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Retroperitoneal contamination may occur during the natural history of hydatid disease. Primary hydatid cyst of the retroperitoneum is extremely rare. The authors report a case of a giant retroperitoneal hydatid cyst. Clinicians and surgeons must be aware of this possibility and follow a policy of nonsystematic puncture of an abdominal cyst and avoid spillage during surgery. Symptoms are related to the size, location, or ensuing complications of a cyst. Its occurrence should be strongly suspected ahead of any abdominal cyst, especially in an endemic area, where it may act as a parasite. Total and careful surgical excision is the gold-standard therapy.  相似文献   


The relationship between congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) and pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB), whether causal, correlational, or coincidental, remains controversial. There is a lack of consensus as to the optimal treatment of patients with asymptomatic CCAM.


We reviewed all cases of CCAM and PPB seen at our institution from 1999 to 2008. Institutional Research Ethics Board approval was obtained. The incidence of CCAM and PPB, respectively, was calculated based on birth numbers during the study period.


Seventy-four CCAMs were resected over the study period in 129 children diagnosed with CCAM. Five PPBs were diagnosed during the study period. Three of the 5 PPB cases were initially diagnosed as CCAMs. These PPBs were not clinically or radiologically distinguishable from CCAMs. In our referral area, the incidence of CCAM was 1 in 12,000; and the incidence of PPB was 1 in 250,000 live births. The mortality rate for PPB in this cohort was 20%.


Asymptomatic cystic lung malformations represent a therapeutic dilemma. In this cohort, the incidence of PPB among apparently benign lung lesions was 4%. No clinical or radiological markers differentiated benign CCAMs from PPBs. Our experience provides further justification for resection of all CCAMs. This should be discussed with parents until CCAMs and PPBs can be clearly distinguished preoperatively.  相似文献   


Reconstruction of the dorsal surface of hand defects requires thin, pliable, well vascularized tissue with a gliding surface for the extensor tendon course. Also defects of the palmar hand and degloved fingers need non-bulky soft tissue for reconstruction. We present a retrospective analysis of nine patients with free serratus anterior fascia flaps used to cover defects of the palmar and dorsal hand and of degloved fingers.  相似文献   
In middle resource countries (MRCs), cancer control programs are becoming a priority as the pattern of disease shifts from infectious diseases to non-communicable diseases such as breast cancer, the most common cancer among women in MRCs. The Middle Resource Scenarios Working Group of the BHGI 2010 Global Summit met to identify common issues and obstacles to breast cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment in MRCs. They concluded that breast cancer early detection programs continue to be important, should include clinical breast examination (CBE) with or without mammography, and should be coupled with active awareness programs. Mammographic screening is usually opportunistic and early detection programs are often hampered by logistical and financial problems, as well as socio-cultural barriers, despite improved public educational efforts. Although multidisciplinary services for treatment are available, geographical and economic limitations to these services can lead to an inequity in health care access. Without adequate health insurance coverage, limited personal finances can be a significant barrier to care for many patients. Despite the improved availability of services (surgery, pathology, radiology and radiotherapy), quality assurance programs remain a challenge. Better access to anticancer drugs is needed to improve outcomes, as are rehabilitation programs for survivors. Focused and sustained government health care financing in MRCs is needed to improve early detection and treatment of breast cancer.  相似文献   


The treatment of symptomatic patients with the presence of gallstones is well established, with laparoscopic cholecystectomy being the treatment of choice for symptomatic cholelithiasis. The results of surgery in symptomatic patients without gallstones are highly variable. These patients are often referred to as having acalculous gallbladder disease and represent between 5% and 30% of laparoscopic cholecystectomies performed annually. We retrospectively reviewed the outcomes of patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acalculous gallbladder disease in our institution.


We retrospectively analysed the period from February 2005 to January 2006 where 20 laparoscopic cholecystectomies had been performed specifically for a preoperative diagnosis of acalculous gallbladder disease. The histology of all laparoscopic cholecystectomies performed during this year was analysed and it was found that a further 46 patients had histological specimens that demonstrated the absence of gallstones in the presence of an intact gallbladder specimen. These patients were therefore included in the study group for acalculous gallbladder disease. All patients were sent a questionnaire comparing their state of health before and after surgery.


After laparoscopic cholecystectomy, 66% of patients were completely pain free. The remainder, however, experienced infrequent, moderate pain with occasional pain on eating. Following surgery, all patients were able to conduct their activities of daily living without any limitation.


We therefore conclude that laparoscopic surgery for patients with acalculous gallbladder disease is effective in symptom control and allowing patients to return to their normal lifestyle.  相似文献   
Lacerations of the Achilles tendon are caused by a number of mechanisms. The toilet seat as a cause of Achilles tendon injury is rare. We report on this rare mechanism of laceration of the tendo Achilles. The injury can be avoided with the use of western toilets and the additional devascularisation caused by extending the wound should be avoided while repairing the tendon in such situations.  相似文献   
Abdominoplasty is an aesthetic surgical procedure that restores abdominal contouring. Repeated pregnancy usually leads to lower abdominal skin redundancy and excess fat accumulation. Delivery via Cesarean section adds weakness to the lower abdominal wall muscles and yields a lower transverse Cesarean scar. Recently and in some cultures, abdominoplasty is requested at the same time of Cesarean delivery. Those women usually want to get the benefit of undergoing the abdominoplasty combined with Cesarean delivery in the same setting, thus avoiding a future surgery. This study was designed to evaluate the aesthetic outcome of combined abdominoplasty with Cesarean delivery. The study included 50 pregnant women from February 2008 to December 2009 with an average follow up period of 6 months. Nine patients (18%) developed wound infection; three of them (9%) developed wound dehiscence. Six patients (12%) developed lower abdominal skin necrosis; three of them (6%) were treated conservatively and healed by secondary intention, while surgical debridement and secondary sutures were needed in the other three patients (6%). Residual abdominal skin redundancy in 9 patients (18%), outward bulging of the abdomen and lack of waist definition in 16 patients (32%), and outward bulging of the umbilicus in 12 patients (24%) were the reported unaesthetic results. The results were compared with results of 80 abdominoplasties in nonpregnant women. The study concluded that abdominoplasty combined with Cesarean delivery carries a higher incidence of complications and does not give the desired aesthetic outcome. The authors do not recommend this practice.  相似文献   


ERCP remains the prevailing method of treating CBDS; however, its ideal timing in respect to laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is not defined. LC combined with intraoperative endoscopic sphincterotomy (IOES) was compared with preoperative endoscopic sphincterotomy (PES) followed by LC for management of preoperatively known cholecystocholedocholithiasis.  相似文献   


In this open population-based study from Northern Norway, there was no increase in hip fracture incidence in women and men from 1994 to 2008. Age-adjusted hip fracture rates was lower compared to reported rates from the Norwegian capital Oslo, indicating regional differences within the country.  相似文献   
Study Type – Therapy (case series) Level of Evidence 4 What’s known on the subject? and What does the study add? Thus far, no institution has investigated the impact of the most commonly used surgical techniques – open, laparoscopic and robotic radical prostatectomy – on biochemical outcome. However, recent data from large meta‐analysis suggest that the impact of the chosen surgical technique on biochemical outcome is minimal and statistically not relevant. We are the first to apply the method of propensity score matching in the urology literature to compare three different surgical techniques. This method is intended to simulate a randomized trial which is unlikely to be undertaken for radical prostatectomies. We confirmed previous data that the surgical technique does not seem to have an impact on biochemical outcome following radical prostatectomy.


? To investigate a single institution experience with radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP), laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (LRP) and robot‐assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) with respect to pathological and biochemical outcomes.


? A group of 522 consecutive patients who underwent RARP between 2003 and 2008 were matched by propensity scoring on the basis of patient age, race, preoperative prostate‐specific antigen (PSA), biopsy Gleason score and clinical stage with an equal number of patients who underwent LRP and RRP at our institution. ? Pathological and biochemical outcomes of the three cohorts were examined.


? Overall positive surgical margin rates were lower among patients who underwent RRP (14.4%) and LRP (13.0%) compared to patients who underwent RARP (19.5%) (P= 0.010). There were no statistically significant differences in positive margin rates between the three surgical techniques for pT2 disease (P= 0.264). ? In multivariate logistic regression analysis, surgical technique (P= 0.016), biopsy Gleason score (P < 0.001) and preoperative PSA (P < 0.001) were predictors of positive surgical margins. ? Kaplan–Meier analysis did not show any statistically significant differences with respect to biochemical recurrence for the three surgical groups.


? RRP, LRP and RARP represent effective surgical approaches for the treatment for clinically localized prostate cancer. A higher overall positive SM rate was observed for the RARP group compared to RRP and LRP; however, there was no difference with respect to biochemical recurrence‐free survival between groups. ? Further prospective studies are warranted to determine whether any particular technique is superior with regard to long‐term clinical outcomes.  相似文献   
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