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双手10指11节段完全离断再植一例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
患者男,31岁。 1998年1月 17日双手被切纸机切段致10指 11节段完全离断,伤后 8 h入院。检查:左手拇指分别于近节指骨基底及末节指甲近1/3以远斜行双段离断,有部分虎口皮肤连于拇指,右拇指自掌指关节处离断,关节面完整,双手示、中、环指于近节中段离断,双小指于近节远段离断,左手2~4指间有指蹼皮肤相连,右手1~4指间有虎口及指蹼皮肤相连。将断指暂时冷藏于冰箱,伤后 10 h在双臂丛麻醉下行10指再植术,先行左手再植,对两断端不同组织由浅入深分别予以清创后,先行拇指末节“无血再植”,然后按流程…  相似文献   
微型外固定器结合皮瓣移植治疗指骨Ⅲ-c型开放性骨折   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指骨开放性骨折伴软组织缺损和/或血管损伤的指体往往损伤严重,实际工作中可能有几种方案选择,如截指或手指再造等。我们采用自行研制的微型外固定器结合皮瓣移植治疗此类损伤,不仅保全了指体,也最大限度地减少对供区或供足的影响,获得满意疗效。  相似文献   
外固定器结合软组织移植治疗指骨间关节骨折脱位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨微型外固定器结合一期软组织移植治疗开放性指骨间关节周围骨折脱位的优缺点.方法 对开放性手部指骨间关节骨折脱位12例(13指),采用微型外固定器结合有限固定固定骨折,修复损伤的韧带和掌板,修复或桥接修复损伤的血管神经,皮瓣移植修复软组织缺损.结果 随访6个月~2年,所有指体全部存活,皮瓣顺利成活,外固定架平均固定37 d,骨折均愈合.手指感觉恢复达S3+~S4;关节活动度:近指骨间关节活动范围25°~90°;远指骨问关节活动范围5°~20°.结论 微型外固定器结合一期软组织移植治疗开放性指骨间关节骨折脱位,利于保持骨折和关节位置,利于软组织损伤修复,是治疗复杂手外伤的可靠方案.  相似文献   
任意定点顺序转圈血管吻合法在组织瓣移植中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨一种新的血管吻合方法。方法 在临床组织瓣移植中应用任意定点顺序转圈血管吻合法对59例计187条血管进行吻合。血管吻合时任意定点缝合第一针,然后顺或逆时针方向缝合第二针及其它几针,每一针都作为下一针的牵拉线,不需要规定缝合针数,以不漏血为准,每条血管一般缝合5-7针即可。结果 一次通畅率100%,探查率3.7%,总成功率98.3%。结论 任意定点顺序转圈血管吻合法在组织瓣移植中是一种简单、可靠的血管吻合法。  相似文献   
目的 探讨Gustilo Ⅲ型开放性骨折早期感染的治疗措施并评估负压封闭引流(VSD)技术的应用价值. 方法 2006年12月至2008年1月,收治Gustilo Ⅲ型骨盆和四肢开放性骨折经治疗并发早期感染患者46例,其中ⅢA型11例,ⅢB型28例,ⅢC型7例.所有患者初期已行骨折和血管的固定或修复,遗留创面或皮肤坏死范周大小为3 cm×2 cm~50 cm × 35 cm.所有病例均先行清创,更换不恰当的骨折固定方式或调整外固定架固定位置,在感染的肌肉间隙、关节间隙、骨折间隙等分区、分层应用VSD,并根据置管部位和引流情况决定拔管次序和时间.创面有新鲜肉芽组织生长后,12例行皮瓣移植和肌瓣移植,34例36处伤u皮片植皮或缝合修复创面.创面愈合后3~6个月视骨折愈合进度和骨折固定稳定情况保留原有固定或更换永久性骨折固定物. 结果本组46例均保肢成功,创面感染均得到控制.游离植皮及组织瓣移植一次全部成活44例,2例游离植皮者由于面积大、术后患者搓动遗留有小创面,经再次植皮后完全消火创面.所有患者体温、血像正常,局部尤窦道、无疼痛,骨折愈合时间5~12个月,肢体功能良好. 结论开放性骨折感染的早期发现和及时处理可以获得较好的预后,分区、分层应用VSD是一种有效的治疗措施.  相似文献   
Objective To discuss the curative effect of the external fixator for complex tissue defect in the forearm. Methods From May, 2005 through December, 2008, the external fixtors were used in 17 patients to treat the complex tissue defect in the forearm caused by trauma. There were 11 male and 6 female, with a mean age of 25.6. All patients were accompanied with the exposure of tendon, muscle or screw. The skin defect ranged from 7 cm × 4 cm to 19 cm × 9 cm. ALl patients underwent pediele flap repair. The flap ranged from 10 cm × 6 cm to 20 cm × 15 cm. The proximal pedicle of the flap was sutured into a tubular. The position of the pediele was fixed by the external fixator. The pin was at the ulnar and the iliac (n = 5), and the radius and the iliac (n = 12). The immobilization lasted 3 to 8 weeks, 5. I weeks in average. Results All patients were followed up for 3 to 20 months, 11.3 in average. All pedicle flaps survived with no pressure ulcer, or no erosion in the axilla. No compartment syndrome or osteomyelitis occurred. Four to six week after surgery, the pedicle was cut. Infection occurred at the cutting end in 1 patient. The wound healed after addressing The wound in the other 16 patients healed successfully. The fracture of the ulnar and the radius healed 8. 5 or 15 weeks after surgery, 13.5 weeks in average. Eleven patients underwent second stage reshape and function restoration. The function of the hands and forearms recovered satisfactorily. Eleven patients returned to their work. Six patients can live with basic function for living. Conclusions The external flxator used for complex tissue defect in the forearm can keep the position of the pedicle, replacing plaster fixation. It can reduce the incidence of flap and vessel spasm, and get good outcomes.  相似文献   
自1968年成功完成第一例拇指完全离断再植术以来,再植方法经过不断改进和普及,目前已为广大显微外科医生所掌握,但是同样伤情的断指再植后指体的外形、长度、功能未必相同。指体的不缩短再植、良好的功能恢复应成为断指再植的最高境界。我科自1995年1月以来对135例190指行不缩短再植,失败2指,成功率为99%,获得满意的效果。1 临床资料 我科于1995年1月-1998年8月共进行不缩短再植135例190指,失败2指,不缩短再植的成功率为90%。伤情分类;菜刀伤(含自伤)81例,切纸机伤27例,铡刀伤19例…  相似文献   
目的 对锁定型后足融合髓内钉联合植骨行胫距跟关节融合在治疗重度踝关节炎合并距下关节炎临床应用疗效进行评价.方法 2015年5月至2018年2月,我院收治各类终末期重度踝关节炎合并距下关节炎患者13例,使用锁定型后足融合髓内钉行胫距跟关节融合术进行治疗,术后疗效评价采用美国足踝外科协会(American Orthopae...  相似文献   
Objective To discuss the curative effect of the external fixator for complex tissue defect in the forearm. Methods From May, 2005 through December, 2008, the external fixtors were used in 17 patients to treat the complex tissue defect in the forearm caused by trauma. There were 11 male and 6 female, with a mean age of 25.6. All patients were accompanied with the exposure of tendon, muscle or screw. The skin defect ranged from 7 cm × 4 cm to 19 cm × 9 cm. ALl patients underwent pediele flap repair. The flap ranged from 10 cm × 6 cm to 20 cm × 15 cm. The proximal pedicle of the flap was sutured into a tubular. The position of the pediele was fixed by the external fixator. The pin was at the ulnar and the iliac (n = 5), and the radius and the iliac (n = 12). The immobilization lasted 3 to 8 weeks, 5. I weeks in average. Results All patients were followed up for 3 to 20 months, 11.3 in average. All pedicle flaps survived with no pressure ulcer, or no erosion in the axilla. No compartment syndrome or osteomyelitis occurred. Four to six week after surgery, the pedicle was cut. Infection occurred at the cutting end in 1 patient. The wound healed after addressing The wound in the other 16 patients healed successfully. The fracture of the ulnar and the radius healed 8. 5 or 15 weeks after surgery, 13.5 weeks in average. Eleven patients underwent second stage reshape and function restoration. The function of the hands and forearms recovered satisfactorily. Eleven patients returned to their work. Six patients can live with basic function for living. Conclusions The external flxator used for complex tissue defect in the forearm can keep the position of the pedicle, replacing plaster fixation. It can reduce the incidence of flap and vessel spasm, and get good outcomes.  相似文献   
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