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Intra-articular Chlamydial Antigen and Inflammatory Arthritis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Joint material from 133 patients with well-characterized inflammatoryarthritis, including individuals likely to have suffered reactivearthiritis, was studied. The majority of patients were alsoexamined for the presence of genital tract infection with Chlamydiatrachomatis. Fluorescein-conjugated monoclonal antibodies demonstratedthe presence of C. trachomatis antigen in synovial fluid celldeposits or synovial sections from inflamed knee joints of sevenpatients with reactive arthritis. The significance of thesefindings is discussed, as is the low rate of detection of chlamydialantigen in either the genital tract or the joint from patientsin this study. We emphasize the need for further work aimedat identifying the relevant immunogenic chlamydial antigensresponsible for the initiation of reactive arthritis.  相似文献   
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is an inherited myocardial disease that predominantly affects the right ventricle and is associated with ventricular arrhythmias that may lead to sudden cardiac death. Mutations within at least seven separate genes have been identified to cause ARVC, however a genetic culprit remains elusive in approximately 50% of cases. Although negative genetic testing may be secondary to pathogenic mutations within undiscovered genes, an alternative explanation may be the presence of large deletions or duplications involving known genes. These large copy number variants may not be detected with standard clinical genetic testing which is presently limited to direct DNA sequencing. We describe two cases of ARVC possessing large deletions involving plakophilin‐2 (PKP2) identified with microarray analysis and/or multiplex ligation‐dependent probe amplification (MLPA) that would have been classified as genotype negative with standard clinical genetic testing. A deletion of the entire coding region of PKP2 excluding exon 1 was identified in patient 1 and his son. In patient 2, MLPA analysis of PKP2 revealed deletion of the entire gene with subsequent microarray analysis demonstrating a de novo 7.9 Mb deletion of chromosome 12p12.1p11.1. These findings support screening for large copy number variants in clinically suspected ARVC cases without clear disease causing mutations following initial sequencing analysis.  相似文献   
The authors report 2.5 years' experience with the use of cytomegalovirus (CMV)-seronegative blood components for the prevention of primary CMV infection after allogeneic marrow transplantation from seronegative marrow donors to 104 CMV-seronegative patients. Patients and blood donors were screened for CMV-seronegativity by a combination of passive latex agglutination, complement fixation, and indirect hemagglutination CMV antibody screening methods. Changes in blood banking procedures necessary to provide CMV-seronegative components are detailed. Providing CMV-seronegative components was a considerable undertaking; a mean, per patient, of 19 units of red cells and 105 units of platelets was required. Twenty percent of the platelet support was provided by family members and 80 percent by volunteer donors. CMV-infection was eliminated in all but one patient not considered infected at the time of transplantation. The capability to provide CMV-seronegative components depends on an adequate supply of seronegative donors, a sensitive and practical screening method for CMV antibody, a major commitment by the blood bank, and close communication between the blood bank and the patients' physicians.  相似文献   
Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) arises from decreased hepatic activity of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (UROD). Both genetic and environmental factors interplay in the precipitation of clinically overt PCT, but these factors may vary between different geographic areas. Decreased activity of UROD in erythrocytes was used to identify patients with UROD mutations among a group of 130 Spanish PCT patients. Nineteen patients (14.6%) were found to harbor a mutation in the UROD gene. Eight mutations were novel: M1I, 5del10, A22V, D79N, F84I, Q116X, T141I and Y182C. Five others were previously described: F46L, V134Q, R142Q, P150L and E218G. The new missense mutations and P150L were expressed in Escherichia coli. D79N and P150L resulted in proteins that were localized to inclusion bodies. The other mutations produced recombinant proteins that were purified and showed reduced activity (range: 2.3–73.2% of wild type). These single amino acid changes were predicted to produce complex structural alterations and/or reduced stability of the enzyme. Screening of relatives of the probands showed that 37.5% of mutation carriers demonstrated increased urinary porphyrins. This study emphasizes the role of UROD mutations as a strong risk factor for PCT even in areas where environmental factors (hepatitis C virus) have been shown to be highly associated with the disease.  相似文献   
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