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A population based hybrid design combining element of cohort and cross-sectional approach was used to develop a simple clinical algorithm to predict individual probability of developing hypertension (systolic BP > 140 mm Hg and/or diastolic BP > 90 mmHg). 3615 soldiers initially normotensive at the time of induction into high altitude, were studied by systematic random sampling. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed a high significant association between hypertension and age, body mass index (BMI), tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption. Using the constant/coefficient values obtained from the logistic model and the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve analysis, the following predictive rule was developed – To the age in years, add (BMIx 3.86); also add 5.53 if he is a smoker; and add 19.81 if he consumes alcohol. If the total exceeds 142, the individual is at high risk of developing hypertension. This algorithm carries a sensitivity of 68.2% and specificity of 78.5%.KEY WORDS: Hypertension, High altitude  相似文献   
St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center in St. Paul, MN became one of the first hospitals in the United States to initiate a "stockless" par level inventory system. Successes with stockless led the hospital to look at implementing it in the OR to achieve a reduction of expense to revenue. Materiel Management and Surgical Services discussed a number of issues relevant to implementing a stockless program, including product flow, accuracy and cost of case carts and preference cards, item pricing, committed usage of items brought into the system and establishment of a steering committee. Specific OR issues and practices required evaluation and adjustment, such as the routine use of emergency direct ordering. Information systems support was brought in and a products committee established to do education and oversee the program. Savings for 1993-94 were $185,146.  相似文献   
Using a simplified step-back sequence, which consists of traditional .02 tapered stainless-steel hand reamers, the No. 2 peeso reamer, and four manual nickel-titanium instruments, a dentist can easily, safely, and economically create a continuously tapered canal shape. This article discusses the complete coating of canal walls with EZ-Fill epoxy-resin sealer, which is delivered with a bidirectional spiral; and total obturation with a single gutta percha point, which is matched closely to the tapered shape. The results of this system are compared with other techniques.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate changes in arousal and their impact on memory performance during the intracarotid amobarbital test (IAT). METHODS: Along with memory measures, level of arousal was evaluated through clinical ratings and nonverbal self-ratings in epilepsy patients undergoing IAT before anterior temporal lobectomy. RESULTS: Irrespective of seizure focus, left-sided amobarbital injection resulted in decreased objective and subjective arousal more often than right-side injection. Impaired objective arousal was greater when the left hemisphere was injected second, because of the presumed additive effects of systemic amobarbital residual from the first injection. Decreased objective arousal was related to poorer performance on memory testing following left-hemisphere injection. CONCLUSIONS: The IAT, as practiced in most centers, is biased, so patients with right temporal lobe seizure focus are more likely to "pass" the test, whereas patients with left seizure focus are more likely to "fail" the test. The significant impact of changes in arousal on memory testing needs to be considered when using IAT results to select patients for temporal lobectomy.  相似文献   
The high rates of abdominal disorders in a growing population of geriatric patients and the greater willingness of the surgeon to cope with major problems in the elderly are factors contributing to a steady increase in abdominal procedures in this group. Four hundred consecutive major abdominal surgical procedures in patients over 70 years of age were submitted for computer analysis, the purpose of which was to determine the principal factors affecting mortality and morbidity. The etiological profile of abdominal surgery in the elderly was characterized by a high percentage of procedures related to the biliary tract, with the second largest group being those for intestinal obstruction due to benign and malignant conditions. The decision-making process in geriatric surgery is of great importance, requiring consideration of ethical, medico-legal and economic factors in addition to the purely medical ones. Analysis of data presented in this series leads to the following conclusions:
  1. There is a declining mortality rate in all elective operations in the elderly, in the absence of widespread malignancy.
  2. Timing is all important in abdominal emergencies in the elderly, and early operations are usually more successful than either immediate or delayed operations.
  3. Definitive procedures are sometimes both safer and more cost effective than minimal procedures performed under such circumstances.
  4. The principal factors leading to high mortality rates are the presence of malignancy, generalized peritonitis, and moderate-to-severe involvement of life-support systems.
PURPOSE: To determine the response rate, time to disease progression, survival duration and rate, and toxicity with the combination of cetuximab and gemcitabine in patients with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-expressing advanced pancreatic cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with measurable locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer who had never received chemotherapy for their advanced disease and had immunohistochemical evidence of EGFR expression were eligible for the multicenter phase II trial. Patients were treated with cetuximab at an initial dose of 400 mg/m(2), followed by 250 mg/m(2) weekly for 7 weeks. Gemcitabine was administered at 1,000 mg/m(2) for 7 weeks, followed by 1 week of rest. In subsequent cycles, cetuximab was administered weekly, and gemcitabine was administered weekly for 3 weeks every 4 weeks. RESULTS: Sixty-one patients were screened for EGFR expression, 58 patients (95%) had at least 1+ staining, and 41 were enrolled onto the trial. Five patients (12.2%) achieved a partial response, and 26 (63.4%) had stable disease. The median time to disease progression was 3.8 months, and the median overall survival duration was 7.1 months. One-year progression-free survival and overall survival rates were 12% and 31.7%, respectively. The most frequently reported grade 3 or 4 adverse events were neutropenia (39.0%), asthenia (22.0%), abdominal pain (22.0%), and thrombocytopenia (17.1%). CONCLUSION: Cetuximab in combination with gemcitabine showed promising activity against advanced pancreatic cancer. Further clinical investigation is warranted.  相似文献   
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