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The changes in viral load and CD4(+) count at 3 and 6 months in a group of 166 HIV-infected patients was evaluated. The new therapy was chosen based on the medical history procedures for 70 patients, and in 96 patients it was guided by the partial or complete result of the line probe assay (LiPA) HIV RT and Protease resistance tests. The absolute difference from the baseline of the log viral load at 3 and 6 months was significantly different between the two groups when adjusted for baseline viral load (P < 0.0001) and stayed significant when intention-to-treat analysis was carried out (P < 0.001). The absolute difference of the CD4(+) count was not significantly different when adjusted for baseline CD4(+) (P = 0.854, 3 months; P = 0.06, 6 months). The proportion of patients with a viral load 相似文献   
Nevi with architectural disorder and cytologic atypia of melanocytes (NAD) (also called dysplastic nevi) have been controversial with regard to their relationship with melanoma risk and to their gradation in 3 degrees of atypia. Versican and the melanoma-associated proteoglycan (mel-CSPG) are 2 major proteoglycans expressed by malignant melanoma, and they have a role in the regulation of cell adhesion, migration, and differentiation. We evaluated the differences in versican and mel-CSPG expression in nevi, NAD with several degrees of atypia, and primary malignant melanoma. Immunoreactivity for versican was negative in benign melanocytic nevi, positive in NAD (ranging from weakly to intensely positive), and intensely positive in malignant melanoma. Immunostaining for mel-CSPG was negative in benign melanocytic nevi and mild to moderately positive in NAD and melanoma. Our results suggest that versican expression may be of value for distinguishing NAD from benign melanocytic nevi and for distinguishing severe NAD from mild and moderate NAD.  相似文献   
放疗相关肿瘤是放疗后的少见并发症,其诊断标准如下:1放疗病史;2二次肿瘤位于原放射野内;3二次肿瘤在组织学上与原发肿瘤性质不同;4放疗与二次肿瘤发生有一定间隔时间,潜伏期至少5年。鼻咽部接受放疗所致颞骨肿瘤未见特别报道。该文报告7例,男6例,女1例。肿瘤均位于前次放疗的照射区-颞骨范围内。放疗与颞骨肿瘤出现的间隔为5~30年,平均12.9年。鳞癌5例、软骨肉瘤1例、骨肉瘤1例。所有患者均接受了手术切除,3例行术后放疗,1例行术前、后化疗。其中2例死于手术后3个月内,1例死于其它疾病,另4例已分别存活3个月、7个月、27个月及36个月。由于…  相似文献   
A prospective study in which the existence of iron metabolism alterations (increase in the serum levels of iron and ferritin and the presence of iron in liver tissue) in a group of 53 patients diagnosed with chronic anti-HCV positive hepatitis was performed. The aim of the study was to determine whether these parameters influence the response to interferon treatment. Elevations were observed in the serum levels of iron and/or ferritin in 17 (32%) of the patients. Higher than normal values of serum iron or ferritin in pretreatment analyses were associated with worse therapeutic response. The basal serum levels of iron and ferritin were significantly higher in non responding patients. No relationship was found between the presence of iron in the hepatic parenchyma and response to interferon treatment.  相似文献   
The nutritional status of patients can be evaluated by monitoring changes in body composition, including the depletion of protein and muscle, adipose tissue distribution and changes in hydration status, bone or cell mass. Neutron activation analysis is a unique reference tool for the in-vivo determination of body composition. In this review we describe the recent changes in the field that followed the advent of new portable generators of fast neutrons, capable of performing elemental analysis in the clinical environment. New models were developed based on the partition of the measurable elements of the body. The recent developments help evaluate new treatments for wasting and obesity, in which change in body composition is the main outcome.  相似文献   
To assess the responsiveness of the interrenal axis to stress, we injected toads exposed to coal combustion wastes and toads from an unpolluted reference site with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), as well as the vehicle alone (saline). Initial circulating levels of corticosterone in toads captured at the polluted area were significantly higher than levels in toads from the reference site. Corticosterone levels in toads from the polluted site remained high even after 2 weeks of laboratory acclimation and injection with saline. The results may suggest disruption of hepatic enzymes responsible for the metabolic clearance of steroid hormones. Injection of toads from the polluted site with ACTH had no effect on plasma corticosterone levels, whereas a similar treatment of toads from the reference site stimulated a marked increase in corticosterone. Our study provides evidence that toads exposed to coal combustion wastes may be less efficient at responding to additional environmental stressors.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Several HLA alleles have been associated with asthma induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The existence of HLA markers linked to other NSAID-induced reactions, such as cutaneous and anaphylactoid reactions, has not been established. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our work was to study the HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 alleles in patients with cutaneous and anaphylactoid reactions caused by NSAIDs. METHODS: We have analyzed 114 HLA DRB1 and 26 HLA-DQB1 alleles in 21 patients with anaphylactoid reactions caused by NSAIDs, 47 patients who had exclusively cutaneous reactions during single-blind, placebo-controlled oral challenges with NSAIDs, and 167 tolerant control subjects (29 of whom had also had an IgE-mediated anaphylaxis to different agents). HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 alleles were typed by the polymerase chain reaction sequence-specific primers method with genomic DNA. RESULTS: The frequency of HLA-DR11 alleles was 58.8% in the anaphylactoid reaction group, compared with 15.9% in the NSAID-tolerant healthy control subjects (OR, 7:3; 95% confidence interval, 2.8-19.0; P <.02) and 6.3% in the group of the patients with a tolerance for NSAIDs and with IgE-mediated anaphylaxis (OR, 18.75; 95% confidence interval, 4.3-81.1; P <.004). No differences were observed among HLA-DR11 alleles analyzed. There were no significant HLA-DQB1 associations with NSAID-induced anaphylactoid reactions. Patients with cutaneous reactions had HLA frequencies that did not differ significantly from the tolerant control subjects. CONCLUSION: The HLA-DRB1*11 alleles showed a positive association with NSAID-induced anaphylactoid reactions.  相似文献   
The incidence of meiotic abnormalities and their relationship with different spermatogenic parameters was assessed in 103 male patients with presumably idiopathic severe oligoasthenozoospermia (motile sperm concentration < or = 1.5 x 10(6)/ml). Meiosis on testicular biopsies was independently evaluated by two observers. Meiotic patterns included normal meiosis and two meiotic abnormalities, i.e. severe arrest and synaptic anomalies. A normal pattern was found in 64 (62.1%), severe arrest in 21 (20.4%) and synaptic anomalies in 18 (17.5%). The overall rate of meiotic abnormalities was 37.9%. Most (66.7%) meiotic abnormalities occurred in patients with a sperm concentration < or = 1 x 10(6)/ml. In this group, total meiotic abnormalities were found in 57.8% of the patients; of these, 26.7% had synaptic anomalies. When the sperm concentration was < or = 0.5 x 10(6)/ml, synaptic anomalies were detected in 40% of the patients. In patients with increased follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations, total meiotic abnormalities occurred in 54.8% (synaptic anomalies in 22.6%). There were statistically significant differences among the three meiotic patterns in relation to sperm concentration (P < 0.001) and serum FSH concentration (P < 0.05). In the multivariate analysis, sperm concentration < or = 1 x 10(6)/ml and/or FSH concentration > 10 IU/l were the only predictors of meiotic abnormalities.  相似文献   
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