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The solution conformations of novel dipeptides, methyl (2S, 3′S)-3-methyl-2-(2′-oxo-3′-isopropyl-1′-piperazinyl)-butanoate (EVV-OCH3), methyl (2S, 3′S)-3-phenyl-2-(2′-oxo-3′-benzyl-1′-piperazinyl) propionate (EFF-OCH3), and their derivatives (Boc-Gly-EW-OH, Boc-Gly-EVV-Gly-OH, and Boc-Gly-EFF-OH), were studied by ‘H NMR measurements and molecular mechanics calculations (1). The molecular structures of Boc-Gly-EVV-OH, Boc-Gly-EFF-OH, and the hydrochloride of EVV-OCH3 were determined by X-ray analyses. The conformations of the piperazinone rings and the side chains of these oligopeptides were clarified.  相似文献   
Thoracoscopic Radiofrequency Ablation of the Myocardium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation has been used for the treatment of ventricular tachycardia (VT), however, in some patients VT might result from subepicardiai macroreentry that could be successfully terminated by epicardial approach. This study examined the feasibility of thoracoscopic RF ablation of myocardium from epicardium using a custom made electrode. In five mongrel dogs, the thoracoscope was introduced through the 7th intercostal space. A 500-kHz continuous wave RF energy was connected to a custom made multiple electrode probe. Under thoracoscopic guidance, the heart was exposed and the RF probe was introduced. RF ablation was performed on the nonvascular ventricular wall of the beating heart. The left ventricular free wall and right ventricular outflow tract were satisfactorily visualized and ablated. The total dose of RF energy ranged from 50 to 500 J. and the estimated volume of ablated lesions ranged from 41.0–799 mm3. There were significant correlations between the RF discharge output and the irradiated lesion volume (P < 0.01), and the depth of the lesions (P < 0.01). Grossly, after RF ablation the ventricular myocardium demonstrated a circular, well-demarcated area of thermal injury. Volume and depth of the lesion depended upon the total dose of delivered RF energy. Thoracoscopic RF ablation appears to be a minimally invasive and useful method for creating irradiated myocardial lesions from epicardial surface. This method could he technically feasible for the treatment of Vts for which endocardial RF ablation is ineffective.  相似文献   
Effects of dual chamber A V sequential pacing on coronary flow velocity, especially systolic reversal flow, were tested in a patient with hypertrophic obstructive Cardiomyopathy. AV sequential pacing with shorter AV delays reduced the systolic reversal flow in the coronary artery, and improved the pressure gradient of the left ventricular outflow tract.  相似文献   
Characteristics of Pulmonary Artery Arrhythmias. Introduction: The precise incidence and characteristics of ventricular arrhythmias originating from the pulmonary artery have not been fully described. The purpose of this prospective study was to clarify these points. Methods: Thirty‐three consecutive patients with an idiopathic left bundle branch block and inferior‐axis deviation type ventricular arrhythmia were included. All patients underwent detailed electroanatomical mapping (CARTO, Biosense‐Webster, Diamond Bar, CA, USA) during sinus rhythm prior to the catheter ablation. The precise location of the catheter tip at the successful ablation site was confirmed by both electroanatomical mapping and contrast radiography. The clinical and electrophysiological data were compared between the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) arrhythmia patients (RVOT group) and PA arrhythmia patients (PA group). Results: Eight patients (8/33 patients: 24.2%) had their ventricular arrhythmias successfully ablated within the PA. The local bipolar electrogram at the successful ablation sites in the PA group exhibited a significantly greater duration (P < 0.05) and lower amplitude (P < 0.05) than did those in the RVOT group (n = 19). In the PA group, all patients exhibited a multicomponent electrograms composed of a spiky potential and a dull potential, which might have consisted of near‐field PA activation and a far‐field ventricular activation, respectively, at the successful ablation site. Direct ablation to the spiky electrogram was able to eliminate the arrhythmias in all the PA group patients. Conclusions: PA arrhythmias may be more common than previously recognized. Careful mapping and interpretation of low amplitude and multicomponent electrograms are important for recognizing ventricular arrhythmias originating from the PA. (J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, Vol. 21, pp. 163‐169, February 2010)  相似文献   
In this review article, in order to explore the mechanisms underlying the hallucinations/delusions of schizophrenia, we discuss the contribution of the following four questions: (i) can an understanding of dreams contribute to our understanding of the genesis of halluciations and/or delusions; (ii) are the mechanisms underlying psychotropic drug‐induced psychoses the same as those underlying the hallucinations and/or delusions in schizophrenia; (iii) does disturbed consciousness contribute to the manifestation of psychotic features; and (iv) are the psychoses caused by organic brain disorders any different to the hallucinations and/or delusions seen in schizophrenia? We conclude that there is a strong association between drug‐induced hallucinations or hallucinations associated with organic brain disorders and simple hallucinosis or fluctuations in arousal level. Because intermediate configurations and/or cross‐staining phenomena exist for hallucinations and delusions, especially in schizophrenic disorders, it is difficult to isolate the hallucinations and to recognize them as being abnormal experiences.  相似文献   
Background. The microvasculature plays an important role in the pathogenesis of psoriatic skin lesions. Our purpose was to try to define a psoriatic pattern in the nailfold capillary, to clarify the relationship between nailfold capillary microscopic changes and nail involvement and to note the general clinical features of psoriasis. Methods. Image analysis of nailfold capillaries was performed in 62 patients with psoriasis. The capillary pattern was defined statistically comparing it with that of 51 healthy volunteers. We attempted to differentiate the psoriatic pattern from normal controls with “canonical discriminant analysis.” Results. Forty-nine of 62 patients with psoriasis could be differentiated from normal controls by our definition of psoriatic pattern that was significantly correlated with periungual psoriatic plaque, nail pitting, onycholysis, and the extent of the involved area. Conclusions. Our data suggest that nailfold capillary changes reflect microvascular changes of psoriasis and that the nailfold capillary pattern is a useful tool in evaluating nail involvement and the severity of psoriasis.  相似文献   
The consistent presence of the human accessory deep peroneal nerve   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-four human legs were dissected macroscopically to study the morphological details of the accessory deep peroneal nerve. This nerve arose from the superficial peroneal nerve and descended in the lateral compartment of the leg, deep to peroneus longus along the posterior border of peroneus brevis. Approaching the ankle joint, this nerve passed through the peroneal tunnels to wind around the lateral malleolus; it then crossed beneath the peroneus brevis tendon anteriorly to reach the dorsum of the foot. The accessory deep peroneal nerve was found in every case examined and constantly gave off muscular branches to peroneus brevis and sensory branches to the ankle region. In addition, this nerve occasionally had muscular branches to peroneus longus and extensor digitorum brevis, and sensory branches to the fibula and the foot. The anomalous muscles around the lateral malleolus were also innervated by this nerve. Neither cutaneous branches nor communicating branches with other nerves were found. The present study reveals that the accessory deep peroneal nerve is consistently present and possesses a proper motor and sensory distribution in the lateral region of the leg and ankle. It is not an anomalous nerve as has previously been suggested.  相似文献   
A 31-year-old, previously normotensive healthy man developed right flank pain and was admitted to a medical service. Right renal infarction was suspected by enhanced abdominal computed tomography (CT) and arteriography. Fourteen days after the onset, he was transferred to the Oita University Hospital, Oita, Japan. Renal angiography revealed an isolated renal artery dissection causing renal atrophy due to main stem narrowing of the right renal artery. Renogram and renal scintigram with (99m)Tc-diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid revealed a remarkable decline in the glomerular filtration rate and almost no uptake in the right kidney. Four months later, in spite of our belief that functional recovery could not be expected, intravenous pyelography and enhanced abdominal CT scans revealed a functioning right kidney that had spontaneously recovered from the renal artery dissection through conservative management.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The antitumor mechanisms of bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) against bladder cancer is still unclear. We previously reported that BCG was internalized by and survived within murine bladder tumor cells (MBT-2) for at least 40 days. In the present study, we investigated the effect of BCG on the surface antigen expression of bladder tumor cells and the characteristics of these cells as antigen-presenting cells in vitro. METHODS: Surface antigen (major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Class II, CD1, CD80 and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1)) expression on BCG-treated murine (MBT-2) and human (T-24, J82) bladder tumor cells were analyzed using flow cytometry. The production of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) from murine lymphocytes sensitized with BCG or BCG-treated tumor cells were also investigated. RESULTS: The expressions of MHC Class II, CD1, CD80 and ICAM-1 were augmented in all of the bladder tumor cell lines used; however, they were augmented to varying degrees among the cell lines that were treated with live BCG. Heat-killed BCG had little or no effect. When murine lymph node cells sensitized with BCG or BCG-treated MBT-2 cells were cocultured with BCG-treated MBT-2 cells, significant amounts of IL-2 and IFN-gamma were produced in the culture medium. CONCLUSIONS: BCG induced the augmented expression of surface antigens, such as MHC Class II, CD1, CD80 and ICAM-1, of bladder tumor cells. Furthermore, BCG-treated MBT-2 cells could stimulate BCG-sensitized lymphocytes to produce IL-2 and IFN-gamma. These results strongly suggest that bladder tumor cells gained the characteristics and functions of antigen-presenting cells (APC).  相似文献   
It is well known that some patients with neurally mediated syncope have a feeling of aura before the onset of syncope. A case is reported in which cerebral dysfunction recorded by EEG was present before the onset of a vasovagal reaction. The vasovagal reaction, bradycardia and/or asystole, was preceded by abnormal EEG findings when the patient complained of feeling a headache, photophobia, and nausea. These findings suggest that cerebral hypoperfusion, such as with cerebral vasospasms, before the onset of bradycardia might be involved in the mechanism of neurally mediated syncope in patients with an aura.  相似文献   
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