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Clinical findings and common symptoms in retinitis pigmentosa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Data analysis was performed in a prospective study of clinical symptoms and findings in 500 patients with retinitis pigmentosa. The symptoms and findings in these patients met the usual definitions of the disease. At initial examination the patients were questioned in a standardized manner; symptoms and associated health problems were reviewed. Some patients were unable to answer all of the questions. Of the patients 274 (55%) were men and 226 (45%) were women, with a race distribution of 21 (4%) black, 47 (9%) Hispanic, 26 (5%) Oriental, three (1%) American Indian, and 403 (81%) white. Sixty-nine patients reported no symptoms of night blindness and 116 patients claimed no visual field changes; 90 stated that they saw better at dusk. The most common problem noted by 263 (53.3%) was headaches, 31 on a daily basis, 42 at least weekly, 124 infrequently, and the remainder nonspecifically. Numbness or tingling, mainly in extremities, was reported by 99 patients. The second most common problem affecting 170 patients (34.6%) was light flashes; since eight patients had retinal detachments, light flashes cannot be totally discounted. Of 143 patients who had been pregnant, 14 had visual changes.  相似文献   
1. Nitric oxide (NO) has been implicated as an important controller in the short- and long-term regulation of arterial pressure. Studies performed in our laboratory have demonstrated that chronic intravenous administration of the NO synthase inhibitor NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) selectively decreases renal medullary blood flow, causes sodium and water retention and leads to hypertension. 2. To determine the importance of the renal medullary effects in this model of hypertension, further studies were conducted to examine the influence of selective stimulation or inhibition of renal medullary NO on whole kidney function and cardiovascular homeostasis. With the use of a unique catheter to directly infuse into the renal medullary interstitial space, stimulation (bradykinin or acetylcholine) or inhibition (L-NAME) of renal medullary NO selectively increased or decreased renal medullary blood flow. 3. The changes in medullary flow in these experiments were associated with parallel changes in sodium and water excretion independent of alterations in renal cortical blood flow or glomerular filtration rate. 4. Studies were then undertaken to examine the long-term effects of selective NO inhibition in the renal medulla on cardiovascular homeostasis. Chronic infusion of L-NAME directly into the renal medullary interstitial space of uninephrectomized Sprague-Dawley rats led to a selective decrease in renal medullary blood flow that was sustained throughout the 5 day L-NAME infusion period. The decrease in medullary blood flow was associated with retention of sodium and the development of hypertension and the effects were reversible. 5. The data reviewed indicate that NO in the renal medulla has a powerful influence on fluid and electrolyte homeostasis and the control of blood pressure.  相似文献   
Septic or inflammatory stimuli suppress drug metabolism by cytochrome P-450 in the liver, presumably at the pretranslational level. We have shown previously that nitric oxide is responsible at least in part for the inhibition by bacterial lipopolysaccharide of phenobarbital-induced CYP2B1/2 activity in vivo. This was attributed to the interaction of nitric oxide with heme in the active-center of cytochrome P450, leading to enzyme inactivation. Here, we report of nitric oxide with heme in the active-center of cytochrome P450, leading to enzyme inactivation. Here, we report that endogeneous nitric oxide also contributes to LPS-induced suppression of CYP2B1/2 in vivo by down-regulating the expression of CYP2B1/2 protein and mRNA.  相似文献   
A 74-year-old man became delirious 2 days after beginning oral therapy with methazolamide. The delirium was manifested by intermittent psychosis, incontinence of bowel and bladder, lethargy, and disorientation. These symptoms continued for 25 days despite many changes in his drug regimen, and complete laboratory, urologic, and neurologic work-ups. The symptoms resolved completely within 1 week of discontinuing methazolamide. This is the first case reported of delirium associated with methazolamide not accompanied by a metabolic imbalance.  相似文献   
Restriction maps of the rDNA cistron of twelve species of mosquitoes in six genera of the subfamily Culicinae were constructed using eight 6 bp recognition restriction enzymes. Anopheles albimanus was used as an outgroup. The size of the rDNA cistron ranged from 8.5 kb in Aedes katherinensis to 12.9 kb in Ae. polynesiensis. A total of twenty-six sites were scored; eighteen were polymorphic among ingroup taxa. The proportion of polymorphic nucleotide sites (Pnuc) was 0.059 and the heterozygosity per nucleotide site (Hnuc) was 0.028. Wagner and Fitch Parsimony, Dollo Parsimony and Nei-Li distance/neighbour-joining methods were used to construct phylogenetic trees. The rDNA RFLP dataset did not provide a well-supported phylogeny among culicine taxa. The RFLP phylogenies are incongruent with the morphology character based and molecular phylogenies and derived relationships did not correspond with current taxonomic classifications. The lack of resolution was due to homoplasy arising from frequent independent loss or gain of restriction sites among unrelated taxa.  相似文献   
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