There is an increasing request by patients or their representatives not to have some data registered in their clinical history or if such data exists to be deleted. Without doubt, this is so because such clinical data is accessed by various professionals who in most cases are not directly involved in caring for such patients. On the other hand, such data is copied and iteratively and unnecessary reproduced in various discharge reports and others forms. The problem arises when such controversial data refer to particularly sensitive clinical aspects such as assisted reproduction techniques, which invades personal and family privacy. Therefore, the question is who determines what data should be recorded in the medical records and according to what criteria should be taken that decision? 相似文献
Context: MOTILIPERM was prepared as a mixture of extracts of three medicinal herbs [roots of Morinda officinalis How (Rubiaceae), outer scales of Allium cepa L. (Liliaceae) and seeds of Cuscuta chinensis Lamark (Convolvulaceae)].Objective: To investigate the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-based endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in a rat model of varicocele and the therapeutic efficacy of MOTILIPERM in this model.Materials and methods: Sixty male rats were divided into five experimental groups: a normal control group (CTR?+?vehicle), a control group administered MOTILIPERM 200?mg/kg (CTR?+?M 200), a varicocele-induced control group (VC?+?vehicle) and two varicocele-induced groups administered MOTILIPERM 100 (VC?+?M 100) or 200 (VC?+?M 200) mg/kg for 4 weeks. Testis weights were recorded and serums were assayed for hormone concentrations. Tissues were subjected to semen analysis, histopathology, analyses of ER response protein expression levels and oxidative stress were assessed by measuring ROS, reactive nitrogen species (RNS), malondialdehyde (MDA) level and ratios of total glutathione (GSH)/oxidized GSH (GSSG).Results: MOTILIPERM treatment of varicocele-induced groups significantly increased left testis weight, testosterone level, sperm motility, count and spermatogenic cell density. ER-response protein expression levels were dose-dependently decreased in VC?+?M 200 group compared with VC?+?vehicle group. MOTILIPERM treatment also decreased MDA and ROS/RNS level but increased GSH/GSSG ratio.Discussion and conclusions: This study suggests that ROS-related ER stress may play a major role in varicocele-induced infertility and MOTILIPERM, a novel compound targeting ROS-based ER stress, may be therapeutically useful in treatment of varicocele, or as a supplement for the treatment of infertility. 相似文献
Background: Social media are currently considered as a potential complementary source of knowledge for drug safety surveillance. Our primary objective was to estimate the frequency of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) experienced by Twitter users. Our secondary objective was to determine whether tweets constitute a valuable and informative source of data for pharmacovigilance purposes, despite limitations on character number per tweet.
Research design and methods: We selected a list of 33 drugs subject to careful monitoring due to safety concern in France and Europe, and extracted tweets using the streaming API from 30 September 2014 to 5 April 2015. Two pharmacovigilance centers classified these tweets manually as potential ADR case reports.
Results: Among 10,534 tweets, 848 (8.05%) implied or mentioned an ADR without meeting the four FDA criteria required for reporting an ADR, and 289 (2.74%) tweets were classified as ‘case reports.’ Among them 20 (7.27%) tweets mentioned an unexpected ADR and 33 (11.42%) tweets mentioned a serious ADR.
Conclusions: With the use of dedicated tools, Twitter could become a complementary source of information for pharmacovigilance, despite a major limitation regarding causality assessment of ADRs in individual tweets, which may improve with the new limitation to 280 characters per tweet. 相似文献
Iron-oxide nanoparticles (NPs) generated by environmental events are likely to represent health problems. α-Fe2O3 NPs were synthesized, characterized and tested in a model for toxicity utilizing human whole blood without added anticoagulant. MALDI-TOF of the corona was performed and activation markers for plasma cascade systems (complement, contact and coagulation systems), platelet consumption and release of growth factors, MPO, and chemokine/cytokines from blood cells were analyzed. The coronas formed on the pristine α-Fe2O3 NPs contained contact system proteins and they induced massive activation of the contact (kinin/kallikrein) system, as well as thrombin generation, platelet activation, and release of two pro-angiogeneic growth factors: platelet-derived growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor, whereas complement activation was unaffected. The α-Fe2O3 NPs exhibited a noticeable toxicity, with kinin/kallikrein activation, which may be associated with hypotension and long-term angiogenesis in vivo, with implications for cancer, arteriosclerosis and pulmonary disease. 相似文献
Arginine-rich protein motifs have been described as potent cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) but also as rather specific ligands of the cell surface chemokine receptor CXCR4, involved in the infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Polyarginines are commonly used to functionalize nanoscale vehicles for gene therapy and drug delivery, aimed to enhance cell penetrability of the therapeutic cargo. However, under which conditions these peptides do act as either unspecific or specific ligands is unknown. We have here explored the cell penetrability of differently charged polyarginines in two alternative presentations, namely as unassembled fusion proteins or assembled in multimeric protein nanoparticles. By this, we have observed that arginine-rich peptides switch between receptor-mediated and receptor-independent mechanisms of cell penetration. The relative weight of these activities is determined by the electrostatic charge of the construct and the oligomerization status of the nanoscale material, both regulatable by conventional protein engineering approaches. 相似文献
Objectives: The first goal of this study was to empirically identify, among university students, groups with varying levels of risk based on indicators of gambling and substance use. The second goal was to compare the identified groups on various demographic characteristics.
Methods: The study comprised of 2139 full-time undergraduate students, representative of university students in Montreal, Canada. A 3-step latent class logistic regression analysis was performed to identify groups and compare them on demographic characteristics.
Results: The statistical fit indices of the latent class analysis revealed a four-class solution. Class 1 (30.1% of the sample) included non-gamblers with low probabilities of substance use. Class 2 (11.2% of the sample) grouped non-gamblers with high-risk patterns of consumption. Class 3 (36.42% of the sample) included gamblers who are low-risk substance users, and individuals in Class 4 (22.25% of the sample) reported risky patterns of gambling and substance-using behaviors. Results of the logistic regression suggested that gender, being born in Canada, and working full- or part-time are significant predictors of class membership. Participants in both groups labeled at-risk (with and without gambling) were also more likely to report psychological distress and to live outside the family environment.
Conclusions: This study raises important questions regarding the choice of preventive models and feeds into the long-standing debate around universal versus high-risk approaches. 相似文献
Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease of the neuromuscular junction. Most patients have pathogenic autoantibodies against the acetylcholine receptor (AChR). In the last years a novel subpopulation of MG patients has been described that harbors antibodies against low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 (Lrp4), another postsynaptic neuromuscular antigen. In early-onset AChR MG (EOMG), the thymus plays an important role in immunopathogenesis, and early thymectomy is beneficial. It is still unknown if the thymus plays any role in Lrp4-MG. In this pilot study, we compared thymus samples from four patients with Lrp4-MG (one pre-treated with immunosuppressive drugs), four non-MG controls and five EOMG patients (not pretreated with immunosuppressive drugs). Immunohistochemistry of the Lrp4-MG thymi revealed normal architecture, with normal numbers and distribution of B-cells, lymphoid follicles and Hassall's corpuscles. Primary CD23+ lymphoid follicles were similarly infrequent in Lrp4-MG and control thymic sections. In none of the control or Lrp4-MG thymi did we find secondary follicles with CD10+ germinal centers. These were evident in 2 of the 5 EOMG thymi, where primary lymphoid follicles were also more frequent on average, thus showing considerable heterogeneity between patients. Even if characteristic pathological thymic changes were not observed in the Lrp4 subgroup, we cannot exclude a role for the thymus in Lrp4-MG pathogenesis, since one Lrp4-MG patient went into clinical remission after thymectomy alone (at one year follow-up) and one more improved after thymectomy in combination with immunosuppressive therapy. 相似文献
Over the past few years, myositis-specific autoantibodies played an increasing role in the inflammatory idiopathic myositis definition. They became the critical immunological marker for immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy diagnosis (IMNM) since the paradigm switch from histological to serological criteria.This review is focused on the key role of the anti-signal recognition particle (anti-SRP) and the anti-3-Hydroxy-3-MethylGlutaryl-Coenzyme A Reductase (anti-HMGCR) antibodies in immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy.Anti-SRP and anti-HMGCR antibodies are robust diagnostic tools in case of both the classical subacute form and the slowly progressive form of IMNM that may mimic muscular dystrophy. Anti-SRP and anti-HMGCR patients share clinical, biological and histological features with some antibody-associated specificity. Anti-SRP patients harbour more severe muscle weakness and atrophy with severe muscle damage on magnetic resonance imaging study. Approximately 10–20% of anti-SRP patients develop extramuscular symptoms, especially lung interstitial disease. Conversely, anti-HMGCR patients are often associated with statin exposure. In both cases, patients have a poor outcome with frequent relapse and the use of combined immunotherapy. Of note, various data suggest a direct pathogenic role of these antibodies reinforcing the interest in targeted therapeutic strategy. 相似文献