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Patients with any stage of small cell lung cancer were given low-dose interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) from the first day of treatment as long as possible irrespective of changes in treatment dictated by disease progression. All patients received 6 cycles of the chemotherapy (CT): cisplatin 70 mg/m2 i.v. day 1 and etoposide 100 mg/m2 i.v. days 1, 2, 3 every 28 days. Seventy-eight patients were assigned to arm 1: CT alone, 75 patients to arm 2: CT + natural IFN-alpha (3 MU three times a week i.m.), and 66 patients to arm 3: CT + recombinant IFN alpha-2a (3 MU three times a week i.m.). There was no difference in median survival between the arms (10.2 months, 10.0 months, 10.1 months, respectively), p = 0.32. The 2-year survival rates were 15%, 3%, and 11%, respectively. Grade 3 and 4 leukopenia occurred more frequently in the IFN arms than in the CT alone arm and resulted in dose reductions. Antibodies occasionally developed to recombinant IFN. We conclude that IFN-alpha can be administered concomitantly with chemotherapy but is probably better kept for maintenance therapy so that optimal full doses of induction CT can be given.  相似文献   
Background Chronic renal failure is known to cause various nail pathologies. They may be directly related to the renal condition itself or its complications or to the therapy. Objective To compare nail changes in end‐stage renal failure patients under haemodialysis with healthy persons and to study the potential relationship with various parameters in the patients. Patients and Methods The study comprised 100 patients with chronic renal failure under regular haemodialysis as well as 100 healthy control subjects of matched age and sex. Both groups were subjected to full history taking and thorough general and nail examination. Complete blood picture, liver and kidney function tests and fasting blood glucose level were investigated. Results Nail disorders were more prevalent in patients (76%) than in control group (30%). The half and half nail was the most common finding (20%) followed by – in descending manner – absent lunula, onycholysis, brittle nail, Beau's lines, clubbing, longitudinal ridging, onychomycosis, subungual hyperkeratosis, koilonychias, total leukonychia, splinter hemorrhage, pitting and pincer nail deformity. There was non‐significant correlation between nail changes and age of the patients or duration of haemodialysis. In addition, no evidence of significant relation was found between nail changes and both haemoglobin and albumin levels. Conclusion Frequent nail changes are observed on systematic nail examination of uraemic patients undergoing haemodialysis; however, the cause of them remains obscure and could not be traced to a particular abnormality in the renal condition, medication or the procedure itself and it needs further investigations.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE : To determine and compare the efficacy of 5‐day t.d.s and 7‐day b.d. treatment regimens comprising lansoprazole, clarithromycin and amoxicillin in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori. METHODS : Patients with unequivocal evidence of H. pylori infection based on histology and rapid urease tests of both antrum and corpus biopsies were recruited for the study. The study was a randomized, investigator‐blind, comparative study. Patients received either 500 mg clarithromycin t.d.s. and 500 mg amoxicillin t.d.s. for 5 days (LAC5) or 500 mg clarithromycin b.d. and 500 mg amoxicillin b.d. for 7 days (LAC7) together with 30 mg lansoprazole (both groups) daily for either 5 or 7 days, depending on the treatment group. Patients were assessed for the successful eradication of H. pylori, defined as the absence of bacteria based on histology and urease tests on both antral and corporeal biopsies, carried out at least 4 weeks after completion of the therapy. RESULTS : One hundred and eight patients were recruited for the study. In the LAC5 treatment group, four patients failed to return for follow up and in the LAC7 group, two failed to return for follow up and two were not compliant with medications. Eradication rates based on an intention‐to‐treat analysis were: 46/54 for LAC5 (85.2%; 95% CI = 72.9–93.4) and 47/54 for LAC7 (87.0%; 95% CI = 75.1–94.6). Based on a per protocol analysis, the rates were: 46/50 for LAC5 (92.0%; 95% CI = 80.8–97.8) and 47/50 for LAC7 (94.0%; 95% CI = 83.5–98.7). Both treatment regimens were convenient for patients and except for two patients in the LAC7 group, all patients reported taking 100% of all prescribed medications. The side‐effects encountered were uniformly mild and no patient discontinued treatment because of intolerance to medications. The most common side‐effects were altered taste (LAC5 64.7%; LAC7 78.8%). Diarrhea, nausea and anorexia were reported in a minority of patients. CONCLUSIONS : Both the LAC5 t.d.s. and the LAC7 b.d. treatment regimens were well tolerated by patients and were highly effective in the eradication of H. pylori.  相似文献   


To investigate the hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and antioxidant activities of aqueous extract of Terminalia paniculata bark (AETPB) in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats.


Acute toxicity was studied in rats after the oral administration of AETPB to determine the dose to assess hypoglycemic activity. In rats, diabetes was induced by injection of STZ (60 mg/kg, i.p.) and diabetes was confirmed 72 h after induction, and then allowed for 14 days to stabilize blood glucose level. In diabetic rats, AETPB was orally given for 28 days and its effect on blood glucose and body weight was determined on a weekly basis. At the end of the experimental day, fasting blood sample was collected to estimate the haemoglobin (Hb), glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c), serum creatinine, urea, serum glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (SGPT), serum glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT) and insulin levels. The liver and kidney were collected to determine antioxidants levels in diabetic rats.


Oral administration of AETPB did not exhibit toxicity and death at a dose of 2 000 mg/kg. AETPB treated diabetic rats significantly (P<0.001, P<0.01 and P<0.05) reduced elevated blood glucose, HbA1c, creatinine, urea, SGPT and SGOT levels when compared with diabetic control rats. The body weight, Hb, insulin and total protein levels were significantly (P<0.001, P<0.01 and P<0.05) increased in diabetic rats treated with AETPB compared to diabetic control rats. In diabetic rats, AETPB treatment significantly reversed abnormal status of antioxidants and lipid profile levels towards near normal levels compared to diabetic control rats.


Present study results confirm that AETPB possesses significant hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and antioxidant activities in diabetic condition.  相似文献   
Compared with our understanding of endochondral ossification, much less is known about the coordinated arrest of growth defined by the narrowing and fusion of the cartilaginous growth plate. Throughout the musculoskeletal system, appropriate cell and tissue responses to mechanical force delineate morphogenesis and ensure lifelong health. It remains unclear how mechanical cues are integrated into many biological programs, including those coordinating the ossification of the adolescent growth plate at the cessation of growth. Primary cilia are microtubule-based organelles tuning a range of cell activities, including signaling cascades activated or modulated by extracellular biophysical cues. Cilia have been proposed to directly facilitate cell mechanotransduction. To explore the influence of primary cilia in the mouse adolescent limb, we conditionally targeted the ciliary gene Intraflagellar transport protein 88 (Ift88fl/fl) in the juvenile and adolescent skeleton using a cartilage-specific, inducible Cre (AggrecanCreERT2 Ift88fl/fl). Deletion of IFT88 in cartilage, which reduced ciliation in the growth plate, disrupted chondrocyte differentiation, cartilage resorption, and mineralization. These effects were largely restricted to peripheral tibial regions beneath the load-bearing compartments of the knee. These regions were typified by an enlarged population of hypertrophic chondrocytes. Although normal patterns of hedgehog signaling were maintained, targeting IFT88 inhibited hypertrophic chondrocyte VEGF expression and downstream vascular recruitment, osteoclastic activity, and the replacement of cartilage with bone. In control mice, increases to physiological loading also impair ossification in the peripheral growth plate, mimicking the effects of IFT88 deletion. Limb immobilization inhibited changes to VEGF expression and epiphyseal morphology in Ift88cKO mice, indicating the effects of depletion of IFT88 in the adolescent growth plate are mechano-dependent. We propose that during this pivotal phase in adolescent skeletal maturation, ciliary IFT88 protects uniform, coordinated ossification of the growth plate from an otherwise disruptive heterogeneity of physiological mechanical forces. © 2022 The Authors. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR).  相似文献   
Abstract:  Objectives : This cross-sectional study examines the relationship of depression symptoms to periodontal diseases and decayed (D), missing (M) and filled teeth (FT) in a sample of the Jordanian population. Methods : Subjects escorting dental patients attending two dental hospitals in North Jordan were included. Each subject received full periodontal examination, including probing pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment level (CAL), gingival index (GI) and plaque index (PI). The numbers of M, D and F teeth were also recorded. The Zung Self-rating Depression Scale was used to determine susceptibility to depression. Results : The frequency of high susceptibility to depression among periodontitis-free subjects and those with periodontitis was found to be 48% and 50% respectively. There was no statistically significant association between susceptibility to depression symptoms and periodontal parameters, including PPD, CAL, PI and GI ( P  >   0.05 ) . However, subjects with low susceptibility to depression had significantly more FT than subjects highly susceptible to depression. Conclusions : High susceptibility to depression does not play a significant role in the aetiology and severity of periodontitis in the population studied.  相似文献   
1病例报告患者,男,22岁,因间歇性全身乏力、肌肉酸痛2 wk,发冷1 wk,发热4 d入院.曾在我院查WBC 4.5×109/L,N 0.60,L 0.4,体温波动在38~40℃.初步诊断"上呼吸道感染",用阿莫西林、VC银翘片、清热解毒冲剂等治疗无效.查体:T 38.9℃,BP面性12/8 kPa.全身皮肤无出血点,双眼球结膜轻度充血,咽部充血,软腭未见充血点,心肺腹部未见阳性体征.实验室检查:WBC 7.85 × 109/L,N 0.79,L 0.21,HGB 150g/L,PCL30×109/L,尿蛋白3.2g/L,流行性出血热抗体( ).诊断:流行性出血热.入院后立即按照流行性出血热的治疗原则给予抗病毒、抗渗出、抗出血治疗.具体包括卧床休息,给予高热量,多维生素,易消化饮食;维持水、电解质、酸碱及血浆渗透压平衡;给予大剂量(5 g)Vit.C和Vit.E.同时给予氢化可地松100 mg/d,稀释后缓慢静脉滴注.入院后3 d患者的尿量由450 mL/d增至750 mL/d,肌酐204.6μmol/L,BUN 13.3 mmol/L.5 d尿量增加至4000 mL/d.经综合治疗10 d,肌酐和BUN检查等正常,痊愈出院,随访1 mo未见异常.  相似文献   
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