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Use of synthetic peptides as vaccine components is hampered by their susceptibility to enzymatic degradation and rapid clearance from biological fluids. Introduction of non-natural structural modifications can render peptides more resistant to enzymatic degradation, encouraging attempts to profile such non-natural ligands as components of synthetic sub-unit vaccines. We have compared the antigenic and immunogenic properties of a series of non-natural peptide analogues derived from a promiscuous T cell epitope of the major Plasmodium falciparum malaria vaccine candidate merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP-1). A series of HLA class II restricted MSP-1(38-58)-specific TCC established from three volunteers were characterized for their minimal epitope and fine specificity. T cell stimulatory activities of a series of pseudo-peptide analogues with single reduced peptide bond Psi-[CH2-NH] modifications were compared with those of single d-amino acid replacement analogues. Compared to reduced peptide bond analogues the single d-amino acid replacement analogues turned out to be less suitable for stimulation of TCC. In particular, the reduced peptide analogue carrying a Psi-[CH2-NH] backbone modification between positions V52 and L53 of MSP-1(38-58) demonstrated properties that would make it a more suitable vaccine component than the unmodified parent peptide. First, the pseudo-peptide stimulated a number of TCC restricted by a range of HLA class II alleles. Second, trypsin treatment in combination with T cell stimulation assays provided evidence for increased resistance to proteolytic digestion. Third, the parasite-binding anti-MSP-1 mAb 7.27 recognized best this particular pseudo-peptide in competition ELISA experiments and its immunogenicity in out-bred Aotus monkeys was superior to that of the parent peptide eliciting antibodies cross-reactive with native MSP-1.  相似文献   
Using a spectrophotometric NBT reduction assay and phagocytosis, we identified that production of superoxide anions and phagocytic activity of hemocytes from Macrobrachium rosenbergii were significantly higher in the presence of rat, rabbit, and chicken erythrocytes than with human, pig, or horse erythrocytes. Hemocytes stimulated with MrL, MrLMab, or PMA increased 4.7, 5.1, and 6.1 fold, respectively, the oxidative response as compared to non-stimulated hemocytes. MrLMab together with MrL increased 5.7 fold the oxidative capacity of hemocytes as compared to non-stimulated cells. These effects were inhibited with 100 mM GalNAc, GlcNAc, or Neu5Ac and 0.2 microM of sialylated submaxillary gland mucin and fetuin. Piroxicam inhibited (P < 0.05) the production of O(2)(-) induced by MrL, whereas iodoacetamide inhibited the effect of MrLMAb (P < 0.05) in a dose-dependent manner. Our results suggest that MrLMab might activate the oxidative burst through the metabolism of glucose as opposed to MrL which utilizes NADPH-independent mechanisms, very probably through pro-inflammatory metabolites.  相似文献   
Xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) is the rate-limiting enzyme in purine catabolism occurring in most cell types. However, this housekeeping gene is expressed at very high levels in a number of mammalian tissues including the lactating mammary epithelium, suggesting additional roles for XOR in these tissues. Mice with targeted disruption of XOR were generated to assess these potential additional roles. XOR-/- mice are runted and do not live beyond 6 wk of age. Strikingly, however, XOR+/- females, although of healthy appearance and normal fertility, are unable to maintain lactation and their pups die of starvation 2 wk postpartum. Histological and whole-mount analyses showed that in XOR+/- females the mammary epithelium collapses, resulting in premature involution of the mammary gland. Electron microscopy showed that XOR is specifically required for enveloping milk fat droplets with the apical plasma membrane prior to secretion from the lactating mammary gland. We present evidence that XOR may have primarily a structural role, as a membrane-associated protein, in milk fat droplet secretion and thus XOR provides another example of "gene sharing". About 5% of women experience primary lactation insufficiency. The above observations suggest that human females suffering from xanthinuria, a deficiency in XOR, are potential candidates for lactation problems.  相似文献   
Within Europe, classical genetic markers, nuclear autosomal and Y-chromosome DNA polymorphisms display an east-west frequency gradient. This has been taken as evidence for the westward migration of Neolithic farmers from the Middle East. In contrast, most studies of mtDNA variation in Europe and the Middle East have not revealed clinal distributions. Here we report an analysis of dys44 haplotypes, consisting of 35 polymorphisms on an 8 kb segment of the dystrophin gene on Xp21, in a sample of 1203 Eurasian chromosomes. Our results do not show a significant genetic structure in Europe, though when Middle Eastern samples are included a very low but significant genetic structure, rooted in Middle Eastern heterogeneity, is observed. This structure was not correlated to either geography or language, indicating that neither of these factors are a barrier to gene flow within Europe and/or the Middle East. Spatial autocorrelation analysis did not show clinal variation from the Middle East to Europe, though an underlying and ancient east-west cline across the Eurasian continent was detected. Clines provide a strong signal of ancient major population migration(s), and we suggest that the observed cline likely resulted from an ancient, bifurcating migration out of Africa that influenced the colonizing of Europe, Asia and the Americas. Our study reveals that, in addition to settlements from the Near East, Europe has been influenced by other major population movements, such as expansion(s) from Asia, as well as by recent gene flow from within Europe and the Middle East.  相似文献   
N-Acetyltransferase, which is suggested to be responsible for the production of N 1-acetylspermidine in Leishmania amazonensis and to be involved in the process of inactivation and degradation of excessive polyamines, was partially purified and characterized. Among the substrates tested, sym-norspermidine, sym-norspermine, and 1,3-diaminopropane had the highest reaction rates, but the naturally occurring polyamines spermine and spermidine were also acetylated at considerable rates, whereas putrescine was a poor substrate. The Michaelis constants (K m values) for spermine and spermidine were 0.66 and 3.3 mM, respectively. The Km value for acetylcoenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) was determined to be 34 μM. CoA inhibited the reaction in a competitive manner; the inhibition constant was 5 μM. The enzyme showed an apparent relative molecular mass of 35,000. Received: 16 November 1995 / Accepted: 10 January 1996  相似文献   
Detection of DNA damage after hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hyperbaric oxygen HBO therapy is successfully used for the treatmentof a variety of conditions. However, exposure to high concentrationsof oxygen is known to induce damage to cells, possibly due toan increased oxygen radical production. As reactive oxygen speciesalso cause DNA damage, we investigated the DNA-damaging effectof HBO with the alkaline version of the single cell gel testcomet assay. Oxidative DNA base modifications were determinedby converting oxidized DNA bases to strand breaks using bacterialformamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase FPG, a DNA repair enzyme,which specifically nicks DNA at sites of 8-oxo-guanines andformamidopyrimidines. HBO treatment under therapeutic conditionsclearly and reproducibly induced DNA damage in leukocytes ofall test subjects investigated. Increased DNA damage was foundimmediately at the end of the treatment, while 24 h later, noeffect was found. Using FPG protein we detected significantoxidative base damage after HBO treatment DNA damage was detectedonly after the first treatment and not after further treatmentsunder the same conditions, indicating an increase in antioxidantdefences. DNA damage did not occur when the HBO treatment wasstarted with a reduced treatment time which was then increasedstepwise. 3To whom correspondence should be addressed  相似文献   
We develop an integrated model of isolated rat arterial resistance vessel (RV), which can simulate its major property of myogenic response. The vascular smooth muscle cell is an important component of the wall of this vessel, and serves as a vasomotor organ providing the active tension generation that underlies the myogenic response of the wall to stretch. In the previous study, we focused on the development of a smooth muscle cell model that can mimic the strain-sensing and force-generating features of the myogenic mechanism. In the current model, we embed this cell model in a larger vessel wall configuration, and couple the time course of cellular contractile activation to macroscopic changes in vessel diameter. The integrated model is used to mimic published pressure-vessel diameter data obtained from isolated RVs that are mounted in a hydraulic test apparatus. The model provides biophysically based insights into the myogenic mechanism as it responds to changes in transmural pressure, in the presence and absence of Ca2+ blockers applied to the bathing fluid.It mimics measured data very well and provides a model that is able to link events at subcellular level to macroscopic changes in vessel diameter. The model initiates a mechanistic approach to investigate myogenic response, which has not been taken previously by any other models.  相似文献   
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