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Context: To assist athletes in maintaining optimal health, athletic trainers must work with athletes of both sexes.Objective: To examine athletic trainers'' comfort levels in providing care for gender-specific and non-gender-specific injuries and issues.Design: We mailed 235 Gender Comfort in Athletic Training Questionnaires to program directors, who were asked to distribute and collect them.Setting: We randomly selected 21 athletic training education program directors and invited them by e-mail to participate in the study. Fourteen program directors representing the 10 National Athletic Trainers'' Association districts agreed to participate.Patients or Other Participants: A total of 192 participants returned completed questionnaires, for a response rate of 82% (103 women, 89 men; 101 senior athletic training students, 91 certified athletic trainers).Main Outcome Measure(s): The questionnaire consisted of 17 injuries and issues common to both female and male athlete scenarios. Three gender-specific items were added to each scenario. Responses were scored on a 5-point scale anchored by 1 (very uncomfortable) and 5 (very comfortable). Participants were asked to indicate the reason for any degree of discomfort. Internal consistency, determined by the Cronbach alpha, was .92 for the female athlete scenario and .93 for the male athlete scenario.Results: We found significant differences between women and men certified athletic trainers for the female and male athlete scenarios. Overall, women were more comfortable caring for female injuries and issues, whereas men were more comfortable caring for male injuries and issues. Certified athletic trainers reported more comfort overall than athletic training students. The most common underlying reason reported for discomfort in caring for female and male injuries and issues was experience level.Conclusions: Athletic training education programs should provide early and more deliberate experiences with injuries and issues of a more intimate nature, including those that are gender specific and non-gender specific. These experiences may increase athletic trainers'' level of comfort in providing care to athletes of the opposite sex.  相似文献   
The pathological and radiological hallmarks of multiple sclerosis (MS) include multiple demyelinated lesions disseminated throughout the white matter of the central nervous system (CNS). More recently, the cerebral cortex has been shown to be affected in MS, but the elucidation of events causing cortical demyelination has been hampered by the lack of animal models reflecting such human cortical pathology. In this report, we have described the presence of cortical gray matter and callosal white matter demyelinating lesions in the chronic experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) mouse model of MS. Similar to the pathological lesions of MS patients, EAE lesions have been classified as type I-leukocortical, type II-intracortical and type III-subpial. All of these lesions had varying degrees of demyelination, inflammatory cells and reactive astrocytes. Similar to MS, cortical layers during EAE showed demyelination, microglia activation, synaptic protein alterations and apoptotic cells. In addition, the callosal white matter during EAE had many inflammatory demyelinating lesions and axon degeneration. Functional electrophysiological conduction analysis showed deficits in both myelinated and unmyelinated callosal axons during early and late EAE. The chronic EAE mouse model has features that mimic cortical and callosal pathology of MS, and can be potentially used to screen agents to prevent these features of disease.  相似文献   


Given the asymptomatic nature of osteoporosis, a fragility fracture provides an opportunity to make the issue of osteoporosis relevant to patients. Patients who link their fragility fracture with osteoporosis are more likely to initiate osteoporosis treatment, yet to date, we know little about who is likely to make this link. This study examined whether demographic, health, and osteoporosis belief factors predicted a perceived link between a fragility fracture and osteoporosis.

Study design

This longitudinal cohort study analyzed baseline and follow up data collected as part of a provincial osteoporosis screening initiative targeting fragility fracture patients. Logistic regression analysis was used to examine the relationship between hypothesized predictors and the outcome.

Main outcome measure

Patient perception of the osteoporosis–fracture link at follow up.


At baseline, 93% (1615/1735) of patients did not believe their fracture could have been caused by osteoporosis. Of these, only 8.2% changed this perception at follow up. Adjusted analyses showed that baseline characteristics associated with making the osteoporosis–fracture link at follow up were: a previous fracture (odds ratio (OR) 1.7, confidence interval (CI) 1.2–2.6), perception of osteoporosis pharmacotherapy benefits OR 1.2 (CI 1.0–1.5), diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis OR 2.6 (CI 1.4–4.9) and the perception of bones as “thin” OR 8.2 (CI 5.1–13.1).


These results shed more light on patient-level barriers to osteoporosis management following an osteoporosis educational programme. They may be used to identify patients less likely to make the link between their fracture and osteoporosis and to inform interventions for this patient group.  相似文献   
Medications introduced into the systematic circulation must be transported across biological barriers such as skin, gastrointestinal, or bronchial epithelia, which can alter their kinetic and metabolic profiles. It is, therefore, important to understand diffusion kinetics across barrier membranes when choosing a dosing regime that will elicit the greatest cellular response. An in vitro system that combines membrane transport studies with a downstream cell culture chamber has been developed. The system has been tested with skin and a small intestine model (Caco-2 cell monolayers) as barriers, the peroxovanadium compound [VO(O2)2 1, 10 phenanthroline] bpV(phen), as the test chemical, Hep-G2 (liver) as the test cells, and glucose consumption as the test assay. Peroxovanadium has insulin mimetic properties and has been previously demonstrated to effectively lower blood glucose levels in diabetic rats when administered transdermally. A dose of 10 mM bpV(phen) placed on the skin epidermis with a continuous iontophoretic current of 0.5 mA/cm2 for 4.5 h led to a net 22% increase in glucose consumption by Hep-G2 cells. The same dose of bpV(phen) passively diffusing across a Caco-2 cell monolayer led to an increase in glucose consumption by Hep-G2 cells of 23%. This system is highly versatile and can be used to study many other processes, involving a variety of biological membranes, cell types, chemicals and assays, making it a valuable research tool. © 2000 Biomedical Engineering Society. PAC00: 8716Uv, 8715Vv  相似文献   


Infection is a common phenomenon following stroke, and adversely affects outcome. Previous studies suggest that interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL1RN gene might influence the risk of post-stroke infection and outcome. In this study, we addressed the effects of the rs4251961 SNP in IL1RN on infection risk and outcome.


Subjects with acute ischemic stroke were enrolled within 72 h of symptom onset and followed up to 1 year. Plasma IL-1ra was measured at multiple time points and outcome assessed at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. Active surveillance for infection occurred while subjects were hospitalized. Subjects were genotyped for the IL1RN rs4251961 polymorphism.


In the population of 113 subjects for this study, those with the minor C allele of rs4251961 polymorphism in IL1RN were more likely to be Caucasian, hypertensive, and to be afflicted with coronary heart disease. Higher plasma IL-1ra was associated with an increased risk of infection (other than pneumonia), and the minor C allele of rs4251961 was independently associated with a decreased risk of infection (other than pneumonia). Initial plasma IL-1ra was not predictive of long-term outcome, but patients with the minor C allele of rs4251961 were more likely to experience good (modified Rankin Score <2) long-term outcome.


These data indicate that IL-1ra and IL1RN may influence the risk of infection after stroke, but this influence seems limited to infections other than pneumonia. Further studies are needed to better understand the complexities of immune regulation on infection and outcome after stroke.  相似文献   
Carotid pseudoaneurysms are rare occurrences. They often result from trauma, but can also present following carotid endarterectomy. Treating such pseudoaneurysms can be difficult due to previous surgery and limited access to the high internal carotid artery. A case involving a postendarterectomy carotid pseudoaneurysm treated via a femoral approach with a covered stent using endoluminal techniques is presented.  相似文献   
This retrospective review of 286 acute pediatric burn survivors treated in 2001 evaluated the effectiveness of a pharmacotherapeutic protocol for pain, anxiety, and itching. Background pain, procedural pain, exercise pain, anxiety, incidence of acute stress disorder (ASD), and itch were measured with standardized instruments. When this review was compared to similar reviews done in 1993-1994 and 1998, a steady trend toward using more potent pain medications in this patient population is evident. While the use of acetaminophen alone decreased from 50.6% of patients in 1993-1994 and 26.3% in 1998 to 7.3% in 2001, the use of opiates increased from 44.8% in 1993-1994 and 66.9% in 1998 to 81.3% of patients in 2001. Likewise, the use of benzodiazepines for anxiety has increased from 59.8% in 1998 to 77.5% of patients in 2001. During that same period the incidence of ASD decreased from 12.1% in 1993-1994 to 8.7% of patients in 2001. For effective pain and anxiety management, the average administered dose of lorazepam and morphine also increased, providing impetus to revise the pharmacotherapeutic pain protocol. Having a standard pain protocol furnishes a framework for periodic review and facilitates updating of pain and anxiety treatment practices.  相似文献   
Our objectives were to examine whether children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are impaired on one or more components of working memory (WM) independent of comorbid language learning disorders, and whether WM impairments are more strongly related to symptoms of inattention than to symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity. Four groups of children participated: ADHD (n = 62); ADHD+RD/LI (n = 32); RD/LI (n = 15); and a typically developing comparison group (n = 34). Four simple and brief measures of WM were used that varied in modality (auditory-verbal; visual-spatial) and processing demands (temporary storage versus manipulation of information). Children with ADHD without comorbid language learning disorders exhibited deficits in visual-spatial storage and verbal and visual-spatial central executive (C.E.) functions that were independent of comorbid psychiatric disorders. Children with language learning disorders, regardless of comorbidity with ADHD, exhibited impairments in both verbal and spatial storage as well as C.E. domains of WM. Symptoms of inattention, but not symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity, predicted performance on verbal and visual-spatial C.E. measures independent of age, verbal cognitive ability, and reading and language performance. Findings are consistent with data implicating neuropsychological impairments in ADHD. The dimensional results are also consistent with prior research demonstrating the neuropsychological impairments are more strongly associated with the inattention symptom dimension than with the hyperactive-impulsive dimension.  相似文献   
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