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CD4+ T cells lacking the costimulatory molecule CD28 have been described both in elderly individuals and in chronic inflammatory disorders, one being rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We, in this study, provide a comprehensive characterization of cell surface markers on and function of such CD28nullCD4+ T cells, as well as correlations with clinical parameters. We conclude that of all surface markers associated with these cells, only CD57 and CD11b are expressed on the majority of them. This CD28null population occurred in one-third of patients with RA and was independent of clinical characteristics. The population was persistent and expanded in peripheral blood, but was excluded from the joint in most patients. Functionally, CD28nullCD4+ T cells were potent effector memory cells with regard to their proliferation and cytokine-secretion profiles. This capacity correlated with a hitherto unpublished surface phenotype, the cells being uniformly CCR7- and CD43high. Moreover, a new terminally differentiated CD45RA+CCR7- population of CD4+ T cells was identified. We would like to suggest that in the unbalanced immune system of patients with autoimmune disease and chronic infection an expanded CD28nullCD4+ T-cell population able to secrete high levels of cytokines is likely to contribute to disease manifestations.  相似文献   
Pan J  Zhang M  Wang J  Wang Q  Xia D  Sun W  Zhang L  Yu H  Liu Y  Cao X 《Immunology letters》2004,94(1-2):141-151
Maturation of dendritic cells (DC) is critical for efficient antigen presentation and initiation of an immune response. Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) is an important Th1 cytokine. In this study, we investigated the role of IFN-gamma in DC maturation using either IFN-gamma receptor deficient- or IFN-gamma overexpression-models. We showed that immature DC generated in vitro from bone marrow (BM) progenitor cells produced low level of IFN-gamma. After LPS stimulation, DC produced more IFN-gamma, and IFN-gamma productions were at comparable levels among C57BL/6 mice-derived DC (C57BL/6 DC), wild-type 129 mice-derived DC (129 DC) and IFN-gamma receptor deficient 129 mice-derived DC (IFN-gammaR-/-DC). We found that IFN-gammaR-/-DC exhibited decreased expression of CD54, CD86, reduced capacity to secrete IL-1beta and IL-12p70, and impaired capacity to stimulate alloreactive T cells and to drive Th1 differentiation. Transfection of IFN-gamma gene into DC promoted DC to express higher CD40, CD54, CD80, CD86, CCR7 and I-Ab, secrete more IL-1beta and IL-12p70, and more potently activate both CD4 and CD8 T cells. These data suggest that IFN-gamma signaling pathway is important for the maturation of DC in an autocrine fashion.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: In babies born after ICSI procedures, an increase of de-novo sex chromosome abnormalities has been observed. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain these findings: an increased rate of sex chromosome aneuploidy in sperm of oligozoospermic men, or a preferential location of the sex chromosomes in the sub-acrosomal region of the sperm nucleus which leads to a reduced DNA decondensation of this region. In order to investigate which theory may be more reliable, we studied the localization of sex chromosomes and their aneuploidy rate in sperm in men undergoing ICSI. METHODS: Using fluorescent in-situ hybridization we studied sex chromosome localization and the aneuploidy rate for sex chromosomes and chromosome 18 in 20 oligospermic men undergoing ICSI and in 10 controls. RESULTS: In 40.94 and 52.92% of cases, the X and Y chromosomes respectively were localized in the sub-acrosomal region of the sperm nucleus compared with only 14.29% of cases of chromosome 18 (P < 0.001). An increase of sex chromosome aneuploidy in sperm of oligospermic men was observed; 2.91 versus 0.69% of controls (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Sex chromosomes are localized preferentially in the sub-acrosomal region of sperm and sex chromosome aneuploidy rate in the sperm of oligozoospermic men is higher than in controls.  相似文献   
In this paper, we report a pregnancy at risk for beta thalassaemia in which the fetal red blood cell volume was reduced while that of the mother was relatively great, so that the presence of a fetal red blood cell population in a mixed maternal-fetal sample was difficult to recognise. The molecular basis for these haematological phenotypes was clarified by follow up examination and alpha globin gene mapping. These indicated that the fetus was heterozygous for beta thalassaemia and had deletion of three alpha globin structural genes, while the mother, heterozygous for beta thalassaemia, also had deletion of two alpha globin structural genes. When the coinheritance of alpha thalassaemia is suspected, it is necessary to examine carefully the red blood cell distribution of a placental sample, so that the presence of a population of fetal red blood cells is not missed.  相似文献   
The formation of calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis can be estimated by measuring the concentration of calcium oxalate versus the inhibitory role of crystal formation in the urine. In recent studies, the calcium oxalate saturation index and the inhibitory activity (by modified Sarig's method) of the urine during fasting and after oral calcium loading in normal subjects and in patients with calcium nepliro- lithiasis were determined. It was shown that, in normal comrols after calcium loading the inhibitory activity of the urine increased in parallel with the increase in urinary excretion of calcium oxalate; in contrast, in patients with kidney stones, it remained unchanged or fell slightly. This abnormal response might result in a disturbance of the saturation-inhibi- tion balance and formation of kidney stone. In normal individuals, there may be a "protective re- sponse" to prevent the precipitation of calcium oxalate when the urrine is oversaturated with calcium oxalate while a defect of the "protective response" in patients may be an important factor in calcium oxalate stone formation.  相似文献   
术前孤立性CRP升高与体外循环术后并发症的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨无感染的、术前孤立性C-反应蛋白(CRP)增加,对于体外循环心脏术后的结果,是否有预测性价值。方法分术前孤立性CRP升高(10.5~70.2mg/L)50例(A组)与CRP正常(<10mg/L)50例对照(B组),B组匹配A组在年龄、性别和疾病种类,两组均进行体外循环心脏手术。结果A组脓毒性并发症(20%)比对照组(2%)多(P<0.01)。这些病人微生物学阳性仅10%。A组中需要儿茶酚胺支持的占28%,而B组仅12%(P<0.05)。A组较B组术后需呼吸机支持的时间明显延长(25.2±6.2h比6.6±0.5h)(P<0.01)、ICU滞留时间也较B组长(4.6±0.8d比2.6±0.3d)(P<0.05)。结论术前孤立性CRP升高的病人,体外循环术后,发生脓毒性并发症的可能性明显增加。且大多数病例微生物学实验阴性,推测大多数脓毒性并发症是由于全身炎症反应综合征的原因。  相似文献   
Lei  Cao  Chuzhong  Li  Chunhui  Liu  Peng  Zhao  Jiwei  Bai  Xinsheng  Wang  Yazhuo  Zhang  Songbai  Gui 《Neurosurgical review》2021,44(3):1737-1746
Neurosurgical Review - Since there are many approaches for successful craniopharyngioma resection, how to choose a suitable approach remains problematic. The aim of this study was to summarize...  相似文献   
Many animal species exhibit approach-avoidance responses upon the novel placement of a mirror into an individual animal's environment. With a view toward identifying new behavioral measures with qualitatively or quantitatively different responses to anxiolytic agents, we developed a mirrored chamber apparatus for which adult male BALB/cByJ mice showed an extended latency to enter. Administration of diazepam significantly reduced this latency to enter a mirrored chamber in a dosage-dependent manner. The psychomotor stimulant, methylphenidate, had no effect on latency to enter the mirrored chamber at a dose which stimulated locomotor activity to the same extent as diazepam. Thus, the decreased latency to enter the mirrored chamber brought about by diazepam seems unlikely to reflect the motor effects of this benzodiazepine. The potency of diazepam was significantly lower in the mirrored chamber assay than it was on three other measures of exploratory activity--"head-dipping" performance, plus-maze performance and locomotor activity stimulation. The findings of our study indicate that the mirrored chamber method is simple to carry out, nonpunishing, rapid and quantitative and that it possesses pharmacological attributes which distinguish its response to anxiolytics from other assays of exploratory behavior.  相似文献   
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