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例1女,49岁.左髌骨骨折制动2个月后反复出现晕厥4个月,气促1个月.超声心动图示右心扩大,三尖瓣反流法估测肺动脉收缩压87 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa).核磁共振造影显示双肺动脉主干及段肺动脉大量血栓栓塞.右心导管检查示重度肺动脉高压86/37(50)mm Hg,全肺阻力1056 dyn·s·cm-5(13.2 wood).深低温停循环下行肺动脉切开取栓术(PTE).停循环10 min,阻断121 min.第1次试停机时,肺动脉压与体循环压相同,气管插管内出血400ml.被迫再次转机,不能停机.  相似文献   
Objective The incidence of post-operative hyperbilimbinemia, which is associated with poor outcomes in patients, was reported to be increased in recent years though it has been a rare complication for cardiac operations. Post-opera-tive impairment of liver function is highlighted. We evaluated the incidence and prognosis of post-operative hyperbiliruhinemia in adult patients who underwent cardiotomy with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support. Methods Sixty-five adult patients who had received ECMO support after cardiac surgery from 2004 to 2008 were enrolled and evaluated retrospec-tively. Post-oporative hypethilirubinemia was defined as the serum level of the total bilirubin more than 51.3 μmol/L during postoperative period. Demographic and clinical data included gender, age, types of surgery, perioperative hemodynamic param-eters, biochemical variables, duration of the ventilation support, ICU stay and outcomes. Results The mean age of the pa-tients was (50.1 ± 13.9) years, forty-six patients(70.8%) were male. The main cardiac procedures were heart transplanta-tion for 9 patients, coronary artery bypass grafting and/or valve operations for 47 patients, congenital heart disease correction for 4 patients and other operations for 5 patients. Among all patients, fifty-one patients(78.5%) were weaned from ECMO succeas-fully and thirty-thrce patients were discharged from hospital. The overall mortality rate was 49.2%. Overall incidence of post-operative hyperbilirubinemia was 55.4%. In patients with postoperative hyperbilirubinemia, the mean peak value for serum to-tal bilirubin was 104.8 (68.5-156.7) μmol/l. The hospital mortality in the hyperbilirubinemia group was significantly higher than that in the non-hyperbilirubinemia group(66.7% vs. 27.6%, P <0.01). Moreover, postoperative hypethilirubinemia (adds ratio = 3. 895, 95% confidence interval, 1.088 - 13.947 ; P = 0.037) and SOFA score (odds ratio = 1.214, 95% confidence interval, 0.987 - 1.494, P = 0.047) and APACHE Ⅲ score (odds ratio = 1.096, 95% confidence interval, 1.028 - 1.169 ; P = 0.004) were associated with hospital mortality after adjusting for preoperative levels of the total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, gender and age. Conclusion Postoperative hyperbilirubinemia is one of the complications in adult patients who undergo cardiotomy with ECMO support, and is associated with increased hospital mortality.  相似文献   
Objective: To investigate the optimal time and procedure of surgical treatment of traumatic tricuspid insufficiency. Methods: From May 1984 to September 2004, eight patients underwent operation for traumatic tricuspid valve insufficiency. All patients, male, aged from 7 to 67 years [median: 38 years, mean: (38.5±18.1) years]. The intervals between trauma and operation ranged from 1 month to 20 years [median: 19 months, mean: (52.5± 80.3) months)]. In seven patients, tricuspid insufficiency was attributed to blunt chest trauma including vehicle accident in three patients and the other patient is a stab wound. Diagnosis was confirmed by echocardiography. Pre-operative cardiac functions in patients were classified as New York Heart Association ( NYHA ) classes Ⅱ-Ⅳ. During operation, the anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve was completely or partially flailed as a result of chordal rupture in all patients. Chordal rupture of septal leaflet was found in one patient. Anterior leaflet was perforated in two patients. Septal leaflet was retracted and adherent to ventricular septum in two patients. Valve repair was intended for all patients. Finally, valve repair was performed successfully in 3 patients and tricuspid replacement was performed in 5 patients. Results: No early or late death occurred. With a follow-up through clinical manifestation and echocardiography for 7-129 months [median; 39 months, mean: (53.4±42.8) months], all patients were classified as NYHA class I, without any changes. Conclusions : The satisfactory treatment of traumatic tricuspid insufficiency can be obtained by surgical treatment. Earlier surgery may increase the feasibility of tricuspid valve repair and prevent the deterioration of right ventricular function.  相似文献   
例1,2 分别为21岁男性和27岁女性,均因左胸骨旁第4肋间刀刺伤后1h出现心包填塞被送至急诊室。查体:急性病容,面色苍白,呼吸困难,血压85/60mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa),左胸骨旁第4肋间1.5-2.0cm皮肤伤口,心率90次/min,心音遥远。超声心动图显示大量心包积液,直接入手术室。例1经胸部正中切口手术,术中见右室流出道8mm裂口,  相似文献   
≥65岁老年人心脏瓣膜病的外科治疗   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
目的总结老年人瓣膜病的手术效果。方法 1993年至2004年252例≥65岁老年瓣膜病病人接受瓣膜手术,占同期瓣膜手术5.5%(252/4546例),其中男147例,女105例;平均年龄(67.9± 2.9)岁。风湿性瓣膜病201例(79.8%),非风湿性瓣膜病51例(20.2%)。术前心功能Ⅲ-Ⅳ级141例 (56.0%)。主动脉瓣置换63例,二尖瓣置换93例,二尖瓣成形42例,主动脉瓣置换+二尖瓣置换或成形47例,三尖瓣置换或成形7例。同期行冠状动脉旁路移植术34例。结果手术死亡23例(9.1%), 逐年病死率有下降趋势。与同期瓣膜手术16-64岁组相比,术后ICU时间显著延长[(60.1±101.2)h对 (43.0±70.6)h,P=0.00],术后带气管插管时间明显延长[(30.6±42.8)h对(24.1±45.0)h,P=0.02], 术后并发症发生率明显高(10.6%对6.4%,P=0.01),住院时间明显延长[(25.7±41.3)d和(19.6± 14.4)d,P=0.00]。手术死亡病人术前心功能级别明显高于生存者[(2.8±1.0)级对(2.4±1.0)级,P< 0.05];术前射血分数差异无统计学意义(55.8%对59.5%)。结论老年人瓣膜病手术总体手术病死率可以接受,近2年手术病死率已接近5%。多元回归分析显示,并行冠状动脉旁路移植术、主动脉瓣和二尖瓣双瓣手术、术后急性肾衰需要透析、体外循环时间长、主动脉阻断时间长是住院病死率的独立预测因子。  相似文献   
Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate of adilty of two acute renal failure-specific scoring systenms (the classification by Bellome et al and the AKIN criteria) for predicting hospital mortality after cardiac surgery in adult patients. Methods Between October 1 st 2006 to Decemjber 31 st 2006, 509 adult patients who ungerwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and/ or valve operation were enrolled in this study. The medical data collection included gender, age, types of operation, perioperative he- modynamic parameters, urine output, biochemical parameters and outcome. Renal function was assessed daily according to the classi- ficatinn by Bellomo and the AKIN criteria, respectively. As references, Acure Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation(APACHE) Ⅱ and Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score were also calculated. Resuits Three hundred and forty-one patients were male (67.0%), and 168 were female (33.0%), mean age was (56.2±12.0) years old. Tnree hundred and nine patieats un- derwent CABG, 182 underwent valve operation and 18 underwent CABG plus valve operation, Mean duration of ventilation support was (20.4±17.7) houra, and the ICU stay was (1.4±1.0) days. Postoperative hospital stay was (13.8±9.1) days. According to the classification by Bellomo., the highest in-hospital mortality was 52.9% in ARFS group. Mahiplicatinn of in-hospital morality rate was abserved (X2 for trend, P<0.01) in 0.4% (non-ARF), 1.2% (stage 1), 12.0% (stal~ 2) and 32.4% (stage 3) of pa- tients based on the AKIN criteria. By applying the area under the receiver operating characteristic ourve, the classification by Bellomo and the AKIN criteria had good discriminative power. Furthering, multivariate logistic regression analysis verified that the Odds Ratio of the AKIN criteria was 5.478 (P =0.028, 95% Confidence Interval 1.027- 24.856), after adjusting for gender and age. Con- clusion Analytical data confinned good discriminative power of both the AKIN criteria and the classification by Bellomo for predicting hospital mortality of adult postoperative patient with ARF.  相似文献   
体外膜式氧合相关并发症分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 分析体外膜式氧合(ECMO)辅助过程中相关并发症情况,以期对提高ECMO辅助抢救成功率.方法 回顾2005年3月至2008年6月117例接受ECMO辅助者的临床资料,其中静脉-静脉转流2例,静脉-升主动脉转流5例,股静脉-股动脉转流110例.结果 ECMO平均辅助时间61h.死亡48例,病死率41.0%.74例治疗过程中发生各种并发症,发生率为63.2%.主要并发症为感染32例次、肾功能衰竭需要透析29例次、氧合器血浆渗漏29例次、二次开胸止血24例次潲化道出血14例次、溶血7例次、肢体血栓5例次、神经系统并发症4例次、离心泵故障1例次.结论 出血是ECMO早期最常见的并发症,随辅助时间延长,感染、肾功能衰竭及氧合器血浆渗漏等并发症明显增加.积极预防、治疗并发症对提高ECMO病人抢救成功率非常重要.  相似文献   
Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate of adilty of two acute renal failure-specific scoring systenms (the classification by Bellome et al and the AKIN criteria) for predicting hospital mortality after cardiac surgery in adult patients. Methods Between October 1 st 2006 to Decemjber 31 st 2006, 509 adult patients who ungerwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and/ or valve operation were enrolled in this study. The medical data collection included gender, age, types of operation, perioperative he- modynamic parameters, urine output, biochemical parameters and outcome. Renal function was assessed daily according to the classi- ficatinn by Bellomo and the AKIN criteria, respectively. As references, Acure Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation(APACHE) Ⅱ and Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score were also calculated. Resuits Three hundred and forty-one patients were male (67.0%), and 168 were female (33.0%), mean age was (56.2±12.0) years old. Tnree hundred and nine patieats un- derwent CABG, 182 underwent valve operation and 18 underwent CABG plus valve operation, Mean duration of ventilation support was (20.4±17.7) houra, and the ICU stay was (1.4±1.0) days. Postoperative hospital stay was (13.8±9.1) days. According to the classification by Bellomo., the highest in-hospital mortality was 52.9% in ARFS group. Mahiplicatinn of in-hospital morality rate was abserved (X2 for trend, P<0.01) in 0.4% (non-ARF), 1.2% (stage 1), 12.0% (stal~ 2) and 32.4% (stage 3) of pa- tients based on the AKIN criteria. By applying the area under the receiver operating characteristic ourve, the classification by Bellomo and the AKIN criteria had good discriminative power. Furthering, multivariate logistic regression analysis verified that the Odds Ratio of the AKIN criteria was 5.478 (P =0.028, 95% Confidence Interval 1.027- 24.856), after adjusting for gender and age. Con- clusion Analytical data confinned good discriminative power of both the AKIN criteria and the classification by Bellomo for predicting hospital mortality of adult postoperative patient with ARF.  相似文献   
目前世界范围内已报道的右位心心脏移植术罕见,均为小儿复杂先天性心脏病者。2005年11月,我们施行1例右位心心脏移植,现报道如下。  相似文献   
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