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The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal dose of edrophonium needed for successful antagonism (train-of-four ratio, or T4/T1 > 0.7) of vecuronium-induced blockade when all four twitches were visible in response to indirect train-offour (TOF) stimulation. Forty patients, scheduled for elective surgical procedures not exceeding 120 min, received vecuronium, 0.08 mg · kg?1, during thiopentone-N2O-isoflurane anaesthesia. Train-of-four stimulation was applied every 20 sec and the force of contraction of the adductor pollicis muscle was recorded. Increments of vecuronium, 0.015 mg · kg?1, were given as required. At the end of surgery, and provided that neuro-muscular activity had recovered to four visible twitches, edrophonium, 0.1 mg · kg?1, was given. Two minutes later, edrophonium, 0.1 mg · kg?1, was given if T4/T1 did not reach 0.7. After another two minutes, edrophonium, 0.2 mg · kg?1, was given if T4/T1 did not reach 0.7 or more. Finally, if T4/ T1 was still < 0.7, a dose of 0.4 mg · kg?1 was given. Seventeen patients (42.5%) required 0.1 mg · kg?1 of edrophonium for successful reversal, sixteen patients (40%) needed a cumulative dose of 0.2 mg · kg?1 and six patients (15%) required 0.4 mg · kg?1. Only one patient received 0.8 mg · kg?1. There was a good correlation between T4/ T1 two minutes after the first dose of edrophonium and pre-reversal T4/T1 (r = 0.6; P = 0.00014). All patients with pre-reversal T4/ T1 > 0.23 required at most 0.2 mg · kg?1 of edrophonium for successful reversal. We conclude that when all four twitches are clearly visible following train-of-four stimulation, small doses of edrophonium (0.1-0.2 mg · kg?1) might be sufficient to antagonize vecuronium neuromuscular blockade.  相似文献   
Family planning in Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the past 5 years, four knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) surveys on family planning have been organized by the Unit of Population Survey Methodology of the Istituto Superiore di Sanita' (National Institute of Health). These surveys show that during the past 20 years, use of reliable contraceptives in Italy has increased, particularly in the North, encouraged by the more open attitude toward sexual behavior, following legalization of the provision of information on contraception and abortion upon request, and other social and cultural changes.In 1989 and 1991, 25% of women in Central and Southern Italy were using the pill or an IUD. However, the percentage of women not using contraceptives was still high (26% in 1989, and 19% in 1991) and withdrawal was the most widley used method (31% and 33%). The data show large regional differences.The main reasons for not using contraception, in the 1989 study, were fear of side-effects and ignorance, especially in the youngest and oldest women. Those least likely to use modern contraception were the young, the ill-educated and the nulliparous women.Lack of information seems to be the main problem in Italy. In fact, the 5044 women interviewed showed a medium level of knowledge of contraception, with only 63% who could identify correctly the fecund period in the menstrual cycle. However, their attitude toward the use of modern contraception was positive; 65% of the women interviewed said they would recommend the Pill or an IUD to a friend, and 10% of them would recommend condoms.Induced abortion is still common in Italy (13 reported abortions per 1000 women aged 15–44), although the incidence has steadily decreased since 1982. In the vast majority of cases, abortion was an emergency measure after the failure of contraceptive methods. It has been calculated that from 10% to 50% of induced abortions might be prevented in a short period through appropriate programs of health education and family planning involving the 2474 governmental maternal and child healt clinics in Italy.
Resumen En los 5 últimos años, la Sección de Metodología de Encuestas Demográficas del Istituto Superiore di Sanità realizó cuatro estudios de conocimiento, actitud y práctica (KAP) respecto a la planificación familiar. Estos estudios indican que, en los 20 últimos años, el uso de anticonceptivos fiables en Italia ha aumentado, especialmente en el norte, fomentado por una actitud más abierta en cuanto a la conducta sexual, tras la legalización y otros cambios sociales y culturales.En 1989 y 1991, el 25% de las mujeres de la región central y meridional de Italia utilizaban la pídora o el DIU. Sin embargo, el porcentaje de mujeres que no utilizaban anticonceptivos continuaba siedo alto (26% en 1989 y 19% en 1991) y elcoitus interruptus era el método más utilizado (31% y 33%). Los datos indican grandes differencias regionales.Los motivos principales de la no utilización de anticonceptivos, en el estudio de 1989, eran el temor a los efectos secundarios y la ignorancia, especialmente entre las mujeres de menor y de mayor edad. Las que probablemente menos utilizaran anticonceptivos modernos eran las mujeres jóvenes, las de bajo nivel de educación y las nulíparas.La falta de información parece ser el problema principal en Italia. En realidad, las 5044 mujeres entrevistadas tenían un nivel medio de conocimiento y sólo el 63% pudo identificar correctamente el período de fecundidad del ciclo menstrual. Sin embargo, su actitud respecto al uso de anticonceptivos modernos era positiva; el 65% de las mujeres entrevistadas manifestaron que recomendarían la píldora o el DIU a una amiga y el 10% de ellas recomendarían preservativos.El aborto provocado continúa siendo común en Italia (13 abortos notificados por cada 1000 mujeres de 15–44 años de edad) si bien su incidencia ha disminuido constantemente desde 1982. En la gran mayoría de los casos, el aborto era una medida de emergencia después del fracaso de un método anticonceptivo. Se ha calculado que del 10 al 50% de los abortos provocados podría impedirse en un plazo breve mediante programas apropiados de educación sanitaria y planificación familiar con la participación de las 2474 clínicas maternoinfantiles estatales de Italia.

Resumé Au cours de cinq dernières années, le service chargé de la méthodologie pour les enquêtes sur la population à l'Istituto Superiore di Sanità a organisé quatre enquêtes sur les connaissances, les attitudes et les pratiques en matière de planning familial. Ces enquêtes ont révélé qu'au cours de vingt dernières années en Italie, l'utilisation de contraceptifs fiables s'est répandue, notamment dans le nord du pays, encouragée par une attitude plus ouverte à l'égard du comportement sexuel à la suite de changements législatifs et autres dans le domaine social et culturel.En 1989 et 1991, 25% des femmes en Italie centrale et méridionale utilisaient la pilule ou un DIU. Le pourcentage de femmes ne faisant appel à aucune méthode de contraception était cependant encore élvé (26% en 1989 et 19% en 1991) et le retrait était la méthode la plus fréquemment adoptée (31% et 33%). Les données font apparaître d'importantes différences régionales. D'après l'étude de 1989, les raisons essentielles du non emploi des contraceptifs provenaient de la crainte d'éventuels effects secondaires et de l'ignorance, surtout chez les juenes et les femmes plus âgées. Les femmes les moins susceptibles de faire appel à la contraception moderne étaient les jeunes, les femmes peu éduquées et les nullipares.Le manque d'information semble être le problème principal en Italie. En fait, les 5044 femmes interrogées ont fait preuve de connaissances moyennes sur la contraception, 63% à peine étant capables d'identifier correctement la période de fécondité du cycle menstruel. Leur attitude à l'égard de la contraception moderne était cependant positive; 65% des femmes interrogées ont répondu qu'elles recommanderaient la pilule on un DIU à une amine, et 10% qu'elles recommanderaient le préservatif.Les avortements provoqués sont encore fréquents en Italie (13 avortements signalés pour 1000 femmes de 15 à 44 ans), mais leur incidence a progressivement diminué dequis 1982. Dans la grande majorité des cas, l'avortement est une mesure d'urgence après l'échec des méthodes de contraception. On a calculé que 10 à 50% des avortements provoqués pourraient être évités en peu de temps si l'on prévoyait des programmes appropriés d'éducation sanitaire et de planning familial dans les 2474 cliniques maternelles et infantiles qui existent en Italie.

This paper is a revised version of one presented at the Workshop Acceptance and Effectiveness of Modern Contraception, organized by the International Health Foundation at the SAC Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, October 1992.  相似文献   
Edrophonium administered in divided doses has been reported to accelerate antagonism of neuromuscular blockade, i.e., a "priming" effect. Since measured onset times can be affected by the type of stimulation used, this effect was studied using both train-of-four (TOF) and single twitch (ST) stimulation. During thiopentone-nitrous oxide-enflurane anaesthesia 20 adults were given atracurium 0.5 mg.kg-1. Both ulnar nerves were stimulated with TOF every 12 sec until one per cent recovery of first twitch (T1). At this time, ST stimulation was applied to one arm, selected at random. When the mean value of T1 and ST reached ten per cent of control, edrophonium, 1 mg.kg-1, preceded by atropine was given either as a single dose, or in two doses consisting of 0.2 mg.kg-1 followed by 0.8 mg.kg-1 three minutes later. No statistically significant differences were observed between T1 and ST for the next ten minutes, whether edrophonium had been given in single or divided doses. Giving edrophonium in divided doses did not improve recovery significantly, measured with either T1, ST or train-of-four ratio (T4/T1). Five minutes after the first administration of edrophonium, T1 was (mean +/- SEM) 86 +/- 3 and 86 +/- 2 per cent control in the single and divided dose groups respectively. Corresponding values for ST were 89 +/- 1 and 89 +/- 2 per cent (NS), and for TOF, 49 +/- 3 and 57 +/- 3 per cent (NS), respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Background: Several collaborations in communicable disease surveillancehave developed between European Union member states. Involvementin these activities takes time and money. It is vital that collaborationsare established in areas most likely to be beneficial. An exercisewas undertaken to inform national surveillance centres and theEuropean Commission as to priority areas for the developmentof collaborations. Methods: A modified Delphi exercise was undertakenamongst the heads of centres with responsibilities for surveillanceat national level in the member states of the EU. Participantsdeveloped, agreed and ranked criteria for developing collaborations.A list of communicable diseases and syndromes was then rankedusing a Likert-type scale. Three rounds were undertaken. Betweenrounds, scores and a ranking were fed back showing where participantshad ranked items, compared to the overall mean and rank distribution.For the third round participants were asked to use a categoricalscale, nominating six or ten high priority disease areas. Results:Response rates were 87.5% for round 1, 44% round 2 and 87% round3. The low round 2 response rate appeared to be because respondentsdid not wish to alter their rankings. The six high priorityareas were outbreaks of gastroenteritis/food poisoning, CID/otherslow virus infections, serious imported diseases, legionellosis,antimicrobial resistance and tuberculosis. When participantsgave ten high priority areas meningococcal disease, travel advice,vaccination/immunization and influenza were also included. Thefinal lists were accepted at the meeting of participants. Conclusions:The process was successful in developing both a priority listand consensus.  相似文献   
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common cause of legal blindness in the developed countries in people older than 50 years of age. AMD complicated by choroidal neovascular membranes (CNV) accounts for 12% of AMD, but for 88% of legal blindness cases. Because of the progressive aging of the population, it is expected that AMD will be one of the greater public health problems in ophthalmology in the first half of the next century. Laser photocoagulation remains the only proven treatment for CNV in AMD, but unfortunately, is applicable only to a minority of patients presenting with CNV in AMD. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a new experiment treatment for CNV that combines the application of low-intensity light with a photosensitizing agent in the presence of oxygen to produce tissue effects. It uses the noninvasive potential of the laser light to cause a nonthermal localized chemotoxic reaction and obtain highly selective occlusion of the neovascular channels, with sparing of the overlying photoreceptors. Animal studies showed that PDT accounts for the effective closure of experimentally induced CNV. Phase I-II clinical studies showed that PDT using BPD can safely stabilize leakage from CNV in a majority of patients for up to 3 months. Phase III clinical studies to assess the long term prognosis of PDT-treatment of CNV in AMD are ongoing.  相似文献   


Although differences in fibre composition, fibre size or acetylcholine receptor (AChR) density between muscles have often been proposed to explain the unequal sensitivities of muscles to muscle relaxant drugs, it is not clear whether or how these parameters differ among muscles or are related to one another. In this study, several muscles were examined to determine the composition and cross-sectional area (CSA) of types I and II fibres, the surface area of their motor endplates (ESA), and their AChR density.


Biopsies from the thyroarytenoideus, cricoarytenoideus dorsalis, masseter, diaphragm, transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis, gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of goats were processed by muscle histochemistry and morphometry and the ESA:CSA ratio was computed. The number and density of AChRs per endplate were estimated by125I-α-bungarotoxin binding studies.


The mean type 1 fibre composition (range: 0–100%), fibre diameter (28–50 μm) and the ESA:CSA ratio (0.27–1.01) differed among muscles (P = 0.0001), but there were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in the mean endplate size (577–725 μm2), AChR number (6.6?14.5 × 106) or AChR density (8,900–22,300 μm?2) probably because of marked individual variations. Fibre size increased and the ESA:CSA ratio decreased in the order laryngeal, diaphragm, jaw, limb and abdominal muscles.


It is concluded that between muscles fibre size varies more than endplate size or AChR number.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Effective adjuvant or neoadjuvant regimens of chemotherapy have dramatically improved the prognosis of patients with high-grade osteosarcoma of the extremity, localized at diagnosis. Currently, little is known about patients with metastatic disease at presentation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From May 1995 to May 2000, 57 patients with osteosarcoma of the extremity, metastatic at presentation, were treated according to the following scheme: primary chemotherapy, restaging, simultaneous resection of primary tumor and metastatic lesions, and maintenance chemotherapy. RESULTS: Thirty-five patients achieved remission. At a follow-up ranging from 2 to 7 years, seven remained continuously free of disease, one died of chemotherapy-related toxicity and 27 patients relapsed. Twenty-one of the 22 patients who never achieved remission died as a result of the tumor, as well as 20 of the 27 who achieved remission but then relapsed. Of the remaining seven relapsing patients, six are alive with uncontrolled disease, while one is alive and free of disease 24 months after the last post-relapse treatment. Two-year event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS) were 21% and 55%, respectively. These results are significantly poorer than those achieved in 128 contemporary patients with non-metastatic disease at presentation, treated with the same chemotherapy protocol (2-year EFS and OS of 75% and 94%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The results of our study confirm that the prognosis of patients with osteosarcoma of the extremity, metastatic at presentation, remains poor, despite the use of aggressive treatments.  相似文献   
Massive bone allograft reconstruction in high-grade osteosarcoma   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
From 1986 to 1994, 112 bone allograft reconstructions were performed in patients with high-grade osteosarcoma in whom neoadjuvant chemotherapy was administered. The allograft reconstruction was used in arthrodesis in 44 cases (41 knees, three ankles), as an intercalary graft in 39 (28 femurs, 11 tibias), as an osteoarticular graft in 22 (three proximal and/or distal humeri, six distal femurs, 13 proximal tibias), and as an allograft and prosthesis composite in seven (two proximal humeri, one proximal femurs, four proximal tibias). In 20 patients an autologous vascularized fibula was used to augment the allograft. Functional results were excellent or good in 74% of the patients after the primary surgery, and in 83% of the patients after secondary surgery. Complications include delayed union (49%) and fracture (27%), although there were no cases of deep infection. The incidence of delayed union, but not infection or fracture, was increased by the use of chemotherapy.  相似文献   
It is the purpose of this study to evaluate the clinical and radiographic medium-term results of a series of 60 patients submitted to intersomatic lumbar fusion by posterior approach, using a system constituted by carbon wedges to be associated with bone grafts for intersomatic fusion, and by steel or titanium plates or bars used for posterior pedicle osteosynthesis. Satisfactory clinical results were obtained in 88.2% of cases and complete radiographic fusion in 91.4% of cases. Complications were generally observed in 8.3% of cases. In light of these results, we may consider intersomatic lumbar fusion by posterior approach a method that is perhaps aggressive, but effective in the treatment of severe lumbar spondylolysis. The use of carbon wedges brings several advantages that favor intersomatic fusion, its progressive control, and the restoration of normal lordosis of the lumbar spine.  相似文献   
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