteristics may be advantageous for obtaining stable mechanical properties of dental casting gold alloys.  相似文献   
Salt-dependent hemagglutination with bluetongue virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Hemagglutination (HA) titers of bluetongue virus (BTV) were increased by higher sodium chloride molarity diluent. HA inhibiting antibodies to BTV hemagglutination proved to be type specific.With 1 Figure  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Chymase is a chymotrypsin-like serine protease primarily stored in mast cells. Infection with helminth parasites is known to increase the level of mast cell chymase in the jejunum and serum in mice. The aim of the present study is to elucidate the role of chymase in helminth infection. METHODS: Chymase inhibitor SUN-C8257 was administered to mice infected with the nematode Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, and the number of eosinophils in the blood, serum IgE levels and fecal egg counts were determined. RESULTS: Administration of SUN-C8257 significantly inhibited blood eosinophilia in BALB/c mice infected with N. brasiliensis. The effect of SUN-C8257 was specific for eosinophils, in that it affected neither the number of total leukocytes nor serum IgE levels. SUN-C8257 did not alter the fecal egg counts in this model, showing that SUN-C8257 has no effect on infectivity and expulsion of the nematode. N. brasiliensis infection induced eosinophilia in mast cell-deficient mice (W/W(v)) as well as their littermates (+/+), and SUN-C8257 inhibited the eosinophilia in +/+ mice but not in W/W(v) mice. These results suggest that the eosinophil number may be regulated by different mechanisms in W/W(v) and +/+ mice, and that the effect of SUN-C8257 on nematode-induced eosinophilia is probably due to chymase inhibition. CONCLUSIONS: Chymase released by activated mast cells may play a role in helminth-induced eosinophilia.  相似文献   
Circulating angiotensin-1-converting enzyme (ACE) is a highly heritable trait, and a major component of the genetic variance maps to the region of the ACE gene. The strong effect of the locus, and the interest in ACE as a candidate gene for cardiovascular disorders, has led to extensive investigation of its relationship to the ACE phenotype, providing one of the most complete examples of quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis in humans. Resequencing of ACE followed by haplotype analysis in families of British and French origin has shown that the genetic variants that are primarily associated with the ACE trait map to an 18 kb interval flanked by two intragenic, ancestral recombination breakpoints. This critical interval contains dozens of ACE-associated variants in Caucasians, but identification of which of these directly influence ACE concentration is ambiguous because of the almost complete linkage disequilibrium in European populations. In a complementary sequencing and genotyping study of individuals from West African families, we show that this population has much greater haplotype diversity across the gene. Through analysis of the contrasting relationships of the trait phenotype with haplotypes that carry different allelic combinations from those observed in Caucasians, we demonstrate that (at least) two major intragenic sites within the critical interval and (at least) one minor promoter site are associated with the ACE quantitative trait through additive effects. These results point to the importance of analysing diverse populations with different gene genealogies in gene-association studies.  相似文献   
We found a HhaI/BstUI polymorphism in the 3′ untranslated region of a novel gene which was localized to 11p15.5. This region is one of prominent imprinting domains and contains multiple imprinted genes, such as H19, IGF2 , KVLQT1, and p57 KIP2 , which suggests that regional factors might contribute to the imprinting. This polymorphism will be useful in the allelic analysis of expression and methylation of the novel gene. Received: July 24, 1998 / Accepted: July 29, 1998  相似文献   
Primates are able to track a moving target with their eyes, even when the target is seen against a stationary textured background. In this situation, the tracking eye movement induces motion of the background images on the retina (reafference) that competes with the motion of the target's retinal image, potentially disrupting the tracking of the target. Previous work on humans reported that brief perturbations of the background in the opposite direction to pursuit were much less disruptive than perturbations in the same direction as pursuit. Furthermore, if the background moved together with the pursuit target--so as to effectively eliminate the reafference--then the effects of a subsequent background perturbation showed less dependence on direction. This suggested that the direction selectivity to background perturbations during pursuit against a stationary background was due, at least in part, to the prior motion of the background secondary to the pursuit. We now report similar findings in monkeys, and in addition, have investigated the effect of moving the background while the animal was fixating a stationary target. In this situation, the ocular tracking responses to subsequent brief perturbations of the moving background were weaker when the perturbations were in the same direction as the prior background motion than when in the opposite direction. This suggests that the selective insensitivity to the reafferent visual input associated with pursuit across a stationary background is, at least in part, independent of pursuit per se and attributable to a progressive reduction in the sensitivity to sustained background motion.  相似文献   
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