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Objective : This study is to compare the personal acceptability and effect of Oral RU486/PG versus surgical vacuum aspiration on termination of early pregnancy. Method: Subjects were recruited by their voluntary choice of methods. One hundred women aged 20~34 with amenorrhea of 35~42 days chose the medical method (RU486 600 mg on the lst day and cytotec 0. 4 mg on the 3rd day). One hundred women aged 20~34 with amenorrbea < 56 days chose vacuum aspiration. Subjects were asked to return on the 17th day in the medical group and 14th day in the surgical group for follow-up. Results: Complete abortion rates in the medical and surgical groups were 89% and 100% respectively. The main reason for choosing medicalabortion was “less painful“ (94%) while that for choosing surgical abortion was “quick and saving time (55 % ), with removing or insering IUD (45 % ) following surgical abortion“, Conclusion : For pregnancy termination RU486/Cytotec (PGE1) and vacuum aspiration are both highly acceptable, Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages and they can not replace each other. Selective use can provide advantages of either method. The earlier the termination, the safer the event.  相似文献   
血清TNF-α水平在米非司酮终止妊娠中的变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)是由激活的单核-巨噬细胞产生的一种具有多种生物学效应的细胞调节因子。在抗肿瘤、调节机体免疫功能、抗感染等方面具有重要作用。研究显示,TNF-α在生理水平下可调节妊娠滋养细胞的生长及分化,影响胎盘激素的生成,诱使分娩发动[1]。此外,尚可增加子宫组织前列腺素的产生[2,3],诱使早产发生。本研究通过观察应用米非司酮终止妊娠后孕妇血清TNF-α水平的改变来推测肿瘤坏死因子在米非司酮终止妊娠中的作用。材料与方法一、研究对象自1996年3月至1997年5月间,上海医科大学妇产科医院计划生有病房收治的孕…  相似文献   
答在节育手术中,最普遍施行的是放置宫内节育器、输卵管及输精管结扎术、输卵管粘堵术及人工流产术等。节育手术后均需进行随访,一是为了及时发现问题、及时治疗,以保障受术者的健康;二是为了了解手术的近期及远期效果,总结经验,不断地提高医疗质量。  相似文献   
1%山梨酸钾溶液治疗酵母菌阴道炎证实是有效的抗霉菌制剂。无毒,能使病人迅速痊愈。能单独应用,也可与抗霉菌抗生素合并应用。  相似文献   
本文报道了上海第一医学院妇产科医院计划生育组自1979年3月至1982年1月对15~28孕周中期妊娠引产之正常孕妇1935例宫底高度、娩出胎儿的身长、体重和足底长度进行了测定,计算平均值、标准差、百分位数并和国外资料相比较,提供中国人中期妊娠各孕周胎儿生长发育的正常数据,并就影响胎儿身长、体重差异的因素和正常胎儿生长曲线的意义作了讨论。  相似文献   
皮下埋植避孕剂已广泛应用于临床,Implanon是一种新型皮埋剂,单根含etonogestrel 68 mg.从其组成药代动力学、避孕机制、临床应用、安全性的分析,表明其是高效、长效、可逆、使用方便、取放容易的新型皮埋剂,便于推广应用,并可改善痛经.  相似文献   
1010例妊娠11—14周人工流产的临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 为了提高妊娠11—14周人工流产的手术质量,我们测定了1010例人工流产对象术中的出血量、羊水量、胎儿及胎盘组织量和胎儿足底长度,对手术中应注意的问题和并发症的防治进行了小结,现报告如下。对象与方法对象均为要求人流的妇女,孕周计算是以末次月经第一天起停经11—14周,子宫为2.5~3.5月妊娠大小。经检查,阴道白带、滴虫及霉菌均为阴性。对子宫大小在3个月以上妊娠者先放探条(橡皮导尿管一根)留置24小时,次日进行人流术。人流时先钳破胎膜,测量流出之羊水、血及刮出物之量(用纱网过滤后分别测量,如血与羊水不能分开,则此项不统计)。对取出胎儿的足底长度用钢尺进行测量。  相似文献   
杜明昆)(郑怀美)(郑苏华)(陈帼君)AComparativeStudyontheContraceptionEfficacyandSafetyoftheProgesteroneReleasingContraceptiveVaginalRingand...  相似文献   
The Stainless steel ring(SSR), VCu200 and TCu220C were in randomized comparison for eight years in a cohort of 4,490 subjects covering 16 centres in 9 provinces and municipalities. The follow-up rate at the end of the eithth year was 90.33%. The cumulative continuation rates were 47.06 per 100 women at the end of the eighth year for SSR,54.05 for VCu200 and 61.14 for TCu220C. The cumulative pregnancy rates for VCu200 and TCu220C were 10.35 and 8.94 per 100 women respectively, significantly lower than 24.14 for SSR. There were significant differences in eight-year expulsion rates among SSR(21.69%), VCu200(13.05%) and TCu220C(7.48%). The removal for bleeding and/or pain was the lowest in SSR; and no significant differences were found between VCu200 and TCu200C. but the rate ws getting higher in VCu200 at the end of the eighth year than in TCu220C. The discontinued use of lUD for desire to become pregnant in rural area was extremely higher than in urban area. The risk of pregnancy and expulsion was in association with the types of lUD in this study, age at insertion, previous use of IUD and pregnancy frequency prior to insertion. The risk of pregnancy and expulsion for VCu200 and TCu220C was significantly lower than that for SSR. Failure risks were associated with age at insertion, the types of IUD in this study and pregnancy frequency prior to insertion, and failure risk in SSR was still higher than in VCu200 and TCu220C at the end of the eighth year. The study revealed that TCu220C was of good long-term safe ty, efficacy, and acceptability.  相似文献   
米非司酮合并米索前列醇催经止孕的多中心临床研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
米非司酮合并米索前列醇催经止孕的多中心临床研究吴学浙庄留琪邵敬於杜明昆周孝吾顾惠珍在预期月经来潮前后进行催经止孕治疗,可及早解除要求计划生育妇女的心理负担,避免进行人工流产术或药物终止妊娠带来的弊病。本研究通过小剂量米非司酮合并米索前列醇(米索)与更...  相似文献   
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