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Objectives: High viral load in upper respiratory tract specimens observed for Delta cases might contribute to its increased infectivity compared to the other variant. However, it is not yet documented if the Omicron variant’s enhanced infectivity is also related to a higher viral load. Our aim was to determine if the Omicron variant’s spread is also related to higher viral loads compared to the Delta variant. Methods: Nasopharyngeal swabs, 129 (Omicron) and 85 (Delta), from Health Care Workers were collected during December 2021 at the University Hospital of Lyon, France. Cycle threshold (Ct) for the RdRp target of cobas® 6800 SARS-CoV-2 assay was used as a proxy to evaluate SARS-CoV-2 viral load. Variant identification was performed using a screening panel and confirmed by whole genome sequencing. Results: Herein, we showed that the RT-PCR Ct values in Health Care Workers sampled within 5 days after symptom onset were significantly higher for Omicron cases than Delta cases (21.7 for Delta variant and 23.8 for Omicron variant, p = 0.008). This difference was also observed regarding patient with complete vaccination. Conclusions: This result supports the studies showing that the increased transmissibility of Omicron is related to other mechanisms than higher virus excretion.  相似文献   
Growing awareness of the risks posed by pollution of the soil environment is leading to the development of new remediation strategies. The technique of aided phytostabilization, which involves the evaluation of new heavy-metal (HM)-immobilizing amendments, together with appropriately selected plant species, is a challenge for environmental protection and remediation of the soil environment, and seems to be promising. In this study, the suitability of bentonite for the technique of aided phytostabilization of soils contaminated with high HM concentrations was determined, using a mixture of two grass species. The HM contents in the tested plants and in the soil were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The application of bentonite had a positive effect on the biomass of the tested plants, and resulted in an increase in soil pH. The concentrations of copper, nickel, cadmium, lead and chromium were higher in the roots than in the above-ground parts of the plants, especially when bentonite was applied to the soil. The addition of the analyzed soil additive contributed significantly to a decrease in the levels of zinc, copper, cadmium and nickel in the soil at the end of the experiment. In view of the above, it can be concluded that the use of bentonite in the aided phytostabilization of soils polluted with HMs, is appropriate.  相似文献   
The COVID-19 pandemic extended all around the world causing millions of deaths. In addition to acute respiratory distress syndrome, many patients with severe COVID-19 develop thromboembolic complications associated to multiorgan failure and death. Here, we review evidence for the contribution of neutrophils, platelets, and extracellular vesicles (EVs) to the thromboinflammatory process in COVID-19. We discuss how the immune system, influenced by pro-inflammatory molecules, EVs, and neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), can be caught out in patients with severe outcomes. We highlight how the deficient regulation of the innate immune system favors platelet activation and induces a vicious cycle amplifying an immunothrombogenic environment associated with platelet/NET interactions. In light of these considerations, we discuss potential therapeutic strategies underlining the modulation of purinergic signaling as an interesting target.  相似文献   
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients harboring the FLT3‐ITD mutation are considered a high risk patient subset preferentially allocated for allogeneic stem cell transplantation in first remission. Whether FLT3‐ITD retains a prognostic role in haploidentical stem cell transplantation (haplo‐SCT) is unknown. To analyze the prognostic impact of FLT3‐ITD in haplo‐SCT, we performed a retrospective analysis of the multicenter registry of the acute leukemia working party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. We included all adult AML patients with known FLT3 status who underwent a first T‐cell replete related haplo‐HCT in first complete remission from 2005 to 2016. We evaluated 293 patients of whom 202 were FLT3wt and 91 were FLT3‐ITD mutated. FLT3‐ITD patients were more likely to be NPM1 mutated as well as be in the intermediate risk cytogenetic risk category. In multivariate analysis, patients with FLT3‐ITD had comparable rates of relapse incidence [Hazard ratio (HR) = 1.34, confidence interval (CI) 95%, 0.67‐2.7; P = .9] and leukemia‐free survival (HR = 0.99, CI 95%, 0.62‐1.57; P = .9) to those of FLT3wt patients. Overall survival, the incidence of nonrelapse mortality, and graft versus host disease‐free/relapse‐free survival were not significantly impacted by FLT3‐ITD status. Furthermore, relapse and overall survival were comparable between FLT3‐ITD patients transplanted from various donor pools, namely matched siblings, unrelated donors, haplo‐SCT). Finally, subset analysis of patients with intermediate risk cytogenetics confirmed the absence of a prognostic impact of FLT3‐ITD also for this patient segment. In AML patients undergoing T‐cell replete haplo‐SCT, the FLT3‐ITD mutation possibly does not retain its prognostic significance.  相似文献   
1. Two hours after a single dose of indomethacin (INDO), plasma renin activity (PRA) and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) levels decreased, which is consistent with an effect of lowering prostaglandins (PG). 2. After 48 h of INDO, PRA remained low but ANP had increased, which is consistent with the known effect of prostaglandin inhibitors to cause sodium retention, with a resulting volume expansion. 3. Infusions of angiotension II (AII), which raises diastolic blood pressure (BP) 20 mmHg or more, consistently raised ANP levels. The ANP response to AII infusion was reduced 48 h after INDO, which is consistent with an important role for PG in AII-stimulated ANP release. 4. After PG were blocked with INDO, the stimulating effect of AII on ANP at doses that increased diastolic BP less than 20 mmHg was insignificant, whereas before INDO it was significant. 5. In dose-response studies, INDO increased the systolic BP response but decreased the ANP response to AII, which is consistent with a direct effect of PG on ANP that is independent of systolic BP. 6. Prostaglandins and BP are important in the ANP response to AII infusion in normal subjects, but AII itself appears to have little direct effect on ANP.  相似文献   
Vulvar carcinoma is found primarily in elderly and postmenopausal women. Most patients unfortunately seek medical advice too late and only after various inadequate treatments have been applied. Radical vulvectomy is the treatment of choice in cases of epidermoid carcinoma. For the patients in the series reported who received adequate surgical treatment, the five-year survival rate was 71.4%, while for those who were inadequately treated it was only 11%.  相似文献   
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