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BACKGROUND: This experimental study sought to determine whether heparin-bonding of intraaortic balloons (IAB) would decrease the incidence of arterial thrombosis in the absence of systemic heparinization. METHODS: In 25 adult pigs, a 9F, 40-mL IAB was inserted into the femoral artery and positioned just below the takeoff of the left subclavian artery for 9 hours. Five animals received systemic heparin, 10 animals had no heparin, and another 10 animals received no heparin but the IAB was heparin-bonded (Duraflo II). Thrombus formation was assessed using a numerical scoring system (0 = no thrombosis to 3 = thrombus >5 cm or evidence of luminal compromise). RESULTS: Animals receiving heparin and heparin-bonded IAB had no thrombus formation around the IAB (mean +/- SE; 0 +/- 0.00 heparin versus 1.55 +/- 0.29 no heparin versus 0 +/- 0.00 heparin-bonded; p < 0.005), at the insertion site (0 +/- 0.00 heparin versus 1.55 +/- 0.29 no heparin versus 0 +/- 0.0 heparin-bonded; p < 0.005), and in the distal femoral artery (0 +/- 0.00 heparin versus 2.00 +/- 0.23 no heparin versus 0 +/- 0.00 heparin-bonded; p < 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: Heparin-bonding of the IAB significantly decreases thrombus formation in the absence of systemic heparinization.  相似文献   
Multiple, diverse sites in the coding region of the angiotensin type-1 receptor mRNA were targeted with 2'-deoxyribonucleotide antisense oligonucleotides (ONs). The uptake of 1 microM concentration of these ONs into Chinese hamster ovary cells was facilitated by the use of cationic liposomes. The antisense sequences reduced binding of 125I-angiotensin II by 57-73%, while mismatch ONs and reverse sequence ONs produced little reduction in receptor binding. These reductions in AT1 receptor binding were accompanied by comparable decreases in AT1 receptor mRNA levels. Furthermore, mRNA cleavage fragments corresponding in size to 3'-cleavage fragments were observed with two of the antisense ONs, consistent with the involvement of an RNase H-type enzyme. When 2'-methoxyribonucleotide analogs of these same sequences were tested, AT1 receptor mRNA levels were unchanged even though small reductions in AngII binding were observed. Antisense effects seen with these 2'-methoxyribonucleotide sequences may have arisen through a translational arrest mechanism. Direct comparisons between 2'-deoxyribonucleotide analogs and their 2'-methoxyribonucleotide counterparts show that antisense effects are significantly larger when they are mediated through an RNase H-type mechanism. 2'-methoxyribonucleotide sequences were most effective when they were directed against the translation initiation codon.  相似文献   
Glutathione (GSH) is known to play an important role in regulating oxidative damage to cells. The present study was initiated to examine the effect of exogenous GSH on oxidative injury in a retinal Müller cell line and to characterize GSH transport in these cells. Rat Müller cells (rMC-1) were incubated with varying concentrations of t-butylhydroperoxide (t-BHP) to induce oxidative stress, and cell viability was measured after addition of GSH. In other studies, kinetics of GSH uptake and Na+-dependency were examined by incubating cells with35S-GSH in Na+-containing and Na+-free buffers. GSH uptake was studied with GSH at concentrations varying from 0. 05-10 m m in NaCl buffer. In the presence of sodium, extracellular GSH provided protection against t-BHP-induced oxidant injury to rMC-1 cells; in contrast, the amino acid precursors of GSH did not have any effect on cell viability. GSH was taken up by rMC-1 cells in a concentration- and sodium-dependent manner. Kinetic studies revealed both a high affinity (Km approximately 0.31 m m) and low affinity Km( approximately 4.2 m m) component. Furthermore, GSH depletion had no significant effect on the rate of GSH uptake. The results show that physiological concentrations of GSH can protect Müller cells from oxidative injury. Both Na+-dependent and Na+-independent transport systems for GSH exist in Müller cells, and the Na+-dependent GSH transporter may be involved in the protective role of GSH.  相似文献   
The author used smear from Stensen's duct aspiration to observe exfoliated cytology in order to help diagnosis of early mumps.According to the smears from 100 cases of mumps and other 50 cases of bacteria parotitis and/or normal parotid as contro,the author revealed that if there are a lot of ductal epithelial cells,monocytes and polynuclear cells,monocytes and polynuclear phagocytes at same time,it could give diagnosis "Mumps" to that patient.In control group,it is unable to observe those three kind cells at same time.The author also discussed the mechanism of how would these three kind cells appear in mumps in accordance with references.  相似文献   
Objective To develop a method for absolute quantification of interleukin 8 (IL—8) mRNA by using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Methods The IL —8 mRNA and protein expression in 2 human lung cancer cell lines, H460 and A549, were evaluated by real-time PCR and ELISA. The IL-8 mRNA expression in 9 cases of normal lung tissue and 44 cases of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) were examined. Results The IL—8 mRNA copy number in a given sample can be measured by real-time PCR. The gene expression of IL—8 is correlated with its protein secretion. The normalized value of IL—8 expression was 4.87±1.69 (copies/ 104 GAPDH copies) in normal lung tissue and 17.04 ±23.96 in NSCLC, respectively. The difference between these two groups is statistically significant (P=0.002). Using 9.74 and 19.48 as cut-off points for positive expression and overexpression of IL—8, 52.3%(23/44cases) of NSCLC were found to express an increased level of IL-8, among which 29.5% (13/ 44cases) were defined as positive expression and 22.7%(10/44cases) as overexpression. Statistical analysis indicated that IL—8 overexpression was significantly increased in female cancers, squamous carcinoma, and in late stages of disease (P<0.05). Conclusion The IL—8 gene expression can be determined by a real-time PCR technique. IL -8 overexpression is correlated with gender, histopathology and stages of the disease.  相似文献   
There is little information on threshold levels and critical time factors for blast exposures, although brain damage after a blast has been established both clinically and experimentally. Moreover, the cellular pathophysiology of the brain response is poorly characterized. This study employs a rat model for blast exposure to investigate effects on the neuronal cytoskeleton. Exposure in the range of 154 kPa/198 dB or 240 kPa/202 dB has previously been shown neither to cause visual damage to the brain, nor to affect the neuronal populations, as revealed with routine histology. Here, the brains were investigated immunohistochemically from 2 h to 21 days after blast exposure. A monoclonal antibody was used which detects only the phosphorylated epitope of the heavy subunit of the neurofilament proteins (p-NFH). This epitope is normally restricted to axons, that is, not demonstrable in the perikarya. Eighteen hours after exposure in the 240-kPa/202-dB range, p-NFH immunoreactivity accumulated in neuronal perikarya in layers II-IV of the temporal cortex and of the cingulate and the piriform cortices, the dentate gyrus and the CA1 region of the hippocampus. At the same time, the p-NFH immunoreactivity disappeared from the axons and dendrites of cerebral cortex neurons. The most pronounced immunostaining of neuronal perikarya was found in the hemisphere, which faced the blast source. The perikaryal accumulation of p-NFH was present also at 7 days but the neuronal perikarya had become negative at 21 days, at which time the axons again displayed p-NFH immunoreactivity. Exposure in the range of 154 kPa/198 dB caused similar, although less marked accumulation of p-NFH immunoreactivity in the neuronal perikarya. The findings are interpreted to show a dephosphorylation of NFHs in axons and dendrites and a piling up of p-NFHs in the perikarya due to disturbed axonal transport.  相似文献   
本文对我科1985年6月至1988年6月收治的52例乳腺癌术后复发病例进行了分析。全部病例均完成了放射治疗,其中39例与化疗联合。全组病例局部控制率为59.6%,1年及2年生存率分别为80.8%和51.9%,本文结果提示,单纯胸壁复发的病例,预后明显好于胸壁及区域淋巴结同时复发的病例(P<0.05),与化疗联合对局部控制率无影响,但能显著提高长期生存率(P<O.01)。  相似文献   
上海市人群自报健康分布的综合测量(三)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于经HOPIT模型校正后的上海市嘉定、宝山、金山和崇明4区(县)的人群自报健康资料,应用伤残集中指数进行人群自报健康分布的综合测量研究。结果表明,在样本地区存在收入相关健康不平等,并提示改善低收入人群的经济状况,特别是收入状况对改善健康的重要性。  相似文献   
本文介绍了欧姆龙 HEM-770A型电子血压计的实用检测方法及专用插头.  相似文献   
目的:建立蒙药阿敏-额尔敦中士宁含量测定方法.方法:采用正相高效液相色谱法.色谱柱为JapanInertsil(SIL 100A-5μm,4.6mm×150mm),流动相为正己烷-二氯甲烷-甲醇-浓氨试液(47.5:47.5:5:0.35),流速1mL·min-1,柱温:30℃,检测波长为254nm.结果:士的宁进样量在0.0918~0.459μg范围内呈良好的线性关系(r=0.9996),平均加样回收率为98.12%,RSD为0.87%.结论:采用正相高效液相色谱法测定士宁含量,方法简便、灵敏、准确,可作为蒙药阿敏-额尔敦的质量控制方法.  相似文献   
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