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The laryngeal mask in failed intubation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: The development of a pressure ulcer is of great significance to the life-long rehabilitative management of the person with a spinal cord injury, and may indeed delay and repeatedly interfere with that process. That the period preceding admission to the specialized spinal injury unit is crucial with regard to pressure ulcer development is evident in the professional literature. Both anecdotal and empirical evidence indicates that a significant number of pressure ulcers occur as a result of management provided prior to admission, and that such ulcers are more likely to occur in those patients who have undergone a transfer process from a hospital distal to the specialist unit on a hard spinal board. AIM: In consideration of this and of the fact that, in Ireland, the interhospital transfer of spinal injured patients has usually involved the employment of such spinal boards to achieve immobilization, this study sought to identify whether or not the pressure experienced by individuals at two anatomical locations was dependent on the support surface employed. METHODOLOGY: Pressure under the occiput and sacrum of three healthy volunteers immobilized on three support surfaces was measured using air-filled pressure-measuring sacks. The surfaces employed were an uncovered spinal board; a spinal board with inflatable raft devise; and a full-body vacuum splint. DISCUSSION: Marked reductions in pressure were measured when using the inflatable raft and the vacuum mattress. The results of this study will provide a basis for a larger study and, through that, the formulation of recommendations for standardized practice along a national care pathway.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: The object of this study was to investigate the diversity among streptococcal species isolated from root canals in conjunction with endodontic therapy and to characterize their production of extracellular proteins. STUDY DESIGN: Consecutive root canal samples (RCS) taken as bacteriological controls during root canal treatment of teeth with apical periodontitis were analyzed in a total of 100 clinical cases. Bacteria were isolated and classified by selective media and gas liquid chromatography. Streptococcal strains were identified by carbohydrate fermentation, hydrolysis of aesculin/arginine, and production of enzymes. Releases of extracellular proteins by streptococci and Enterococcus spp in fluid culture media were examined with SDS-PAGE and 2-dimension gel electrophoresis (2 DE). Extracellular proteins produced were quantified and qualitatively analyzed. Specific proteins were targeted with Western immunoblot assays. Comparisons were made with type strains. RESULTS: Of a total of 241 bacterial strains recovered in the first samples submitted, Streptococcus gordonii, S anginosus, and S oralis were the most frequently isolated streptococci. In 49 of 89 resubmitted samples showing bacterial growth, S gordonii and S oralis still predominated among streptococci. Other common bacterial isolates were Enterococcus spp, Lactobacillus paracasei, and Olsenella uli. Quantitative and qualitative differences in extracellular protein production were observed among clinical isolates and laboratory streptococcal strains. In similar conditions for growth, S intermedius, S anginosus, S oralis, and S gordonii were strong producers of extracellular proteins (>3.0 microg/mL), while Enterococcus spp and S mutans were weak. Whole cell protein extracts showed a different profile from that of extracellular proteins. The chaperone protein DnaK was recognized to be produced extracellularly by S gordonii, S oralis, S anginosus, and S parasanguis. CONCLUSIONS: Being strong producers of extracellular proteins and by virtue of common presence in teeth undergoing endodontic therapy, S gordonii, S anginosus, and S oralis may be of pathogenic significance in posttreatment apical periodontitis.  相似文献   
A 21-year-old woman is reported with aplastic anaemia, who presented with pain in the leg. Rapid loss of sciatic nerve function followed. MRI showed irregular streaks of low intensity in the muscles of the pelvic region. A diagnosis of sciatic neuritis as initial symptom of clostridial myonecrosis was made.  相似文献   
Cerebral blood flow tomography, by xenon 133 inhalation or HMPAO (99mTc-d, l-hexamethyl-propylene amine oxime) technetium Tc 99m injection, revealed a severe hypoperfusion in both frontal lobes of a 40-year-old woman with confirmed neuroacanthocytosis. This finding occurred in conjunction with neuropsychological deficits consistent with selective frontal lobe dysfunction. This observation is the first documentation of this type of dementia in neuroacanthocytosis.  相似文献   
In a six-week double-blind randomized trial, preceded by a one-week period of single-blind placebo treatment, the efficacy and the side-effects of fluvoxamine (100-300 mg/d) (n = 24) and maprotiline (50-150 mg/d) (n = 24) were compared in moderately depressed outpatients with DSM-III Major Depression (n = 22) or Dysthymic Disorder (n = 26). Efficacy was measured by means of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, the Zung Depression Selfrating Scale, and a Clinical Global Impression of Severity Scale. Side-effects were evaluated by an Adverse Event Inventory and a Psychosomatic Symptom Scale. A statistically significant improvement was achieved in both treatment groups but success rates were modest: in both groups, 29% of the patients achieved a clinically significant improvement after six weeks of treatment. After six weeks of treatment, no difference in efficacy was found between fluvoxamine and maprotiline. Nausea was the most common complaint in the fluvoxamine group, while in the maprotiline group, it was dry mouth and constipation. One maprotiline-treated patient developed a convulsive attack.  相似文献   
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