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Low birthweight infants aged 4-41 days were given from birth one of three experimental milk formulae varying widely in content of calcium and phosphate. Ca and P in feed, urine, and faeces were measured between carmine markers corresponding to a metabolic period of 48 hours. Calcium enriched in 46Ca to provide a marker for the dietary Ca was added to one feed and 46Ca measured in urine and faeces. True absorption of Ca and endogenous excretion into the bowel could then be inferred. True absorption of Ca was proportional to Ca intake and independent of P intake. Endogenous faecal excretion seemed to be independent of both Ca P intakes, and varied widely between different infants in the range 4-150 mg/day. Urine Ca was low and retention was essentially the difference between true absorption and endogenous faecal excretion. Retention of Ca tended to be much greater on a high Ca intake, but the variability in retention between infants on a given intake was large, paralleling the variability in endogenous faecal excretion. The variability in plasma Ca concentrations in newborn infants may in part be a consequence of wide individual variability in endogenous faecal excretion. The 46Ca marker technique provides a means of investigating the factors determining this variability.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of zinc supplementation on the clinical course, stool weight, duration of diarrhoea, changes in serum zinc, and body weight gain of children with acute diarrhoea. DESIGN: Randomised double blind controlled trial. Children were assigned to receive zinc (20 mg elemental zinc per day) containing multivitamins or control group (zinc-free multivitamins) daily in three divided doses for two weeks. SETTING: A diarrhoeal disease hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh. PATIENTS: 111 children, 3 to 24 months old, below 76% median weight for age of the National Center for Health Statistics standard with acute diarrhoea. Children with severe infection and/or oedema were excluded. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Total diarrhoeal stool output, duration of diarrhoea, rate of weight gain, and changes in serum zinc levels after supplementation. RESULTS: Stool output was 28% less and duration 14% shorter in the zinc supplemented group than placebo (p = 0.06). There were reductions in median total diarrhoeal stool output among zinc supplemented subjects who were shorter (less than 95% height for age), 239 v 326 g/kg (p < 0.04), and who had a lower initial serum zinc (< 14 mmol/l), 279 v 329 g/kg (p < 0.05); a shortening of mean time to recovery occurred (4.7 v 6.2 days, p < 0.04) in those with lower serum zinc. There was an increase in mean serum zinc in the zinc supplemented group (+2.4 v -0.3 mumol/l, p < 0.001) during two weeks of supplementation, and better mean weight gain (120 v 30 g, p < 0.03) at the time of discharge from hospital. CONCLUSIONS: Zinc supplementation is a simple, acceptable, and affordable strategy which should be considered in the management of acute diarrhoea and in prevention of growth faltering in children specially those who are malnourished.  相似文献   
Two neonates with arrhythmias and the long QT syndrome are described. The arrhythmias were detected in utero and both infants were apparently well after birth. The first infant, although well, had a bradycardia for the first 9 days of life. A normal heart rate was documented at 10 days but a prolonged QT interval was not appreciated on the ECG. He was discharged from hospital but died suddenly and unexpectedly 3 days later. A post-mortem examination failed to find a cause for his death which therefore fell into the category of the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). A retrospective analysis of the perinatal electrocardiogram showed a probable junctional rhythm with 2:1 conduction to the ventricle; the QT interval was prolonged at 0.52 seconds (QTC = 0.63). The second infant had a QT interval of 0.52 seconds (QTC = 0.54) and frequent ventricular premature beats on a 24-hour electrocardiogram. She was treated with propranolol and remains well 2 years later. Sudden infant death has often been described in the siblings of children with the long QT syndrome and one other report described a case of SIDS which was said to have had a prolonged QT interval on the perinatal ECG. This report, however, provides unquestionable evidence, in one case, of an association between the long QT syndrome and SIDS.  相似文献   
OBJECT: The aim of this study was to determine the value of high-field magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for diagnosis and surgery of sellar lesions. METHODS: High-field MR images were obtained using a 3-tesla unit with emphasis on sellar and parasellar structures in 21 patients preoperatively to delineate endo-, supra-, and parasellar anatomical structures. Special attention was given to the medial border of the cavernous sinus and possible invasion of a sellar tumor therein, and to assessing the application of high-resolution images during intraoperative neuronavigation. The 3-tesla MR images were compared with the standard MR images already obtained and with intraoperative findings. Anatomical structures were studied in all 42 cavernous sinuses; in 32 of them comparisons with intraoperative findings were possible. The medial cavernous sinus border was rated intact in 53% on standard MR images, in 72% on 3-tesla MR images, and in 81% intraoperatively. With a positive correlation to surgical findings on 84% of 3-tesla MR images compared with 59% of standard MR images, a sensitivity of 83% compared with 67%, and a specificity of 84% compared with 58% (p = 0.016, McNemar test), 3-tesla MR imaging was superior for predicting tumor invasion through the medial cavernous sinus border. Although no difference was noted in delineation of the medial, superior, and inferior compartments, there was a better delineation of the lateral cavernous sinus compartment with 3-tesla MR imaging. This compartment was clearly visible on 40 sides (95%) on 3-tesla MR images compared with 34 sides (81%) on standard MR images. Identification of the cavernous sinus segments of the third, fourth, fifth (V1 and V2), and sixth cranial nerves was improved using high-resolution 3-tesla imaging compared with standard MR imaging. A mean of four cranial nerves was found as hypointense spots (range two-five spots) on 3-tesla MR imaging compared with a mean of three (range zero-four spots) on standard MR imaging. After addition of contrast agents, the anterior pituitary gland was found to be highly intense on 78% of T1-weighted three-dimensional magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition gradient-echo (MPRAGE) 3-tesla MR images compared with 73% of standard T1-weighted MR images. The optochiasmatic system displayed increased intensity on pre-contrast T1-weighted MPRAGE 3-tesla compared with standard T1-weighted MR images; it was hyperintense on 76% of 3-tesla compared with 15% of standard MR images, which was helpful for its delineation from suprasellar pituitary and tumor structures. Intraoperative navigation guided by fusion of 3-tesla MR images and computerized tomography (CT) scans was performed in seven patients. Whereas CT scanning was used during the transsphenoidal approach to depict the nasal bone structures, 3-tesla MR imaging was particularly useful for the visualization of parasellar tumor extension during microsurgical and/or endoscopic resection. CONCLUSIONS: Due to its higher resolution, 3-tesla MR imaging was found to be superior to standard MR imaging for the delineation of parasellar anatomy and tumor infiltration of the cavernous sinus, and this modality provided improved imaging for intraoperative navigation.  相似文献   
AIMS: To explore the locus of health control in adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and their parents in comparison with healthy adolescents and their parents. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study 32 adolescents with CFS were compared with 167 healthy controls and their respective parents. The Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC) questionnaire was applied to all participants. RESULTS: There was significantly less internal health control in adolescents with CFS than in healthy controls. An increase of internal health control of one standard deviation was associated with a 61% reduced risk for CFS (OR = 0.39, 95% CI 0.25 to 0.61). Internal health control of the parents was also protective (OR fathers: 0.57 (95% CI 0.38 to 0.87); OR mothers: 0.74 (95% CI 0.50 to 1.09)). The external loci of health control were higher in adolescents with CFS and in their parents. Increased levels of fatigue (56%) were found in the mothers of the adolescents with CFS, in contrast with the fathers who reported a normal percentage of 13. CONCLUSIONS: In comparison with healthy adolescents, adolescents with CFS and their parents show less internal health control. They attribute their health more to external factors, such as chance and physicians. This outcome is of relevance for treatment strategies such as cognitive behaviour therapy, for which health behaviour is the main focus.  相似文献   
This study was performed to achieve more detailed information regarding the age and sequence in the development of motor milestones in the different types of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). The parents of 98 patients with a diagnosis of OI were sent a questionnaire regarding the age at which patients achieved motor milestones. All patients were attending the outpatient clinic for children with OI at the Wilhelmina Children's Hospital. The motor milestones were classified into static motor milestones and dynamic motor milestones and all data were checked with health care records. The age of development of motor milestones was compared to reference values of the healthy population. The severity of the disease was classified according to Sillence based on clinical, genetic and radiological data. The age of intramedullary rodding of the first nail in the lower and upper extremity and the localisation was noted. A total of 76 parents responded to the 98 questionnaires (78%). In OI type I, a delay exists in achieving motor milestones, comparable to the 95th percentile of the normal population. In type III, the development of all motor milestones was significantly delayed compared to types I and IV with a discrepancy between static and dynamic milestones. In OI type IV, a retardation in motor development developed after the milestone `sitting without support' was achieved. Motor development in types I and IV was not influenced by intramedullary rodding of the lower extremities, since rodding was rarely performed before the milestone `unsupported standing' was achieved. In type III, the influence of intramedullary rodding on the age of achieving motor milestones remains questionable. Conclusion The severity of osteogenesis imperfecta has a large influence on the age and sequence in the development of motor milestones. No influence of intramedullary rodding of the lower extremities on motor development was found in osteogenesis imperfecta types I and IV, whereas the influence in type III remains questionable. Received: 11 November 1999 and in revised form: 9 February 2000 and 24 February 2000 Accepted: 24 February 2000  相似文献   
In chronic inflammatory diseases, cytokines stimulate the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis and the hypothalamus autonomic nervous system (HANS) axis. The present study was performed to find autonomic nervous function parameters in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) which are suitable to demonstrate the activation of the HANS axis during systemic inflammation. Thirty-four patients with SLE (age 35.3 +/- 1.9 yr) were investigated by seven standardized autonomic nervous function tests. The SLEDAI and laboratory parameters of systemic inflammation were assessed by standard techniques. Pupillary latency time hyperreflexia was found in 29.4%, whereas maximal pupillary area was hyperresponsive in only 2.9%. A total of 12% had overall cardiovascular autonomic nervous hyperreflexia. Patients with latency time hyperreflexia had more severe systemic inflammation [erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR): P < 0.001; C-reactive protein (CRP): P = 0.0094; fibrinogen: P < 0.001; albumin: P = 0.003; antinuclear antibodies: P = 0.020]. The longitudinal study of 13 patients during 4 yr demonstrated a parallel increase and decrease in latency time percentile and ESR. SLE patients with increased systemic inflammation had an activated HANS axis which can be measured by a parasympathetic pupillary reflex test.   相似文献   
我非常高兴向大家推荐这份发展中国家幽门螺杆菌(H.priori)临床指南。该指南的编译是由数位在该领域具有丰富临床经验的世界知名专家共同完成的。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Juvenile dermatomyositis (DM) is an inflammatory myopathy in which the immune system targets the microvasculature of the skeletal muscle and skin, leading to significant muscle weakness and exercise intolerance, although the precise etiology is unknown. The goal of this study was to investigate the changes in exercise capacity in children with myositis during active and inactive disease periods and to study the responsiveness of exercise parameters. METHODS: Thirteen children with juvenile DM (mean+/-SD age 11.2+/-2.6 years) participated in this study. Patients performed a maximal exercise test using an electronically braked cycle ergometer and respiratory gas analysis system. Exercise parameters were analyzed, including peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak), peak work rate (Wpeak), and ventilatory anaerobic threshold (VAT). All children were tested during an active period of the disease and during a remission period. From these data, 4 different response statistics were calculated. RESULTS: The children performed significantly better during a remission period compared with a period of active disease. Most exercise parameters showed a very large response. The 5 most responsive parameters were Wpeak, Wpeak (percent predicted), oxygen pulse, VO2peak, and power at the VAT. CONCLUSION: We found in our longitudinal study that children with active juvenile DM had significantly reduced exercise parameters compared with a remission period. Moreover, we found that several parameters had very good responsiveness. With previously established validity and reliability, exercise testing has been demonstrated to be an excellent noninvasive instrument for the longitudinal followup of children with myositis.  相似文献   
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