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Specificity of acupoints remains a crucial question in acupuncture research. The aim was to investigate whether acupuncture of specific points influences the Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials (CAEP). Ten healthy volunteers were enrolled in this study according to inclusion criteria. One of 4 acupoints: TH3, GB43 (both claimed as specific for auditory system by Traditional Chinese Medicine) and non-specific points H7 and ST44, was stimulated during one session. Each volunteer received 4 sessions of acupuncture with an interval of 1 week between the sessions. The latencies and amplitudes of CAEP were registered before and after the acupuncture during each session. The mean peak latencies of P2 component decreased after stimulation of TH3 by 11 ms and GB43 by 14 ms whereas the peak latencies of N2 component increased after stimulation of TH3 by 9 ms and GB43 by 4 ms compared to baseline values (p<0.05). The stimulation of H7 and ST44 did not produce any changes. These findings confirm the specificity of acupuncture points TH3 and GB43 in relation to auditory system.  相似文献   
We hypothesized that abnormal fetal heart rate monitoring patterns (FHR-MPs) occur more often in pregnancies complicated by intra-amniotic inflammation. Therefore, our objective was to examine the relationships among FHR-MP abnormalities, intra-amniotic inflammation and/or infection, acute histological chorioamnionitis, and early-onset neonatal sepsis (EONS) in pregnancies complicated by preterm birth. Additionally, the ability of various FHR-MPs to predict EONS was investigated. FHR-MPs from 87 singleton premature neonates delivered within 48 hours from amniocentesis (gestational age, mean +/- SD: 28.9 +/- 3.3 weeks) were analyzed blindly using strict National Institute of Child Health and Human Development criteria. Strips were evaluated at three time points: at admission, at amniocentesis, and prior to delivery. Intra-amniotic inflammation was established based on a previously validated proteomic fingerprint (mass-restricted score). Diagnoses of histological chorioamnionitis and EONS were based on well-recognized pathological, clinical, and laboratory criteria. We determined that fetuses of women with severe intra-amniotic inflammation had a higher FHR baseline throughout the entire monitoring period and an increased frequency of a nonreactive FHR-MP at admission. Of all FHR-MPs, a nonreassuring test at admission had 32% sensitivity, 95% specificity, 73% positive predictive value, 77% negative predictive value, and 76% accuracy in predicting EONS. Although a nonreassuring FHR-MP at admission was significantly associated with EONS after correcting for gestational age (odds ratio, 5.6; 95% confidence interval, 1.2 to 26.2; P = 0.030), the majority of the neonates that developed EONS had an overall reassuring FHR-MP. Nonreassuring FHR-MPs at either amniocentesis or delivery had no association with EONS. We conclude that in cases complicated by preterm birth, a nonreassuring FHR-MP at the initial evaluation is a specific but not a sensitive predictor of EONS. An abnormal FHR-MP can thus raise the level of awareness that a fetus with EONS may be born, but it is not a useful clinical indicator of the need for antibiotic treatment of the neonate.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Antenatal identification of infants small for gestational age (SGA) improves their perinatal outcome. Repeated measurement of symphysis-fundus (SF) heights performed by midwives is the most widespread screening method for detection of SGA. However, the inefficiency of this method necessitates improved practices. Earlier start and more frequent SF measurements, which could be accomplished by self-administered measurements, might improve the ability to detect deviant growth. The present study was set up to evaluate whether pregnant women can reliably perform SF measurements by themselves. METHOD: Forty healthy women with singleton and ultrasound-dated pregnancies from 2 antenatal clinics in Uppsala, Sweden, were asked to perform 4 consecutive SF measurements once every week, from 20 to 25 weeks of gestation until delivery. The self-administered SF measurements were recorded and systematically compared with midwives' SF measurements. RESULTS: Thirty-three pregnant women performed self-administered SF measurements over a 14-week period (range: 1-21). The SF curves constructed from self-administered SF measurements had the same shape as previously constructed population-based reference curves. The variance for self-administered SF measurements was higher than that of the midwives. CONCLUSIONS: Pregnant women are capable of measuring SF heights by themselves, but with higher individual variance than midwives. Repeated measurements at each occasion can compensate for the higher variance. The main advantage of self-administered SF measurements is the opportunity to follow fetal growth earlier and more frequently.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: This paper presents a ten-year follow-up of a randomized, controlled trial which gives the long-term hysterectomy rate and patient satisfaction rate of transcervical hysteroscopic endometrial ablation in the treatment of heavy dysfunctional bleeding. METHODS: There were 120 women enrolled in the study, from June 10, 1993 to August 31, 1995, all requiring endometrial ablation for the treatment of heavy dysfunctional bleeding. All patients were offered a clinical examination two years postoperatively. Long-term outcome was assessed by completion of a questionnaire five and ten years after initial treatment. Any new symptomatology and need for further treatment or a hysterectomy was registered. A bleeding index and the patients' satisfaction rate and acceptability of the treatment method were stated. RESULTS: Sixty-one patients were treated by endometrial coagulation, and 59 by endometrial resection. No significant difference in the number of hysterectomies or satisfaction rate between the two groups was observed. At a ten-year follow-up, 63% of patients only had one ablation, 11% were treated twice, and 22% had a hysterectomy. Only 3% were lost to follow-up. For the group of patients above 40 years of age, only 17% had a hysterectomy. Since the two-year follow-up only six patients with one hysteroscopic treatment have had further intervention. Ninety-four percent of the women would recommend the treatment to their best female friend. CONCLUSION: The long-term results show that an ablation for heavy dysfunctional bleeding is an excellent treatment. Overall 22% of patients had a hysterectomy. If the patient had no further intervention at the two-year clinical control, there was only a 6% risk of hysterectomy after a period of at least ten years.  相似文献   
In a cross-sectional study of 2,802 perimenopausal caucasian women, carriage of at least one mutated allele of the 17-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (17-alpha HSD) vlV A-->C single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was associated with a significantly increased body mass index (mean 24.3 +/- 4.4 kg/m(2) vs. 23.5 +/- 4.2 kg/m(2); P<.001), and obesity was more frequent among mutant allele carriers (P=.06; odds ratio 1.38; 95% confidence interval 0.97-1.95), providing evidence of 17-alpha HSD as a candidate gene of perimenopausal obesity.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: The aim of our study was to define the benefits and risks related to expectant management in the midtrimester rupture of membranes and to assess the prognostic factors in order to give objective informations to parents facing these obstetrical situations. STUDY DESIGN: We conducted a retrospective study. The study population included 49 patients with premature rupture of membranes at 16-23 weeks' gestation during the period January 1998-June 2003. The main criterion for judgement was neonate survival. Statistical analysis included chi2-test for the qualitative variables and Student's test for the quantitative variables. The threshold for significance was 5%. RESULTS: Twenty couples out of 49 chose medical termination of pregnancy. Among the 29 other pregnancies, the mean latency period was 2.1 weeks. The mean gestational age at delivery was 23.2 weeks. Nineteen patients were delivered after 22 weeks. The main prognostic factors were the initial amniotic fluid index (2.9 cm versus 0.8 cm) (p=0.042) and gestational age at delivery (26.7 weeks versus 22.6 weeks) (p<0.001). About 2% of the pregnancies were complicated by maternal infection. Eighty-three percent of the survivors had neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. 41.2% of them presented sepsis. We observed no cases of severe intraventricular haemorrhage. The number of infants born after 24 weeks of gestation and still alive at 1 week was 12, representing 24% of pregnancies and 63% of the infants born after 24 weeks. CONCLUSION: Expectant management can be widely suggested to patients. However, termination of pregnancy is acceptable, in cases with a poor prognosis including anamnios and premature rupture of membranes before 21 weeks.  相似文献   
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