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We evaluated selection bias in a prospective study of 1,162 consecutive patients with suspected pulmonary embolism. Of these, 983 were eligible, and 627 could actually be included. During two months extensive data were collected on all non-included patients. Finally, our patient characteristics were compared with those of the PIOPED study (1990) and the study of Hull et al. (1994). Compared with included patients, the non-included patients had more often non-diagnostic V/Q scans (50% vs. 36%, p <0.01) and were more often already hospitalized (31% vs. 22%, P = 0.04). The subgroup of patients not included due to refusal or inability to give informed consent (IC) was older (mean age 61 vs. 53 years, P <0.01), more often suffered from malignancies (26% vs. 11%, P <0.01) and frequently had non-diagnostic V/Q scans (57%) as compared to included patients. In our study, 54% of all patients screened was eventually included versus 27% in the PIOPED study. In the PIOPED study patients who had contra-indications for pulmonary angiography were excluded, while in the study of Hull et al. those with inadequate cardiorespiratory reserve were excluded. In studies on new diagnostic technologies, patient selection bias does occur. The potential for such a selection bias should be taken into account when diagnostic strategies are devised to improve their generalizability and acceptability.  相似文献   
高效液相色谱法测定寒痹停片中士的宁含量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:建立用HPLC测定寒痹停片中士的含量的方法。方法:氰基柱;流动相-甲醇-水-三乙胺-乙酸(9800:155:15:30);紫外检测波长254nm。结果:在4~20ug/ml范围内,标准曲线回归方程为:Y=-2803+8967x(r=0.9997),RSD=1.65%?加样回收率的平均值为99.82%。结论:实验表明,这是一个适用于生产控制和产品质量检验的简单、快速、准确的方法。  相似文献   
Background: The purpose of the present paper was to describe the clinical manifestations and treatment of patients with panniculitis. Methods: From January 1983 to December 2002, 4294 patients were treated for pediatric rheumatological diseases at Pediatric Rheumatology Unit, University of São Paulo, Brazil. Of these, 35 children and adolescents (0.8%) presented with panniculitis: erythema nodosum (EN) or Weber–Christian disease (WCD). Clinical characteristics, laboratory exams, biopsy of the lesion, treatment and clinical course were studied. Results: Of the 35 patients, 29 presented with EN and six with WCD, one of these with cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis. Mean age at symptom onset was 85 months (6–204 months) and the mean duration of follow up was 55 months (1–144 months). All the patients presented with inflammatory subcutaneous nodules. The patients with WCD presented with systemic manifestations and cutaneous atrophy. The principal etiologies of EN were streptococcal infection (42%), undetermined (13.5%), pulmonary tuberculosis (10%), and acute rheumatic fever (10%). Biopsy of the nodules indicated septal panniculitis in 14 patients with EN and lobular panniculitis without vasculitis in the patients with WCD, one of which had cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis. There was recurrence in 11 patients (38%) with EN and in all those with WCD. Non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs were used in 15 patients with EN and corticosteroids and/or immunosuppressive drugs in the six patients with WCD. Three patients died. Conclusions: EN is the most frequent panniculitis, with a benign course and is mainly associated with infections. WCD is a severe disease, with systemic involvement, that proceeds with cutaneous atrophy and requires the use of corticosteroids and or immunosuppressive drugs.  相似文献   


This study investigated in vitro transdermal delivery of methotrexate through dermatomed porcine ear and cadaver human skin treated with poly (D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) acid microneedles or fractional ablative laser.


PLGA microneedles were fabricated and characterized using scanning electron microscopy and mechanical assessment techniques. The integrity of treated skin was evaluated by rheometer, transepidermal water loss, and skin electrical resistance measurements. Successful skin microporation was demonstrated by dye binding, histology, pore uniformity, confocal laser microscopy, and DermaScan studies. In vitro permeation experiment was performed on Franz diffusion cells to determine drug delivery into and across the skin.


Both physical treatments resulted in a considerable decrease in skin resistance and an increase in transepidermal water loss value. The laser-created microchannels were significantly larger than those formed by microneedles (p?<?0.05). An effective force of 41.04?±?18.33 N was required to achieve 100% penetration efficiency of the microneedles. For both porcine ear and human skin, laser ablation provided a significantly higher methotrexate permeability into the receptor chamber and skin layers compared to microneedle poration and untreated skin (p?<?0.05).


Both fractional ablative laser and polymeric microneedles markedly enhanced in vitro transdermal delivery of methotrexate into and across skin.
Graphical Abstract ?
Purpose To characterize solid maltose microneedles and assess their ability to increase transdermal drug delivery. Materials and Methods Microneedles and microchannels were characterized using methylene blue staining and scanning electron microscopy. Diffusion pattern of calcein was observed using confocal scanning laser microscopy. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) measurements were made to study the skin barrier recovery after treatment. Uniformity in calcein uptake by the pores was characterized and percutaneous penetration of nicardipine hydrochloride (NH) was studied in vitro and in vivo across hairless rat skin. Results Microneedles were measured to be 508.46 ± 9.32 μm long with a radius of curvature of 3 μm at the tip. They penetrated the skin while creating microchannels measuring about 55.42 ± 8.66 μm in diameter. Microchannels were visualized by methylene blue staining. Pretreatment with microneedles resulted in the migration of calcein into the microchannels. TEWL increased after pretreatment and uptake of calcein by the pores was uniform as measured by the pore permeability index values. NH in vitro transport across skin increased significantly after pretreatment (flux 7.05 μg/cm2/h) as compared to the untreated skin (flux 1.72 μg/cm2/h) and the enhanced delivery was also demonstrated in vivo in hairless rats. Conclusion Maltose microneedles were characterized and shown to create microchannels in the skin, which were also characterized and shown to improve the transdermal delivery of NH.  相似文献   


To present the available data on the money spent by Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) on remunerating health workers in the public and private sectors.


Data on government and total expenditure on health worker remuneration were obtained through a review of official documents in WHO’s Global Health Expenditure Database and directly from country officials and country official web sites. Such data are presented in this paper, by World Bank country income groups, in millions of national currency units per calendar year for salaried and non-salaried health workers. They are presented as a share of gross domestic product (GDP), total health expenditure and general government health expenditure. The average yearly change in remuneration (i.e. compound annual growth rate) between 2000 and 2012 as a function of these parameters was also assessed.


On average, payments to health workers of all types accounted for more than one third of total health expenditure across countries. Such payments have grown faster than countries’ GDPs but less rapidly than total health expenditure and general government health expenditure. Remuneration of health workers, on the other hand, has grown faster than that of other types of workers.


As they seek to attain universal health coverage (UHC), countries will need to devote an increasing proportion of their GDPs to health and health worker remuneration. However, the fraction of total health expenditure devoted to paying health workers seems to be declining, partly because the pursuit of UHC calls for strengthening the health system as a whole.  相似文献   
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