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BACKGROUND: Thioredoxin (Trx)/thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) is a redox-active system induced by oxidative stress. We investigated its status as a function of RA disease activity. METHODS: 64 consecutive RA patients and 27 healthy subjects were enrolled in the study. Serum Trx protein levels were evaluated using an immunoassay and immunoblot, while redox Trx and TrxR activities and oxidative stress markers (carbonyl groups, thiols), were determined using spectrophotometric methods. RESULTS: Redox Trx activity and Trx protein concentrations were significantly higher in RA patients than in controls (redox Trx activity: 37.7+/-22.6 versus 21.1+/-7.9 ng/mL, p<0.01; Trx protein: 25.5+/-12.0 versus 12.3+/-5.1 ng/mL, p<0.0001). Redox Trx activity correlated with the DAS score (r=0.45, p=0.004) and with the tender joint count (r=0.49, p=0.002) whereas there was no correlation with Trx protein concentrations. Immunoblot analysis showed that circulating Trx was partially aggregated. TrxR activity was lower in the serum of RA patients than in healthy subjects (197+/-70 versus 263+/-56 U/L, p=0.002). TrxR activity was correlated with the DAS score (r=0.53, p<0.001) and with the tender joint count (r=0.36, p<0.01). There were no correlations between oxidative stress marker levels and redox Trx activity, Trx protein concentrations or TrxR activity. CONCLUSION: Redox Trx and TrxR activities correlated with the disease activity of RA patients consistent with the hypothesis that Trx/TrxR activities may contribute to disease activity in RA.  相似文献   
The insects of the order Siphonaptera, commonly named fleas, are vectors of pathogens around the world. Our previous studies showed that 4.4% of acute febrile diseases in the Sine-Saloum region of Senegal were due to Rickettsia felis. The aim of this study was to explain the high prevalence of R. felis infections in two rural Senegalese populations by an entomological, systematic monitoring protocol. A total of 232 fleas from three species (Ctenocephalides felis, Echidnophaga gallinacea, and Synosternus pallidus) were collected by candle trapping and manually from pets in the villages of Dielmo and Ndiop during the year 2010. The fleas were then tested for the presence of Bartonella and Rickettsia species. No fleas were found to be positive for any Bartonella species or R. felis. Surprisingly, we found that 91.4% of S. pallidus were infected by a new Rickettsia species, which, based on sequence analysis of gltA, ompB, and two fragments of rpoB, was found to be closely related to R. felis. The results from this study did not explain the high incidence of R. felis infections in these Senegalese populations.  相似文献   
Tick-borne diseases comprise a complex epidemiological and ecological network that connects the vectors, pathogens, and a group of host species. The aim of this study was to identify bacteria from the genus Rickettsia associated with ixodid ticks infesting camels and cows in Egypt. Ticks were collected from 6 different localities: Qina, Giza, Qalet El Nakhl, New Valley, El Arish, and Minufia, from July to October 2008. Species were identified using PCR, followed by sequencing. The gltA and rOmpA genes were used for the initial detection of Rickettsia spp. Further characterization of positive samples utilized primers targeting rOmpB, sca4, and intergenic spacers (mppA-purC, dksA-xerC, and rpmE-tRNA(fMet)). Cows were infested with Hyalomma anatolicum excavatum and Boophilus annulatus. Camels were infested with Hyalomma dromedarii, H. impeltatum, and H. marginatum marginatum. Approximately 57.1% of H. dromedarii ticks collected from Qalet El Nakhl were infected with Rickettsia africae, exhibiting 99.1-100% identity to reference strains. Within H. impeltatum, 26.7% and 73.3% of ticks from El Arish were infected with R. africae and R. aeschlimannii, with 98.3-100% and 97.9-100% identity, respectively. Furthermore, 33.3% of H. marginatum marginatum ticks in Qalet El Nakhl were infected with the same two species as H. impeltatum, demonstrating 99.1-100% and 99.3-100% identity, respectively. By comparing percent identities and phylogenetic relationships, R. africae is identified for the first time in Egypt, in addition to R. aeschlimannii, which exhibits 100% identity with the Stavropol strain in GenBank. In conclusion, the obtained data underscore the medical and veterinary importance of tick-borne rickettsioses, which necessitate further investigation by authorities in Egypt. Moreover, additional characterization of these rickettsial isolates should be performed to designate their strains, using a polyphasic strategy combining genotypic and phenotypic tests, to facilitate their deposition in the rickettsial collection of the WHO and/or ATCC.  相似文献   
Plasmodium falciparum expresses many antigens, which elicit various immune responses in exposed individuals, but no simple surrogate marker for protection has yet been developed. In this prospective survey, we looked for immune responses predictive of protection at various stages of progression from parasite inoculation to onset of disease. We studied 110 Senegalese volunteers from an area in which malaria is mesoendemic after they had received eradication therapy. We evaluated 4 protection-related outcomes (reappearance of parasitemia, duration of asymptomatic carriage, time to first clinical episode, and incidence of clinical episodes) in terms of levels of immunoglobulin G (IgG) against 3 crude parasite extracts and 5 conserved antigens during a 5-month period. Kaplan-Meier estimates and age-adjusted regression models showed these 4 outcomes to be associated with different patterns of IgG response to PfEMP3-cl5 (derived from P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 3), PfEB200, MSP-1(19) (derived from merozoite surface protein-1), [NANP]10, infected red blood cell membrane, and merozoite and schizont extracts. It should, therefore, be possible to develop surrogate markers for each end point on the basis of IgG response to a limited number of conserved antigens.  相似文献   
Abstract: Although many articles have been published on polyomavirus‐induced pathologies in transplant recipients, our knowledge regarding their clinical aspects remains relatively limited. In fact, the number of questions and controversies on the subject seems even to be increasing as new publications continue to appear. This article presents some of these controversies through a brief review of recent clinical facts about the three polyomaviruses that infect humans – JC virus, simian virus 40, and BK virus – as they relate to renal transplantation.  相似文献   
Calcofluor white 2MR, modified trichrome blue, and indirect immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) staining methods were evaluated and compared for detecting microsporidia in stool. Serial 10-fold dilutions of Encephalitozoon (Septata) intestinalis were prepared in three formalinized stool specimens or in Tris-buffered saline. Ten-microliter aliquots were smeared onto glass slides, fixed with methanol, stained, and read by at least three individuals. The results indicated that the calcofluor stain was the most sensitive method, required approximately 15 min to perform, but did generate some false-positive results due to similarly staining small yeast cells. The modified trichrome blue stain was nearly as sensitive as the calcofluor stain and allowed for easier distinction between microsporidia and yeast cells. This stain, however, required approximately 60 min to perform. The IFA stain with polyclonal murine antiserum against E. intestinalis was the least sensitive of the methods and required approximately 130 min to perform. The lower limit of detection with the calcofluor and modified trichrome stains was a concentration of about 500 organisms in 10 microliters of stool to detect one microsporidian after viewing 50 fields at a final magnification of x1,000. Reliability was also addressed by use of 74 stool, urine, and intestinal fluid specimens, 50 of which were confirmed for the presence of microsporidia by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). All TEM-positive specimens were detected by calcofluor and modified trichrome blue staining. Ten specimens were not detected by the IFA stain. An additional seven TEM-negative specimens were read positive for microsporidia with the calcofluor stain, and of these, five also were read positive with the modified trichrome blue stain. The resulting diagnostic paradigm was to screen specimens with the calcofluor stain and to confirm the results with the modified trichrome stain. IFA, which was less sensitive, may become useful for microsporidian species identification as specific antibodies become available.  相似文献   
There is a lack of data on the Anopheles fauna, its biology and the roles played by different vector species in the transmission of malaria in the mount Cameroon region. The biting habits, feeding behaviour and entomological inoculation rates of different Anopheles species during the dry and rainy season were investigated. A total of 2165 Anopheles was collected, 805 in the rainy season and 1360 in the dry season. Five Anopheles species were identified: Anopheles gambiae s.l., An. funestus, An. hancocki, An. moucheti and An. nili. An. gambiae, An. funestus and An. hancocki, recorded during both seasons, were the main vectors of malaria in the region. An. gambiae s.s. was the only member of the An. gambiae (Giles) complex. These three species had their peak activity between 1 and 2 am. A human blood index (HBI) of 98.29% was recorded for fed Anopheles. The sporozoite rate, for all vectors together, was significantly higher in the rainy season (9.4%) than in the dry season (4.2%) with all the species infected by Plasmodium falciparum. The average inoculation rate was 0.44 infective bites per man per night, which adds up to 161 infective bites per year in this study area. Analyses of relative abundance and infection rate of malaria vectors at different sites situated along a transect of 20 km during the dry season showed high heterogeneity in biting and sporozoite rates. No malaria vector was caught at 1200 m a.s.l. The mount Cameroon region should be considered an area of high malaria transmission intensity.  相似文献   
Objective: To understand the mechanisms and epidemiology of resistance to oxyiminocephalosporins in Escherichia coli over a 2-year period in a French hospital.
Methods: Forty-four strains, resistant or intermediately resistant to one of the oxyiminocephalosporins or aztreonam, were collected from 35 patients. MIC determinations were carried out for the 44 isolates using a panel of β-lactam antibiotics, and characterization of the β-lactamases they produced by isoelectric focusing and catalytic activity measurement. Extended-spectrum β-lactamase production was studied by use of the double disk diffusion test. Conjugation experiments were used to search for plasmidic cephalosporinase. An epidemiologic study was then performed, by use of molecular typing of the strains with an ERIC-PCR method and a case-control analysis.
Results: Less than 1% of all the E. coli isolates at our hospital showed decreased susceptibility to oxyiminocephalosporins. Only three of the 44 isolates showed synergy between clavulanate and a third-generation cephalosporin and produced an extended-spectrum β-lactamase. For the other strains, a β-lactamase with a highly basic isoelectric point was detected. Spectrophotometric measures confirmed that most of these isolates were AmpC hyper-producers. No plasmidic cephalosporinase could be detected by conjugation experiments. Molecular typing showed all isolates to be different, except for two strains isolated in two patients of the same hospital unit, and for the repeated isolates of some patients. When 20 case patients were compared to 40 randomly selected control patients, prior receipt of an antimicrobial and more specifically of a β-lactam agent was significantly associated with case patients.
Conclusions: Although it appears to be very rare, the resistance to broad-spectrum cephalosporins needs our attention, because of the high frequency of E. coli infections and β-lactam use in their treatment.  相似文献   
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