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rTMS over the intraparietal sulcus disrupts numerosity processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been widely argued that the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) is involved in tasks that evoke representations of numerical magnitude, among other cognitive functions. However, the causal role of this parietal region in processing symbolic and non-symbolic numerosity has not been established. The current study used repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) to the left and right IPS to investigate the effects of temporary deactivations of these regions on the capacity to represent symbolic (Arabic numbers) and non-symbolic (arrays of dots) numerosities. We found that comparisons of both symbolic and non-symbolic numerosities were impaired after rTMS to the left IPS but enhanced by rTMS to the right IPS. A signature effect of numerical distance was also found: greater impairment (or lesser facilitation) when comparing numerosities of similar magnitude. The reverse pattern of impairment and enhancement was found in a control task that required judging an analogue stimulus property (ellipse orientation) but no numerosity judgements. No rTMS effects for the numerosity tasks were found when stimulating an area adjacent but distinct from the IPS, the left and right angular gyrus. These data suggest that left IPS is critical for processing symbolic and non-symbolic numerosity; this processing may thus depend on common neural mechanisms, which are distinct from mechanisms supporting the processing of analogue stimulus properties. H. Barth and F. Fregni contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   
We have identified and sequenced the genes encoding the quinolone-resistance determining region (QRDR) of ParC and GyrA in fluoroquinolone-susceptible and -resistant Streptococcus suis clinical isolates. Resistance is the consequence of single point mutations in the QRDRs of ParC and GyrA and is not due to clonal spread of resistant strains or horizontal gene transfer with other bacteria.  相似文献   
The in vitro activity of ketolide HMR 3647 against coryneform bacteria isolated from clinical samples was evaluated. Except against Corynebacterium jeikeium and C. urealyticum, HMR 3647 showed high activity against Corynebacterium spp., being more active than 14- and 16-membered macrolides, azithromycin, or clindamycin. HMR 3647 also had high in vitro activity against Brevibacterium spp. and Listeria monocytogenes.  相似文献   
In this paper we propose a novel, rapid and simple high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the identification and quantitation of individual phosphatidylcholine (PC) molecular species from natural mixtures. To overcome difficulties deriving from the lack of adequate standards and from the variability of the responses to UV spectrophotometric detectors currently used in HPLC analysis, we first fractionated and quantitated the major molecular species of a commercial egg PC by means of a preparative column. The identification of PC molecular species was confirmed by gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of fatty acids. We employed the fractions recovered from preparative HPLC to determine the detector calibration factors of the individual molecular species separated using an analytical, high-speed, reversed-phase HPLC column. The proposed method seems to be adequate for the analysis of PC from many biological sources. Its application to the analysis of human hepatic and gallbladder biliary PC is shown.  相似文献   
GFR decline in patients with CKD has been widely approximated using linear models, but this linearity assumption is not well validated. We conducted a matched case-control study in children from the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) cohort ages 1–16 years with mild to moderate CKD to assess whether GFR decline follows a nonlinear trajectory as CKD approaches ESRD. Children (n=125) who initiated RRT (cases) during follow-up were individually matched by CKD stage at baseline and glomerular/nonglomerular diagnosis with children (n=125) who remained RRT-free when the corresponding case initiated RRT (controls). GFR trajectories were compared using log-linear and piecewise log-linear mixed effects models adjusted for baseline characteristics. From study entry to 18 months before RRT, GFR declined 7% faster among cases compared with controls. However, GFR declined 26% faster among cases compared with controls (P<0.001) during the 18 months before RRT. Nonlinearity in the rate of kidney function loss, which was shown in this cohort, may preclude accurate clinical prediction of the timing of RRT and adequate patient preparation. This study should prompt the characterization of predictive factors that may contribute to an acceleration of kidney function decline.GFR is a key measurement of kidney function, and the degree of GFR decline over time is a reflection of the severity of CKD progression. GFR decline has been approximated as linear or log-linear in most analyses of progression, an assumption that has been consistent with available data.14 However, many studies rely on relatively short follow-up periods and few repeated measures. Given the convenience of assuming a linear GFR trajectory, which results from the ease of modeling and interpreting linear slopes, few studies have sought to validate the linearity assumption and explore the possibility of nonlinear GFR decline. However, nonlinearity in GFR decline has been observed in some epidemiologic studies,57 and the implications on the risk for adverse outcomes have generated interest.8 A CKD cohort study in France found that about one half of its patients experienced nonlinear GFR decline during the last year before dialysis.5 A study by Li et al.9 used a flexible approach to model nonlinearity in GFR trajectories. Li et al.9 found evidence of nonlinear GFR trajectory behavior in adult patients with CKD, and furthermore, the probability of having nonlinear features in an individual trajectory was associated with known risk factors for CKD progression. O’Hare et al.10 found several distinct nonlinear patterns of GFR decline in the 2 years before dialysis initiation in Veterans Affairs patients.Clinical strategies and subsequent patient response to care could potentially benefit from new insights into the variable paths of progression in patients with CKD.10,11 The question of whether characterizing the nonlinearity in the GFR trajectory can assist the identification of risk groups for outcomes, such as ESRD, remains unexplored. The implications on future outcomes of an increased rate of GFR decline could inform clinical decisions about screening frequencies, treatment, or preparation for RRT.The Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) study is an ongoing cohort study of children with CKD who, at baseline, had an eGFR between 30 and 90 ml/min per 1.73 m3 and were ages 1–16 years. An end point of the study is RRT defined as transplant or dialysis. To determine whether trajectories of GFR accelerate before RRT, we nested a case-control study, in which cases were children observed to have received RRT and controls were children with CKD who remained RRT-free at the time when the corresponding case initiated RRT.There were 147 children who experienced RRT during follow-up. Each case was matched individually to an eligible control at the time of the case occurrence. The matching factors included baseline CKD stage, glomerular/nonglomerular diagnosis, and, through design, the amount of follow-up time from study entry. Matching was done without replacement, and 22 cases were excluded from the analyses, because no appropriate control was available. We used a random sequence to determine the order of matching. The analysis was, thus, based on 125 matched case-control pairs. Demographic and clinical characteristics of cases and controls at baseline are shown in
CharacteristicsCases (n=125)Controls (n=125)
Age, yr12.64 (9.23–14.53)12.33 (8.71–14.74)
Sex (girls), N (%)38 (30.4)57 (45.6)
Race (nonwhite), N (%)51 (40.8)36 (28.8)
Urine protein/creatinine ratio1.74 (0.48–4.04)0.60 (0.26–1.76)
Proteinuria, N (%)
 0.2≤protein/creatinine ratio<256 (46.7)71 (59.7)
 Protein/creatinine ratio≥251 (42.5)23 (19.3)
Baseline GFRa32.21 (26.43–39.64)35.77 (27.86–43.78)
Glomerular diagnosis, N (%)a47 (37.6)47 (37.6)
Open in a separate windowMedian (interquartile range) unless otherwise indicated.aBaseline GFR and glomerular/nonglomerular diagnosis were matching factors.We compared the GFR trajectories using log-linear and piecewise log-linear mixed effects models, with the piecewise model specified to allow a change of the GFR slope at 18 months before RRT. Models were adjusted for baseline characteristics, including age, race, sex, and proteinuria status. and33 show the adjusted results from the mixed effects model analyses. The Akaike Information Criterion indicated that the piecewise log-linear model (including a spline or changing slope at 18 months before RRT) was a better fit to the data than the log-linear model that assumed a single slope across the entire period of observation. The GFR of cases declined at an adjusted rate of 6.8% per year (P <0.001) during the time before the spline in the earlier period of observation and 32.4% per year (P <0.001) after the spline within 18 months of RRT. The GFR of controls did not change significantly (P=1.00) before the spline and declined at an adjusted rate of 9.0% (P <0.001) after the spline. Although the rates of GFR decline comparing cases with controls differed by only 7% before the spline, the GFR of cases declined 26% faster (P <0.001) compared with controls within 18 months of RRT, suggesting an acceleration in the GFR decline during this period in the case group. This acceleration, which was quantified by the piecewise log-linear mixed effects model, could be clearly seen from the data and nonparametric smooth fits (Figure 1). The variability around the piecewise log-linear fit was assessed by the root mean square error (RMSE) and found to be similar between cases and controls (RMSE for controls=0.303; RMSE for cases=0.303), indicating an equally good fit. When a single slope was fit to the data, the GFR decline rate for cases was overestimated before the spline and considerably underestimated within 18 months of RRT. To assess whether the acceleration in decline was a function of the log scale, models were rerun with GFR in the natural scale. The results showed similar nonlinear patterns but a poorer model fit to the data.

Table 2.

The adjusted expected percent GFR change rates in the log-linear mixed effects model
Case GroupAdjusted % GFR Change per YearSEM (%)P Value
Open in a separate windowParameter estimates from the models are provided in Supplemental Appendix II. All results were adjusted for baseline characteristics, including age, race, sex, and proteinuria status. AIC, Akaike Information Criterion.

Table 3.

The adjusted expected percent GFR change rates in the piecewise log-linear mixed effects model
Case GroupBefore 18 mo before RRT of CasesAfter 18 mo before RRT of CasesDifference between Early and Late Slopesa
Adjusted % GFR Change per YearSEM (%)P ValueAdjusted % GFR Change per YearSEM (%)P ValueAdjusted % GFR Change per YearSEM (%)P Value
Open in a separate windowParameter estimates from the models are provided in Supplemental Appendix II. All results were adjusted for baseline characteristics, including age, race, sex, and proteinuria status.aDifference resulting from the piecewise linear mixed effects model estimated in the log scale and then exponentiated.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Nonlinear GFR decline before RRT can be approximated with a piece-wise log-linear model. A and B show the smooth fit of log GFR over time for cases of RRT and matched controls anchoring at the RRT onset time of cases. C and D show the fit from the adjusted log-linear and adjusted piecewise log-linear mixed effects models for cases of RRT and matched controls anchoring at the RRT onset time of cases. Models were adjusted for baseline characteristics including age, race, sex, and proteinuria status.Our results show that, although linear or log-linear GFR decline is a convenient assumption for longitudinal studies of CKD progression, individuals experience periods of accelerated decline. Li et al.9 showed that patients in the African American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension experienced a variety of nonlinear progression patterns. O’Hare et al.10 classified CKD patients who progressed to dialysis into four GFR trajectory categories and found evidence that patients with mild to moderate CKD experienced more rapid renal function deterioration in the 2 years before reaching long-term dialysis. In the current study assessing progression in children with CKD, we found similar results, indicating that RRT events are preceded by a period of accelerated decline in GFR. It is likely that this period of precipitous loss in kidney function is a key factor in the determination of the timing of RRT. An acceleration of GFR decline may be a primary feature of a worsening clinical profile that prompts a clinician to initiate dialysis or transplant. The question arises as to what contributes to accelerated kidney function loss. A primary epidemiologic challenge is to find predictors that antecede the acceleration and are amenable to intervention to prevent or delay such accelerated loss and RRT. Clearly, these results and the questions that they raise speak to a need for additional investigations of CKD progression in various populations, with care taken to appropriately characterize changing levels of factors that are known predictors of CKD progression. The timing of potential insults to the kidney (e.g., loss of control of BP) may hold important information concerning the patterns of CKD progression and nonprogression. O’Hare et al.10 found that rates of recommended pre-ESRD care were lower for those patients experiencing the most rapid progression before dialysis initiation. Ambrogi et al.5 suggested that nonlinear patterns in GFR decline might create difficulty in estimating the timing of dialysis.These results may also highlight the coarseness of current methods for assessing the impact of risk factors on CKD progression, which mainly rely on the assumption of linear decline in kidney function. Analyses assuming linear decline average over nonlinear patterns that speak to the true nature of the exposure–outcome relationships. More sensitive analyses may be needed to characterize the heterogeneity in the patterns that describe CKD progression and assess the impact of often changing values of the exposure. Improvements in how we characterize patterns of progression could lead to new approaches to clinical care, because accelerations in kidney function loss may complicate the timing of RRT and pre-ESRD care.7,10There are several strengths of this study. We drew from a well characterized cohort of children with CKD with directly measured GFR at the first two annual study visits and all even visits thereafter. The CKiD study also has an internally derived estimating equation for GFR to capture kidney function in odd visit years of the study, thereby providing regular GFR assessments for characterizing nonlinear patterns of GFR decline. The CKiD study has longitudinal data for up to 6 years of follow-up, and the multicenter setting with 43 clinical sites provides a sample of children highly representative of the pediatric CKD population in care in the United States. By adopting the case-control design, we were able to compare the nonlinearity of the GFR trajectory before RRT with the expected trajectory in comparable children who had not yet experienced RRT.There are also notable limitations to the current analysis. There were only 125 case-control pairs, and our GFR assessments were annual, limiting the degree to which heterogeneity in progression to RRT could be assessed among the case group. As has been reported previously, there is likely variation in GFR patterns before RRT.10 However, what is clear from the current study is that, on average, children approaching RRT experience acceleration in their loss of kidney function. Another consideration is the assumption of a break in linearity at 18 months before RRT, which provided sufficient data before and after the spline for our analyses but is an oversimplification of what is likely a more prolonged period of acceleration in GFR decline. However, our choice of 18 months before RRT to examine changes in the rate of GFR decline is consistent with other studies that have noted similar rapid declines in kidney function within 2 years of dialysis.10,12 Finally, it should be noted that, although cases and controls were matched, the models in and33 did not cluster on the matched pairs. Our final model provided practically identical results to a model including an additional random effect for case-control pair, and it had modestly higher precision.  相似文献   
Erratum to: 5-HT1A receptors in mood and anxiety: recent insights into autoreceptor versus heteroreceptor function     
Alvaro L. Garcia-Garcia  Adrian Newman-Tancredi  E. David Leonardo 《Psychopharmacology》2014,231(4):637-637
Angiotensin II-dependent chronic hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy are unaffected by gp91phox-containing NADPH oxidase     
Touyz RM  Mercure C  He Y  Javeshghani D  Yao G  Callera GE  Yogi A  Lochard N  Reudelhuber TL 《Hypertension》2005,45(4):530-537
The gp91phox-containing NADPH oxidase is the major source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the cardiovascular system and inactivation of gp91phox has been reported to blunt hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy seen in angiotensin (Ang) II-infused animals. In the current study, we sought to determine the role of gp91phox-derived ROS on cardiovascular outcomes of chronic exposure to Ang II. The gp91phox-deficient mice were crossed with transgenic mice expressing active human renin in the liver (TTRhRen). TTRhRen mice exhibit chronic Ang II-dependent hypertension and frank cardiac hypertrophy by age 10 to 12 weeks. Four genotypes of mice were generated: control, TTRhRen trangenics (TTRhRen), gp91phox-deficient (gp91-), and TTRhRen transgenic gp91phox-deficient (TTRhRen/gp91-). Eight to 10 mice/group were studied. ROS levels were significantly reduced (P<0.05) in the heart and aorta of TTRhRen/gp91- and gp91-mice compared with control counterparts, and this was associated with reduced cardiac, aortic, and renal NADPH oxidase activity (P<0.05). Systolic blood pressure (SBP), cardiac mass, and cardiac fibrosis were increased in TTRhRen versus controls. In contrast to its action on ROS generation, gp91phox inactivation had no effect on development of hypertension or cardiac hypertrophy in TTRhRen mice, although interstitial fibrosis was reduced. Cardiac and renal expression of gp91phox homologues, Nox1 and Nox4, was not different between groups. Thus, although eliminating gp91phox-associated ROS production may be important in cardiovascular consequences in acute insult models, it does not prevent the development of hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy in a model in which the endogenous renin-angiotensin system is chronically upregulated.  相似文献   
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