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Artificial insemination in lesbians. Ethical considerations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In vitro inhibition of marrow granulopoiesis was produced by a well-characterized human neuroblastoma cell line (CHP 134). A standard double layer, semi-solid agar system was employed in the experiments. The inhibition was present whether the neuroblastoma cells were mixed with the marrow cells or whether they were separated in a contiguous agar layer. Irradiation of the neuroblastoma cells lessened the inhibitory effect but did not eradicate it. Medium conditioned by the neuroblastoma cells had a mild, but not statistically significant, suppressive effect upon granulopoiesis. Additional studies to define the precise mechanism of suppression are underway.  相似文献   
Fletcher  BD; Yullish  BS 《Radiology》1978,126(2):451-455
Intraluminal calcifications were found in the small bowel of 4 newborns with total colonic aganglionosis. Abdominal radiography demonstrated circular aggregations of small punctate calcific densities in the right lower quadrant and evidence of bowel obstruction. There was a microcolon in each case. The calcifications, which resemble those seen in small intestinal atresia and stenosis, are probably related to fetal intestinal stasis, and may be differentiated from those due to meconium peritonitis.  相似文献   
Innervation of feline perineal musculature   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Baboons earned their total food ration in a situation where they were periodically given an opportunity to choose between food and an intravenous infusion of heroin. As the number of daily choices was restricted, food intake remained relatively constant, while heroin intake decreased dramatically.  相似文献   
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