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Various cases are presented demonstrating the role of computed tomography (CT) in the assessment of serosal and bowel wall pathology. Reference is made to the morphology of the lesions. Illustrative examples of tumors, secondary malignant dissemination, irradiation injury to the gut, and intramural gas associated with ulcerative colitis, are all illustrated.  相似文献   
The spontaneous quantal and nonquantal acetylcholine release was investigated at the temperature range from 10 to 35 degrees C in white mouse semidiaphragm. The quantal release was evaluated by calculation of miniature end-plate potentials frequency, while the nonquantal one--from the H-effect value. The spontaneous quantal release increased exponentially with the temperature growth. The temperature dependence of the nonquantal release showed two relative maxima: at 20 degrees and 35 degrees C. At 10 degrees C the nonquantal release was absent. The value of calculated effective energy of activation of the quantal release was 57.0 kJ/mol in the investigated temperature range. The effective energy of activation for the nonquantal release process in intervals 15-20 degrees C and 25-35 degrees C was 45.5 and 38.2 kJ/mol, relatively. It is suggested that the nonquantal release is rather due to active transport processes than to simple diffusion of acetylcholine molecules.  相似文献   
The overall goal of this paper is to provide for the first time a comprehensive critical review of the literature on contraceptive failure in developed countries, primarily the United States. The first two sections of our paper lay the groundwork for a critical assessment of the extensive body of studies on this subject, by systematically exploring the concepts and measurement of contraceptive efficacy and the methodological pitfalls that snare many investigators and compromise their results. The next two sections focus on results in the literature. First we provide a method-by-method critique of the available studies and then we summarize our conclusions in a single table that provides efficacy information necessary for women and couples to make an informed choice of a method of contraception. We close with a set of substantive observations and also a set of methodological recommendations intended to improve the quality and comparability of findings from future research.  相似文献   
Factitious illness in children is a phenomenon that results in adverse consequences for the child. Munchausen by proxy is a factitious disorder, first described by Meadow (1977), in which a parent induces or creates the appearance of illness in the child. This article highlights the importance of social work skills in the identification and management of this syndrome, and proposes a format for decision making at various points in the process.  相似文献   
J Schara 《Der Anaesthesist》1986,35(7):395-396
The morphology of neurons is an important factor for the identification and the study of the changes that occur in the nervous system during development or as a result of disease or an experimental treatment. A number of methods to describe the topological aspects of neuronal morphology is discussed. Furthermore it is illustrated how different groups of neurons can be compared. Although both topological and metrical aspects are considered in the comparative sections emphasis is put on counting instead of measuring. Our intention is to present quick and easy methods that are applicable to camera lucida drawings.  相似文献   
Hirschsprung's disease in young adults   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hirschsprung's disease is rarely seen in the young adult, and presents unique problems in management because of the massive dilatation and hypertrophy that occur proximal to the aganglionic rectum or the rectosigmoid colon. The diagnosis, which may be suspected by barium enema, is confirmed by suction or full-thickness biopsy of the rectum that may be complemented by anal manometry. Based on our experience with eight patients, a two-stage surgical reconstruction is recommended, with a preliminary sigmoid colostomy through the normally innervated colon and an associated defunctionalized stoma constituting the initial operation. The distal colonic stoma permits cleansing of the caudal colon while the normally innervated proximal colon reverts to near normal caliber, usually within 2 to 6 months. This approach is in accord with the recommendation of Fairgrieve. Reconstruction using a Duhamel or Soave procedure has given good results. The Duhamel procedure seems preferable when a considerable discrepancy remains between the ganglionic and aganglionic segments of rectum.  相似文献   
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