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Oxidative metabolism of the human eosinophil   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
We have compared the oxidative metabolism of human eosinophils (80%-90% purity) to that of neutrophils. Hexose monophosphate (HMP) shunt activity of eosinophils was higher than that of neutrophils under either resting or phagocytizing conditions. Eosinophil HMP shunt activity also was stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate, a membrane- active agent. Eosinophils showed a marked incorporation of 125I into trichloroacetic acid-insoluble material under resting conditions, which increased markedly during phagocytosis. Eosinophils likewise showed a greater reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium dye during phagocytosis than did neutrophils. Measurement of other parameters of oxidative metabolism indicated that eosinophils generated superoxide anion following phagocytosis and also elicited a burst of chemiluminescence similar to that observed during phagocytosis by neutrophils. Measurement of NADPH oxidase activity demonstrated that this enzyme was 3-6 times more active in fractions isolated from eosinophils than in corresponding fractions isolated from neutrophils; this was observed over a range of substrate concentrations. The eosinophil enzyme sedimented differently than the neutrophil enzyme with differential centrifugation; neither showed sedimentation characteristics of peroxidase. These data indicate that eosinophils possess a similar, although in some ways more potent, oxidative burst than neutrophils and are consistent with a role for NADPH oxidase in the initiation of that burst.  相似文献   
A panel of seven monoclonal antibodies has been used to characterise 164 cerebral and spinal tumours. These reagents have enabled rapid and accurate diagnosis of tumours to be made, particularly in cases where standard techniques have proved equivocal. On the basis of characteristic antigenic profiles of tumours, it has been possible to distinguish between gliomas, meningiomas, schwannomas, medulloblastomas, neuroblastomas, choroid plexus tumours, various metastatic deposits, and primary brain lymphomas. The reagents used in the study comprise antibodies binding to (a) most neuroectodermally derived tissues and tumours (UJ13A), (b) fetal brain and tumours of neuroblastic origin (UJ181.4), (c) schwannomas, normal and neoplastic neurones (UJ127.11), (d) glial cells (FD19), (e) epithelial cells (LE61), and (f) leucocytes (2D1). Some reagents, such as antibody A2B5, were less effective as diagnostic markers than originally suggested by previously described specificity. This monoclonal antibody reacted with both neuroectodermal and epithelial derived tumours. The panel of monoclonal antibodies was most useful in the diagnosis of tumours composed of small round cells, particularly lymphoma and neuroblastoma, but the pattern of reactivities allowed most of the central nervous system tumours to be accurately classified. This approach was a valuable adjunct to conventional histological techniques in about 20% of the cases examined.  相似文献   
Discomfort and factual recollection in intensive care unit patients   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  


A stay in the intensive care unit (ICU), although potentially life-saving, may cause considerable discomfort to patients. However, retrospective assessment of discomfort is difficult because recollection of stressful events may be impaired by sedation and severe illness during the ICU stay. This study addresses the following questions. What is the incidence of discomfort reported by patients recently discharged from an ICU? What were the sources of discomfort reported? What was the degree of factual recollection during patients' stay in the ICU? Finally, was discomfort reported more often in patients with good factual recollection?


All ICU patients older than 18 years who had needed prolonged (>24 hour) admission with tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation were consecutively included. Within three days after discharge from the ICU, a structured, in-person interview was conducted with each individual patient. All patients were asked to complete a questionnaire consisting of 14 questions specifically concerning the environment of the ICU they had stayed in. Furthermore, they were asked whether they remembered any discomfort during their stay; if they did then they were asked to specify which sources of discomfort they could recall. A reference group of surgical ward patients, matched by sex and age to the ICU group, was studied to validate the questionnaire.


A total of 125 patients discharged from the ICU were included in this study. Data for 123 ICU patients and 48 surgical ward patients were analyzed. The prevalence of recollection of any type of discomfort in the ICU patients was 54% (n = 66). These 66 patients were asked to identify the sources of discomfort, and presence of an endotracheal tube, hallucinations and medical activities were identified as such sources. The median (min–max) score for factual recollection in the ICU patients was 15 (0–28). The median (min–max) score for factual recollection in the reference group was 25 (19–28). Analysis revealed that discomfort was positively related to factual recollection (odds ratio 1.1; P < 0.001), especially discomfort caused by the presence of an endotracheal tube, medical activities and noise. Hallucinations were reported more often with increasing age. Pain as a source of discomfort was predominantly reported by younger patients.


Among postdischarge ICU patients, 54% recalled discomfort. However, memory was often impaired: the median factual recollection score of ICU patients was significantly lower than that of matched control patients. The presence of an endotracheal tube, hallucinations and medical activities were most frequently reported as sources of discomfort. Patients with a higher factual recollection score were at greater risk for remembering the stressful presence of an endotracheal tube, medical activities and noise. Younger patients were more likely to report pain as a source of discomfort.
目的:基质金属蛋白酶在急性心肌梗死后的心室重构中起着重要作用,但其调节机制目前尚未明确。实验拟通过动物模型的建立及体外细胞培养,观察急性心肌梗死后单个核细胞表面CD147与心肌成纤维细胞基质金属蛋白酶-9 mRNA表达的关系。 方法:实验于2006—08/2007-06在河北省人民医院临床实验中心完成。实验材料:SD大鼠及SD仔鼠(出生1~3d)购自河北医科大学试验动物中心。实验过程中对动物处置符合动物伦理学标准。实验方法:①将30只大鼠随机分为急性心肌梗死组(n=15)和假手术组(n=15),假手术组只过线不结扎。流式细胞分析法检测大鼠术后24h外周血单个核细胞表面CD147表达。②选择SD仔鼠制备心肌成纤维细胞。将单个核细胞与心肌成纤维细胞以细胞数0.5:1,1:1,2:1混合培养24h后,半定量反转录一聚合酶联反应法检测基质金属蛋白酶-9 mRNA表达。当单核细胞与心肌成纤维细胞2:1混合时,加入CD147单克隆抗体1,2,4μL/L,培养24h后检测基质金属蛋白酶-9 mRNA表达。 结果:①急性心肌梗死后外周血单个核细胞表面CD147表达明显增加。②单个核细胞与心肌成纤维细胞混合培养,随着单个核细胞比例的增加,心肌成纤维细胞基质金属蛋白酶-9 mRNA表达增加。③在单个核细胞与心肌成纤维细胞2:1混合培养体系中,随着加入CD147单克隆抗体浓度的增加,基质金属蛋白酶-9 mRNA生成减少。 结论:急性心肌梗死后单个核细胞表面CD147表达明显增加,对心肌成纤维细胞基质金属蛋白酶-9生成起上游调节作用。  相似文献   
目的:人体助行带为一种随身佩带的动力装置,应用遥测肌电技术测定和分析自行研制的人体助行带的生物力学作用机制。方法:实验于2005-12/2006-06在天津体育大学运动生物力学实验室进行。选取天津市天津医院30名受试对象,均对本实验知情同意。按照生物力学的测试要求,首先对受试者进行5次以上行走状态下的遥测肌电测定,然后在同等条件下对受试者佩带助行带实施对照研究。实验采用的助行带为自行研制的,由腰至足以双层弹力带作为动力装置的弹性结构。结果:行走摆动相大腿肌肌电:佩带助行带后肌内侧肌、肌二头肌、半腱肌肌电高于佩带前(P<0.01)。支撑相小腿肌肌电:佩带助行带后胫前肌、腓骨长肌、腓肠肌肌电高于佩带前(P<0.01)。结论:通过弹力带施加于下肢的外部载荷,能够起到增强下肢肌电以及产生助行的生物力学功效。  相似文献   
目的:总结微创经皮钢板置入内固定治疗胫腓骨骨折的技术操作特点,并观察材料及宿主反应。方法:2004-06/2006-10在济宁医学院附属金乡医院对18例胫腓骨骨折患者在微创手术下进行了手术置入内固定材料。男13例,女5例,年龄17~73岁。术后按Johner-Wruhs方法评价测试各大关节功能,分为优、良、中、差。全部病例进行临床随访。术前、术后1周、6周、3个月、半年及1年分别摄X线片与健侧对比测量患肢外观、成角、旋转和短缩情况,并观察材料及宿主反应。结果:①本组病例切口均顺利愈合,术后3~14d出院。②全部获得随访,平均随访时间14个月;骨愈合时间3~10个月。③按Johner-Wruhs方法评价功能,优13例,良4例,中1例,差0例,以优良为满意标准,本组病例总体满意率94.4%。④术后1例出现跛行步态,中度疼痛,骨成角畸形15°,可能因为患者对不锈钢材料有排斥反应造成固定不牢所致。结论:微创经皮钢板置入内固定材料治疗胫腓骨骨折具有手术创伤小、骨折愈合快、功能恢复好的特点;内固定材料未出现特殊材料反应与宿主反应。  相似文献   
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