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Study Objective . To evaluate the effects of flurbiprofen therapy on the pharmacokinetics of lithium. Design . Placebo-controlled, single-blind, crossover study. Setting . University-affiliated hospital. Patients . Eleven healthy women with bipolar disorder. Interventions . The subjects received therapeutic doses of lithium administered as an immediate-release capsule every 12 hours. In addition, they received one placebo tablet every 12 hours during phase I and flurbiprofen 100 mg every 12 hours during phase II of the study. Measurements and Main Results . Steady-state pharmacokinetic parameters were measured for each phase. Lithium trough plasma concentration (Cmin) and area under the curve were statistically significantly increased (p<0.05) when patients received flurbiprofen. Flurbiprofen also caused decreases in lithium clearance and 24-hour lithium urine excretion, although the changes did not reach statistical significance. Clinically significant increases in Cmin appeared to be associated with a greater than 1000-μg/24 hour decrease in urinary excretion of prostaglandin E2. Conclusion . Patients with clinically normal renal function may experience an increase in lithium levels with the initiation of flurbiprofen therapy.  相似文献   
We wanted to clarify whether the postprandial intestinal feedback control activated by nutrients in the distal gut exerts different effects on motility, transit of digesta, and absorption of nutrients in the proximal gut. Additionally, interrelationships among motility, transit, and absorption were to be elucidated because these relationships have only been investigated in the fasted state. In five minipigs, a 150-cm segment of the proximal jejunum was isolated by two cannulas. Motility of the jejunal segment was recorded by multiple strain gauges and analyzed by computerized methods. Markers (Cr- and Cu-EDTA) were used for the measurement of the flow rate, transit time, and absorption of nutrients. After a meal, the test segment was perfused with 2 kcal/min of an elemental diet over a period of 90 min. A feedback inhibition was activated by infusion of nutrients into the midgut at rates of 1–4 kcal/min. Saline was infused as control. With increasing energy loads infused into the midgut, the motility index and the length of contraction waves decreased, whereas the incidence of stationary contractions increased, ie, the motility changed from a propulsive to a segmenting pattern. These modulations of motility were associated with a linear decrease in the flow rate and a linear increase in transit time. Flow and transit were linearly correlated with each other. Additionally, the reduction in flow rate and the delay in luminal transit were associated with a linear increase in the absorption of nutrients. However, the increase in absorption induced by the feedback mechanism was small (7.3–13.4%) compared to the marked inhibition of the motility parameters (54–64%), the flow rate (59%), and the delay of transit (5.8-fold). Feedback control primarily modulated motor patterns and luminal flow, whereas the small increase in absorption was only a side effect due to the longer contact time of the nutrients with the mucosa.The study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, grant Eh 64/6-3.  相似文献   
The optimum therapy for cryptococcal meningitis in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) remains unresolved. Traditional therapy consists of amphotericin B with or without flucytosine. Obstacles exist in administering these agents to patients with AIDS. Mortality rates during initial therapy are relatively high. Given the lack of proved benefit, we do not recommend adding flucytosine to amphotericin B routinely. The search for more efficacious and less toxic agents continues. The oral triazoles, especially fluconazole, have increased the options for treatment of this disease. New strategies and novel approaches in managing cryptococcal meningitis in patients with AIDS continue to be developed.  相似文献   
A 74-year-old man became delirious 2 days after beginning oral therapy with methazolamide. The delirium was manifested by intermittent psychosis, incontinence of bowel and bladder, lethargy, and disorientation. These symptoms continued for 25 days despite many changes in his drug regimen, and complete laboratory, urologic, and neurologic work-ups. The symptoms resolved completely within 1 week of discontinuing methazolamide. This is the first case reported of delirium associated with methazolamide not accompanied by a metabolic imbalance.  相似文献   
Study Objectives . To evaluate the pharmacodynamic antibacterial activity of ticarcillin-clavulanic acid (T-C) and ampicillin-sulbactam (A-S) combinations against reference bacterial strains in patients with end-stage renal disease maintained on long-term hemodialysis. Design . Randomized, crossover, controlled study. Setting . National Institutes of Health-funded general clinical research unit in a Veterans Administration Medical Center. Patients . Nine adult men with end-stage renal disease maintained on long-term hemodialysis. Two subjects did not complete the study due to problems of vascular access, and another withdrew for personal reasons. Interventions . On a nondialysis day, each subject was randomly administered either T-C 3.1 g or A-S 3 g as a slow intravenous infusion over 30 minutes. Serial blood samples were collected for measurement of antibiotic serum concentrations and determination of serum bactericidal titers. Following a washout period, the study was repeated with the alternative antibiotic combination. Measurements and Main Results . The mean observed apparent β-half-life of clavulanic acid was substantially shorter than that for the other three drugs. The bactericidal activity of both A-S and T-C against non-β-lactamase-producing (Nβ-LP) strains of S. aureus and E. coli was consistently high, as indicated by geometric mean SBTs of at least 1:5 at 24 hours. Against β-lactamase-producing (β-LP) S. aureus, the geometric mean SBTs for A-S were at least 1:25 throughout the study period, while the geometric mean SBTs for T-C decreased over 24 hours from 1:29 to 1:6. Against β-LP E. coli, the bactericidal activities for both A-S and T-C were poor, with geometric mean peak SBTs of only 1:6 and 1:3, respectively. The geometric mean SBT for T-C against this E. coli strain had declined to 1:1 at 6 hrs. Conclusion . Increasing the dosing interval for T-C in patients with end-stage renal disease may lead to periods of insufficient clavulanic acid to protect ticarcillin from β-lactamase degradation.  相似文献   
Study Objective . To determine albuterol delivery by metered-dose inhaler (MDI) in an in vitro pediatric mechanical ventilatory circuit model. The influence of a spacing device, endotracheal tube (ETT) diameter and length, and air humidity was also investigated. Design . An albuterol MDI canister was connected to an AeroVent spacer or Airlife MDI adapter and ETT 4.0, 5.0, or 6.0 mm at commercially available and equal lengths. The ETT tip was attached to an in-line filter holder with a 1-μm type A/E glass fiber filter. Ventilator settings were fractional concentration of inspired oxygen 50%, tidal volume 250 ml, inspiratory:expiratory (I:E) ratio 1:3, rate 25 breaths/minute, temperature 35°C, and a decelerating flow pattern. Ten albuterol canisters were activated two times each (total 2000 μg) into dry (4.0-, 5.0-, and 6.0-mm ETT) and humidified air (4.0- and 6.0-mm ETT) and repeated in triplicate. Percentage MDI output was determined by weighing the filter before and after drug administration (balance sensitivity 10 μg). Significant differences (p≤0.05) among the groups with and without a spacer and in dry and humidified air were determined by ANOVA with Scheffe's multiple comparison test. Multiple regression was used to determine significant associations between ETT diameter and length and delivery. Main Results . With the AeroVent spacer in humidified air, delivery with the 4.0- and 6.0-mm ETT was approximately 2.3% and 5%, respectively. The spacer and dry air significantly improved delivery. Conclusions . In humidified air, the dose of albuterol by MDI with an AeroVent spacer should be doubled for children intubated with 6.0-mm ETT, and four puffs administered for every one puff desired for 4.0-mm ETT. The results of this investigation should prove useful in initial clinical trials of albuterol MDI in ventilator-dependent infants and children.  相似文献   
For the treatment of intraabdominal infection, single-agent antimicrobial regimens such as β-lactams with good antianaerobic activity are frequent alternatives to combination regimens such as aminoglycosides or aztreonam plus an antianaerobic agent such as clindamycin or metronidazole. The major issues in selecting a regimen are relative efficacy, potential for adverse drug effects, and cost. Single agents are clearly equivalent to combinations in preventing infectious complications after penetrating abdominal trauma and in treating established intraabdominal infections of mild to moderate severity or in relatively low-risk patients. A few trials demonstrated their equivalency in patients at high risk of mortality, although experience is limited. Single-agent regimens may reduce the risks of adverse drug effects compared with combination regimens, but they are not always less expensive.  相似文献   
Study Objectives . To characterize patient sociodemographics and health, describe vancomycin treatment parameters and clinician-rated outcomes, and determine costs associated with treatment including preparation and administration, adverse events, and toxicity. Design . A prospective study to develop a model for costs associated with antibiotic treatment (vancomycin). Setting . A community hospital. Patients . One hundred adults with active infections. Interventions . Mean duration of therapy was 10 days, and most patients received 2000 mg/day. Serum concentrations were monitored in two of three patients. Detailed cost analyses were completed on a subset of 26 patients selected at random from the overall sample. Measurements and Main Results . Sepsis and skin and skin structure infections were the most common indications for vancomycin therapy. Treatment was effective in 81 patients, failed in 9, and was not evaluable in 10. Thirty-eight percent of patients experienced adverse events attributable to the drug. Phlebitis was common, and red man syndrome, nephrotoxicity, and ototoxicity were infrequent. Conclusions . Total cost of vancomycin treatment for 100 patients was $30,251: $23,855 for preparation and administration, $1710 for monitoring serum concentrations, and $4686 for treating adverse reactions. Drug costs accounted for only 55% of the total cost. Vancomycin is safe and effective, but phlebitis is underreported and significantly affects cost.  相似文献   
Study Objective . To determine the influence of treatment on the microbiologic outcome of funguria. Design . Retrospective case series. Setting . A 300-bed tertiary care teaching hospital in a large metropolitan area. Subjects . 141 hospitalized patients, 18 years of age or older, with at least one urine culture positive (≥ 102 cfu/ml) for fungi. Interventions . Retrospective review of medical records to determine the microbiologic outcome of funguria. Main Results . Funguria developed rapidly in individuals with known predisposing factors. Urinalysis did not routinely detect the presence of fungi or pyuria. Symptoms such as fever, dysuria, and frequency were generally absent. Funguria persisted whether it was due to Candida albicans or non-albicans species. There were no statistical differences in the microbiologic outcomes of treated and untreated funguria. Conclusions . Funguria is a rapidly developing, often benign and persistent process. Minimizing predisposing risks, such as removing indwelling urinary catheters, is beneficial in its management. Pharmacologic treatment of funguria due to C. albicans or non-albicans species does not influence the microbiologic outcome.  相似文献   
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