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The activity of the pentose phosphate shunt was assessed under basal conditions in subregions of the hippocampus by measuring the uptake and retention of [1-14C]glucose and [6-14C]glucose and their 14C-labelled metabolites. The relative and absolute retention of carbon-14 from each of the two compounds was nearly identical in all regions examined. For each compound, the highest accumulation of 14C occurred in the granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus and in the pyramidal cell layer. Relatively high retention of radioactivity was also found in the molecular layer of dentate gyrus and in the stratum lacunosum-molecular. The stratum radiatum and stratum oriens contained the lowest levels of radioactivity among hippocampal regions. The equal retention of radioactivity from [1-14C]glucose and [6-14C]glucose implies that pentose phosphate shunt activity is very low throughout the hippocampus under the conditions of this study. The uptake and retention of radioactivity was evaluated in different hippocampal regions 10 or 30 min following intravenous injection of [1-14C]glucose. Although there was significantly more radioactivity at 30 min than at 10 min, the same topographic pattern of radioactivity within the hippocampus was observed in rats after both survival periods, indicating that an equal fraction of the [1-14C]glucose utilized in different hippocampal regions is oxidized to 14CO2 under these conditions. Most regions of high glucose utilization in the hippocampus determined with [1-14C]glucose and [6-14C]glucose correspond to regions of intense histochemical staining for cytochrome oxidase reported in the literature.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The piliation and hemagglutination properties of 54 consecutive Escherichia coli isolates from women with recurrent urinary tract infections were studied. Mannose-sensitive hemagglutination (MSHA) of guinea pig erythrocytes, characteristic of type 1-piliated bacteria, was produced by 75% of the isolates, 32% produced mannose-insensitive hemagglutination, and 14% produced no hemagglutination reaction. The production of type 1 pili was examined in those strains that produced MSHA only. Studies with antiserum prepared against purified pili suggested that at least three subtypes of type 1 hemagglutinins were represented among the isolates. All of the type 1-piliated isolates produced MSHA after serial subculture in static broth. After growth on agar, selected type 1-piliated isolates were subdivided into two groups. Many strains apparently suppressed piliation during growth on agar (regulated variants); all colonies became MSHA negative and were composed of nonpiliated cells as shown by electron microscopy. The loss of the MSHA phenotype often occurred after a single overnight passage on agar, and any remaining hemagglutinin was gradually lost with one to three additional passages. Seven strains, however, retained a significant hemagglutination titer after multiple subcultures on agar, and they produced colonies consisting of a mixed population of piliated and nonpiliated cells. These strains were apparently able to oscillate between states of pilus expression and nonexpression during growth on agar (random phase variants). When nonpiliated cells isolated from the mixed, random variant population were plated on agar, they gave rise to hemagglutination-positive colonies that consisted of both piliated and nonpiliated cells. The distinction between random variants and regulated variants was also observed in shaking broth cultures inoculated with nonpiliated cells. The random variants produced MSHA-positive cultures composed of piliated and nonpiliated cells, whereas the regulated strains remained nonpiliated. The results indicate that type 1 pili are a predominant adhesin of uropathogenic E. coli and that during growth on agar only about one-fourth of the type 1-piliated isolates regulate pilus expression by random phase variation.  相似文献   
Properties of a Hemolysin Produced by Group B Streptococci   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
A hemolysin that appears to be responsible for the zones of beta-hemolysis surrounding colonies of group B streptococci (Streptococcus agalactiae) on blood agar plates has been isolated and partially purified. No soluble hemolysin was detectable in the supernatants of streptococcal cultures grown in several types of media. However, hemolytic activity was detected when streptococci were incubated with erythrocytes, and soluble hemolysin was isolated when bacterial suspensions were incubated in the presence of a variety of agents, including calf serum, albumin, Tween 80, and starch. Glucose and other fermentable carbohydrates stimulated hemolysin production, and metabolic inhibitors greatly reduced the titer of hemolysin that could be recovered, suggesting that cellular metabolism is necessary for hemolysin production or release. The soluble hemolysin was concentrated by ammonium sulfate precipitation and partially purified by gel filtration. Agents known to inhibit other streptococcal hemolysins, including phospholipids, trypan blue, proteases, and cholesterol, were tested for their effect on the group B hemolysin. Only the phospholipids inhibited hemolysin activity. The group B streptococcal hemolysin appears to be similar to, but distinct from, streptolysin S produced by Streptococcus pyogenes.  相似文献   
It was demonstrated by a radioimmunoassay procedure that Brucella abortus agglutinins from noninfected cattle sera, absorbed to B. abortus antigen and eluted with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), was immunoglobulin M that bound to that bacterium by its Fc portion. The EDTA-eluted immunoglobulin M agglutinated intact B. abortus cells but not erythrocytes treated with B. abortus lipopolysaccharide. The specificity of the EDTA-eluted immunoglobulin was for B. abortus, although a small titer to Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:9 was observed. In contrast, immunoglobulin M purified from the serum of a cow injected 7 days previously with heat-killed B. abortus bound to the antigen by its Fab portion, was not labile to EDTA treatment, cross-reacted extensively with Y. enterocolitica serotype O:9, and agglutinated various other bacterial antigens and normal erythrocytes.  相似文献   
Trichomonas vaginalis is the agent of a highly prevalent sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can result in vaginitis, urethritis, and preterm birth. Traditional methods of diagnosis, including wet preparation, can be unreliable. In this study, we describe the adaptation of an existing PCR method for specific detection of T. vaginalis DNA into a rapid real-time PCR assay based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) probe chemistry. The FRET-based assay described demonstrated high sensitivity with a detection limit of 1.06 organisms, as well as a high specificity. A total of 253 urine samples collected prospectively from both men and women were tested for T. vaginalis DNA with both the FRET-based assay and a previously validated PCR assay. When the validated PCR assay was used as the "gold standard" and after discrepancies had been resolved, our FRET-based assay demonstrated an analytical sensitivity and specificity of 90.1 and 100%, respectively. Overall results suggest that FRET-based assays can provide rapid, accurate, and high-throughput detection of T. vaginalis and may prove useful in clinical settings and for large-scale screening programs.  相似文献   
A Multiskan photometer for reading microtiter plate enzyme immunoassays was linked with a time sharing computer to facilitate control of assay variation and analysis of results. The interface that converted photometer output to RS-232-C format required changes to divide the output into segments short enough for input to the computer. To measure within-plate variation and investigate how the method of allocating sample duplicates to plate wells may affect the estimation of sample variance, uniformity tests were conducted with 47 plates. Coefficients of variation (CV) among wells within-plates ranged from 4.6 to 20.7% and in two-thirds of the plates exceeded 10%. Duplicates allocated to adjacent wells (method 1) gave consistently higher CV for sample means than duplicates allocated to opposite plate quadrants (method 2). In general, the CV by method 2 was about 30% smaller than that by method 1. Analysis of variance confirmed the effectiveness of the quadrant pattern of duplicate allocation as a method of controlling variation that arises from well position effects.  相似文献   
Results of serotyping 966 clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed that 72% agglutinated specifically in one or another of the 16 typing antisera, but 28% agglutinated in two or more and often in as many as 10 antisera; this polyagglutinability correlated with a high incidence of cross-reactivity among the antisera. Absorption of each typing antiserum with either cell suspensions of five O-type strains or with a suspension of a particular polyagglutinable strain (SMC 247) abolished cross-reactivity in the typing antisera without significantly reducing titers against the homologous strains. All but four of the polyagglutinable strains agglutinated specifically in one or another absorbed antisera. The cross-reactions of unabsorbed antisera were interpreted to have been caused by antibodies directed not against specific O antigens but against thermostable specificities that remain undefined.  相似文献   
Phase variation of type 1 pili (fimbriae) was studied during the in vivo growth of Escherichia coli in two animal models. In the first, a heavily piliated urinary tract isolate (strain 149) was placed in 1-cm polypropylene chambers sealed with 0.22-micron-pore-size filters. The chambers were surgically implanted intraperitoneally in mice and recovered at various times. Piliation, as determined by electron microscopy and by measuring the minimum number of bacteria needed to produce mannose-sensitive hemagglutination, gradually decreased, and by day 5, most of the organisms were nonpiliated. In the second model, piliated and nonpiliated E. coli phase variants were inoculated into the bladders of BALB/c mice via urinary catheters, and their fate in the lower urinary tract was studied. Viable counts of bladder homogenates revealed that piliated phase variants were significantly more effective in colonizing the bladder urothelium than were their nonpiliated counterparts. Specific antibody to type 1 pili prevented colonization by the piliated organisms. After inoculation of piliated variants, the bladder-associated bacteria gave rise to approximately 80% mannose-sensitive hemagglutination-positive colonies, and immunocytochemistry of bladder lavages revealed large numbers of type 1 piliated bacteria adhering to the bladder transitional cells. Electron microscopy confirmed the presence of piliated bacteria in association with the bladder urothelium. The urine of these mice, whose bladders were colonized with piliated bacteria, frequently showed no growth, and when bacteria were present, strain 149 yielded less than 30% hemagglutination-positive colonies. The results suggest that for some E. coli strains, phase variation may be a factor in determining the fate of the E. coli in the urinary tract and that the urine may not necessarily reflect the bacteriologic state of the bladder mucosa.  相似文献   
A fragment of Staphylococcus aureus DNA encoding the alpha-hemolysin determinant was cloned from strain Wood 46 by inserting Sau3A-generated genomic DNA fragments between the BamHI sites of the lambda replacement vector L47.1. Phages expressing alpha-hemolysin were detected by overlaying plaques formed from several thousand independent recombinant phage with erythrocytes and looking for zones of hemolysis. One phage expressing alpha-hemolysin was purified and named lambda w alpha 3. This was subsequently shown to contain a 10.2-kilobase pair insert of S. aureus DNA. A 7.6-kilobase pair HindIII fragment encoding the alpha-hemolysin was subcloned from lambda w alpha 3 into the plasmid vector pACYC184 to form the hybrid plasmid pDU1148. Escherichia coli K-12 cells harboring pDU1148 synthesized a low level of alpha-hemolysin which remained associated with the cells and was not secreted into culture supernatants. When the same strain was stabbed onto blood agar plates, no zones of hemolysis were detected after overnight growth at 37 degrees C but hemolysis developed if the plates were left at room temperature for 48 h. By introducing specific deletions or Tn5 insertions into plasmid pDU1148, the alpha-hemolysin gene was mapped to a region within a 3.3-kilobase pair EcoRI-HindIII fragment which was subcloned onto the vector plasmid pBR322. A specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with peroxidase-labeled rabbit anti-alpha-hemolysin antibodies was used to measure the levels of alpha-hemolysin antigen expressed in E. coli K-12 cells harboring pDU1148 or a variety of pDU1148::Tn5 and pDU1148 deletion mutants.  相似文献   
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