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OBJECTIVES: The aim was to assess the natural course of oral lichen lesions (OLL) among unselected, non-consulting individuals. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A cohort of 327 subjects with OLL, confirmed in 1973-1974 during a population-based survey in two Swedish municipalities, was followed through January 2002 via record linkages with nationwide and essentially complete registers. A sample of 80 drawn from the 194 surviving subjects who still resided in the area in 1993-1995 was invited for interview and oral re-examination. RESULTS: At the end of follow-up, one case of oral cancer was detected, while 0.4 were expected. The overall mortality among subjects with OLL was not significantly different from that in the 15,817 OLL-free subjects who participated in the initial population based survey in 1973-1974. The lesion had disappeared in 14 (39%) of 36 re-examined subjects with white OLLs in 1973-1974, and four (11%) had transformed into red types. In the corresponding group of 19 with red forms initially, five (26%) had become lesion free and four (21%) had switched to white types. Although the cohort size does not permit firm conclusions regarding oral cancer risk, the natural course over up to 30 years appears to be benign in the great majority.  相似文献   
The efficiency of the Racal Airstream helmet respirator in improving peak expiratory flow rates (PEFR) and symptoms (dyspnea, wheezing, and cough) in aluminum potroom workers with respiratory complaints was assessed in 19 workers. Peak expiratory flow readings and symptom recording from a 2-week working period with use of the respirator were compared with a period when the 3M 9906 disposable mask was used. The study was designed as a randomized, parallel, cross-over study with five or six daily measurements of PEFR and daily symptom recording. A significant number of workers (15) had a higher mean peak flow in the helmet period than in the nonhelmet period (p less than 0.01); symptoms did not improve significantly in the helmet period. Objective evidence of respiratory protection was observed for the group of workers as a whole, but the effect on symptoms as well as individual effect on peak flow was minor in the majority of the workers.  相似文献   
A microfluorometric method was used to determine the nuclear DNA content in the nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPC) of 25 patients treated before 1983. Eleven patients are still alive with no evidence of disease (NED), while the rest died of their disease (DOD). All of the patients received a cycle of radiotherapy, while some also received chemotherapy or neck dissections. The neoplastic cells studied were taken from the original biopsy blocks, deparaffinized, isolated by enzymatic treatment and mechanical fragmentation, and then Feulgen-stained. The cytofluorometric measurement was carried out by a microphotometer equipped for fluorescence excitation and connected to a computer. This method allowed us to construct a histogram of the DNA content in the neoplastic cells. Different neoplastic classes were identified and represent the heteroclonality of the tumor, which can be expressed by the heteroclonality index (HCT). From the collected data it appears that the NED patients all had a low HTC (less than 1) and only 7 of the DOD patients had low HTCs (less than 1). Six of the DOD patients with a low HTC were in advanced stages of their tumor at the time of diagnosis, while the remaining patient did not complete his treatment. Our results show that the DNA analysis of the NPC cell population may offer a useful tool in predicting the biological behavior of this tumor and also improving its treatment.  相似文献   
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