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Background Understanding lymph drainage patterns of the peritoneum could assist in staging and treatment of gastrointestinal and ovarian malignancies. Sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) have been identified for solid organs and the pleural space. Our purpose was to determine whether the peritoneal space has a predictable lymph node drainage pattern. Methods Rats received intraperitoneal injections of near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent tracers: namely, quantum dots (designed for retention in SLNs) or human serum albumin conjugated with IRDye800 (HSA800; designed for lymphatic flow beyond the SLN). A custom imaging system detected NIR fluorescence at 10 and 20 minutes and 1, 4, and 24 hours after injection. To determine the contribution of viscera to peritoneal lymphatic flow, additional cohorts received bowel resection before NIR tracer injection. Associations with appropriate controls were assessed with the χ2 test. Results Quantum dots drained to the celiac, superior mesenteric, and periportal lymph node groups. HSA800 drained to these same groups at early time points but continued flowing to the mediastinal lymph nodes via the thoracic duct. After bowel resection, both tracers were found in the thoracic, not abdominal, lymph node groups. Additionally, HSA800 was no longer found in the thoracic duct but in the anterior chest wall and diaphragmatic lymphatics. Conclusions The peritoneal space drains to the celiac, superior mesenteric, and periportal lymph node groups first. Lymph continues via the thoracic duct to the mediastinal lymph nodes. Bowel lymphatics are a key determinant of peritoneal lymph flow, because bowel resection shifts lymph flow directly to the intrathoracic lymph nodes via chest wall lymphatics. Dr. Parungo was the recipient of an award at the SSO meeting.  相似文献   
目的应用生物发光成像技术,非侵入性地连续检测活体裸鼠原位和异位脑肿瘤发展演进过程。方法用SMPU-R-MND-luc载体转染人脑肿瘤U87MG细胞系,形成具有高荧光素酶活性的细胞克隆。在裸鼠脑内和胁腰部皮下植入持续表达荧光素酶的肿瘤细胞,建立原位和异位脑肿瘤模型,用影像学资料显示肿瘤部位。用光子发射定量分析动态监测肿瘤生长情况。结果成功地建立了表达荧光素酶活性的原位和异位脑肿瘤动物模型。采集反映肿瘤生长的生物发光信号,肿瘤细胞植入后不同时间点的发光信号值呈显著正相关,而且原位和异位脑肿瘤间存在明显差异。但生物发光脑肿瘤生物发光信号值在第4 d和第14 d时无显著差异。结论体内生物发光成像可以非侵入性地动态检测活体内脑肿瘤演进过程,为研究肿瘤发展机制及最佳治疗策略的选择提供了新的手段和工具。  相似文献   
Tian XY  Bian ZX  Hu XG  Zhang XJ  Liu L  Zhang H 《Brain research》2006,1088(1):101-108
Acupuncture has long been used for patients with irritable bowel syndrome. However, it has remained unclear. The aim of this study was to testify the effect of electro-acupuncture(EA) on (1) visceral hypersensitivity induced by the mechanical colorectal irritation during postnatal development of rats, and (2) stress-induced colonic motility changes on rats with chronic visceral hypersensitivity. The abdominal withdrawal reflex (pain threshold and score) for visceral hypersensitivity and fecal pellet output for motor dysfunction were selected as two indexes for measurement. In addition, the effect of EA on 5-HT(4a) receptor and serotonin transporter (SERT) expression in the colon mucosa was analyzed semi-quantitatively through immunohistochemistry and 5-HT concentration in the colon tissue was observed through spectro-photo-fluorimeter detection, respectively. Our results showed that EA significantly elevated pain threshold, decreased the scores and also decreased fecal pellet output during water avoid stress. Furthermore, EA decreased 5-HT concentration in colon in rats with CVH and CVH rats with water avoidance stress, and increased the 5-HT(4a) and SERT expression in rats with CVH. Thus, it can be concluded that EA attenuates behavioral hyperalgesia and stress-induced colonic motor dysfunction in CVH rats via serotonergic pathway.  相似文献   
目的:观察不同浓度的凝血酶对成纤维细胞的刺激作用,以及阿加曲班对这种刺激的抑制作用。方法:采用贴壁法进行人皮肤成纤维细胞原代培养,并传代、鉴定。用MTT法检测不同浓度凝血酶刺激后的成纤维细胞活力。用氯胺T法检测不同浓度凝血酶刺激后的细胞上清中羟脯氨酸含量。用免疫组化的方法检测凝血酶刺激后的成纤维细胞中α-平滑肌肌动蛋白(α-SMA)的表达情况。在培养液中加入阿加曲班后重复上述检测。结果:①培养的细胞为典型的成纤维细胞形态,波形蛋白单克隆抗体免疫组化染色呈阳性;②加入不同浓度凝血酶的各组吸光值均高于不加凝血酶组(A组)(P〈0.01),加入阿加曲班和凝血酶的各组吸光值与A组无显著性差异(P〉0.05);③加入不同浓度凝血酶的各组细胞上清中羟脯氨酸含量均高于不加凝血酶组(A组)(P〈0.01),加入阿加曲班和凝血酶的各组上清中羟脯氨酸含量与A组相比无统计学差异(P〉0.05);④凝血酶刺激后的成纤维细胞中有α-SMA的表达,加入阿加曲班后此种表达被抑制。结论:凝血酶能诱导成纤维细胞增殖、胶原分泌量增加,能刺激成纤维细胞表达α-SMA,使成纤维细胞转变为肌成纤维细胞。阿加曲班能抑制凝血酶的这种作用。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to analyze the local treatment effects of rhBMP-2 combined with fibrin sealant (FS) on bone mineral density, microarchitectural and mechanical properties in osteoporotic ovine spine.  相似文献   


Fractures of femoral fracture are among the most common fractures encountered in orthopedic practice. Intramedullary nailing is the treatment choice for femoral shaft fractures in adults. The objective of this article is to determine the effects of reamed intramedullary nailing versus unreamed intramedullary nailing for fracture of femoral shaft in adults.  相似文献   
Xiang J  Sun Z  Song F  Huan JN 《中华烧伤杂志》2011,27(2):100-103
目的 观察并探讨烧伤患者鲍氏不动杆菌pgaABC基因簇转录表达水平及生物膜形成过程中表型变化.方法收集2009年1月-2010年10月笔者单位住院烧伤患者创面、血液和静脉导管分离的鲍氏不动杆菌24株,以其标准菌株ATCC 19606为对照.采用实时荧光定量RT-PCR技术检测各菌株pgaABC基因簇表达;分别采用改良微孔法及试管法在静置(静态)和摇菌(动态)状态下体外培养各菌株16 h,进行细菌生物膜半定量检测;各菌株体外培养48 h后荧光染色,激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察并测定生物膜厚度.对数据行t检验.结果 (1)鲍氏不动杆菌临床菌株pgaB基因转录相对表达量为27.91±7.93,明显高于设定基准为1.00的标准菌株(t=5.77,P<0.05);pgaA和pgaC的表达量分别为1.01±0.28、1.15±0.38,与标准菌株比较差异无统计学意义(t值分别为0.04、0.64,P值均大于0.05).(2)静态培养16 h,鲍氏不动杆菌临床菌株与标准菌株的生物膜半定量结晶紫染色吸光度值相近;而临床菌株动态培养16 h,生物膜半定量结晶紫染色形成明显的紫色环,吸光度值为1.25±0.31,显著高于标准菌株(0.76±0.03,t=2.67,P<0.05).(3)体外培养48 h,临床菌株ECM中绿色荧光强度及分布均多于标准菌株,临床菌株生物膜厚度为(27.3±9.4)μm,明显大于标准菌株的(15.6±1.7)μm,t=2.09,P<0.05.结论烧伤患者鲍氏不动杆菌pgaABC基因簇中pgaB转录水平增高,从而导致细菌ECM增多,这可能与鲍氏不动杆菌临床菌株生物膜形成能力和厚度增加有关.
Objective To observe expressions of pgaABC gene clusters and changes in biofilm (BF) phenotype in Acinetobacter baumannii (AB) isolated from burn patients. Methods From January 2009 to October 2010, 24 strains of AB isolated from burn patients hospitalized in our burn wards were collected for the study, while the standard strain ATCC 19606 was used as control. Expressions of pgaABC gene clusters were detected by real time fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR. All strains were cultured for 16 hours in vitro, BF with semi-quantitative detection was respectively evaluated by modified microtiter-plate test under stable condition and tube test under shaking condition for expression of absorbance value. All strains were cultured for 48 hours in vitro, then stained with fluorescent agent and collected for measurement of BF thickness with confocal laser scanning microscopy ( CLSM ). Data were processed with t test. Results ( 1 ) The expression of pgaB gene (27.91 ± 7.93 ) in clinical AB strains was much higher than that of standard strain ATCC 19606 (1.00, t = 5.77, P < 0.05 ). There was no statistical difference in expression of pgaA and pagC genes between standard strain ATCC 19606 (1.00) and clinical AB strains (1.01 ± 0.28,1.15 ±0.38, with t value respectively 0.04, 0.64, P values all above 0.05). (2) After being cultured for 16 hours, BF of clinical AB strains cultured under shaking condition formed distinct "purple circle" , and its absorbance value ( 1.25 ±0.31 ) was higher than that in standard strain ATCC 19606 (0.76 ± 0.03, t =2.67, P < 0.05 ). There was no obvious difference in absorbance value between clinical AB strains and standard strain ATCC19606 cultured under stable condition. (3) After being culture for 48 hours, green fluorescence intensity and distribution in extracellular matrix of clinical AB strains were stronger as compared with those of standard strain ATCC 19606, and BF thickness in clinical AB strains [(27.3 ± 9.4) μm] was thicker than that in standard strain ATCC 19606 [( 15.6 ± 1.7) μm, t = 2.09, P < 0. 05]. Conclusions The high expression of pgaB gene in AB strains isolated from burn patients can induce production of extracellular matrix, which may be related to increase in the ability and thickness of BF formation.  相似文献   
目的观察实验性高颅压条件下家兔自发脑电非线性特征的变化,探讨在重力变化引起颅内压改变,进而影响脑功能变化的研究中应用脑电复杂性指标的可能性。方法以家免为实验对象,以灌注法改变颅内压,应用关联维和李亚普诺夫指数等参数估计不同颅内压条件下脑电信号的复杂性特征。结果加压前正常颅内压条件下,动物的自发脑电信号均具有正的李亚普诺夫指数和分数关联维,提示这种信号具有混沌性质。实验性高颅压条件下,李亚普诺夫指数在每例动物都明显降低,提示脑电活动的复杂性降低。颅内压恢复正常值,李亚普诺夫指数的变化具有良好的可逆性,提示有限的高颅压引起的脑电活动的复杂度的变化是可逆的。结论自发脑电信号的李亚普诺夫指数作为监测颅内压变化时脑功能变化的指标,具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   
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