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To describe the audiological profiles in a Japanese family with autosomal dominant hereditary sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) and to identify the causative gene.

Study Design:

A family study at an academic tertiary referral center.


A family with autosomal dominant hereditary SNHL was enrolled. Hearing loss (HL) of affected members showed mid‐frequency SNHL in childhood and progressed at lower frequencies with age, resulting in low‐frequency SNHL. To understand the pathology of HL of this family, we performed a genetic analysis of WFS1, TECTA, and GJB2 by direct sequencing, and further audiovestibular examinations, including speech audiometry, distortion product otoacoustic emissions, electrocochleography, auditory brainstem responses, and electronystagmography for some affected members.


A heterozygous A‐to‐C nucleotide transversion (c.2507A>C), resulting in a lysine‐to‐threonine substitution at codon 836 (K836T) was identified in exon 8 of WFS1. K836T was segregated with HL in the 15 participants in the genetic study but was not detected in the 212 normal chromosomes. Only polymorphic changes were detected in TECTA and GJB2. Audiovestibular examinations indicated purely cochlear HL and normal vestibular function. The summating potential/action potential ratios in electrocochleography increased in the bilateral ears of the proband.


The family described with autosomal dominant inheritance of K836T of the WFS1 gene demonstrates a progressive hearing loss in the lower frequencies. Laryngoscope, 2010  相似文献   
Following the exposure of mice to X rays or fission neutrons, the frequency (F) of apoptosis was measured after 4 h, and the weight loss or lymphocyte content loss in the thymus and spleen was measured after 24 h. In p53(+/+) mice, F increased linearly with the dose (D (Gy)) and the induced rate per Gy of F (detected by TUNEL staining) was 0.05 and 0.23 for X rays and fission neutrons, respectively. Therefore, the RBE of fission neutrons was 4.6 for apoptosis induction. This indicates that radiation-induced apoptosis is mostly due to double strand breaks (DSBs) in DNA because we previously obtained almost the same RBE value of fission neutrons for the induction of crossover mutations in Drosophila melanogaster, which arise from the recombinational repair of DSBs. In p53(+/+) mice, decreases in the organ weight and the lymphocyte content were observed for the thymus and the spleen 24 h after X-irradiation. These atrophic changes in the thymus and the spleen quantitatively corresponded to the total apoptotic cell deaths occurring in them. However, in p53(-/-) mice, no vigorous apoptosis was induced after X-irradiation, and hyperplastic changes in the weight and the lymphocyte content appeared in the thymus and the spleen 24 h after X-irradiation. In p53(+/+) mice, there was no difference in the induced rate per Gy of reduction in the surviving fraction of lymphocytes between acute (0.4 Gy/min) and chronic (3 mGy/min) gamma-irradiations. Namely, radiation-induced apoptosis in lymphocytes is a dose-rate independent event.  相似文献   
Organotin compounds, especially tributyltin chloride (TBT), have been widely used in antifouling paints for marine vessels, but exhibit various toxicities in mammals. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a multifunctional organelle that controls post-translational modification and intracellular Ca2 + signaling. When the capacity of the quality control system of ER is exceeded under stress including ER Ca2 + homeostasis disruption, ER functions are impaired and unfolded proteins are accumulated in ER lumen, which is called ER stress. Here, we examined whether TBT causes ER stress in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. We found that 700 nM TBT induced ER stress markers such as CHOP, GRP78, spliced XBP1 mRNA and phosphorylated eIF2α. TBT also decreased the cell viability both concentration- and time-dependently. Dibutyltin and monobutyltin did not induce ER stress markers. We hypothesized that TBT induces ER stress via Ca2 + depletion, and to test this idea, we examined the effect of TBT on intracellular Ca2 + concentration using fura-2 AM, a Ca2 + fluorescent probe. TBT increased intracellular Ca2 + concentration in a TBT-concentration-dependent manner, and Ca2 + increase in 700 nM TBT was mainly blocked by 50 μM dantrolene, a ryanodine receptor antagonist (about 70% inhibition). Dantrolene also partially but significantly inhibited TBT-induced GRP78 expression and cell death. These results suggest that TBT increases intracellular Ca2 + concentration by releasing Ca2 + from ER, thereby causing ER stress.  相似文献   
It is known that rotator cuff tears are sometimes accompanied by joint destruction. Our purpose was to elucidate the pathology with this condition. Thirty-two synovial fluid (SF) samples aspirated from the glenohumeral joints of patients with rotator cuff tears, including 7 with partial-thickness and 25 with full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff (10 massive and 15 isolated supraspinatus tendon (SSp) tears), were examined. Collagenase (MMP-1), stromelysin 1 (MMP-3), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) and carboxy-terminal type II procollagen peptide (pCOL Il-C) were measured in the SF using the respective sandwich enzyme immunoassays. Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) was also quantified with a cationic dye binding method using 1,9-dimethylmethylene blue. Levels of any molecules except pCOL II-C in the SF appeared to be higher in full-thickness tears than those in partial-thickness tears. Moreover, levels of MMP-1, MMP-3 and GAG in the SF were significantly higher in massive tears of the rotator cuff in comparison with those in isolated SSp tears. Such significance was not observed in the levels of TIMP-1 or pCOL II C in the SF. We examined the relation of those levels with operative findings or clinical parameters from full-thickness tears, and observed significant correlations of the tear size with the levels of MMP-1, MMP-3 and GAG in the SF. Although these marker molecules in SF do not always originate from cartilage, our results may indicate the potential for accelerated cartilage-degrading activity in the glenohumeral joint in massive tears of the rotator cuff.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: To clarify the pathology of the development of prostatic disorders such as inflammation, cancer, and hyperplasia, we compared histopathological findings of the prostate according to age group. METHODS: Whole-mount sections of prostates were used to assess the relationship between age and prostate weight (n=962), prostate histological composition in the transition zone (TZ) and in the peripheral zone (PZ) (n=68), prostate histopathological findings by zone (n=102), and comparison of latent tumor development by age group (n=1,815). RESULTS: A rapid increase in prostate weight from birth to the 20s was followed by a slow rise thereafter. Volume increases (P<0.01) were observed in all components of glandular epithelium, glandular lumen, and stroma in the TZ from the 40s to 70s inclusive. In the PZ, the epithelial and stromal volumes tended to decrease in an age-dependent manner (P<0.05). Calculi and lymphocyte infiltration were detected at a relatively early age, with a tendency towards an age-dependent increase. Glandular dilation and nodular hyperplasia were noted first in the 30s group, also with a tendency towards age-dependent increase. Latent tumors were first detected in the 30s group (5.6%), and slowly increased thereafter. CONCLUSIONS: There was an age-dependent trend towards prostate glandular dilation and prostate enlargement with inflammation. It was demonstrated that tumor and hyperplasia have a long natural history, usually starting in the fourth decade of life, accompanied by dynamic changes with age in glandular tissue composition as well as cell proliferation activity.  相似文献   
Symptomatic volar subluxation of the abductor pollicis longus and the extensor pollicis brevis tendons developed in a 29-year-old man after a sprain that occurred with the wrist in flexion and ulnar deviation. The extensor retinaculum, which forms the extensor compartment, was partially avulsed from its insertion on the radius. Palmar abduction and extension of the thumb with the wrist flexed produced subluxation of the tendons over the volar side of the radius ridge where the retinaculum forming the first extensor compartment attached. Nonoperative treatment including steroid injection and splinting was ineffective. Surgery was performed to reconstruct a new tendon restraint with part of the extensor retinaculum.  相似文献   
 This multicenter study has revealed that treating a woven polyethylene terephthalate (polyester) ligament with a radiofrequency (RF)-generated glow discharge (RFGD) produces marked benefits in terms of increased cell attachment and proliferation on the implant surface. In vitro tests of the same material revealed that the number of synovial fibroblasts attached to the treated samples after 14 days was four times that of the untreated material. Many of the cells were spread over the surface of a single filament, and some formed bridges between one filament and the next. The incorporation of [3H]-thymidine by synovial stromal cells (a measure of the amount of cell division) growing on the treated material was five times that on the untreated samples. The amount of DNA present on the treated material was also found to be almost an order of magnitude greater than that on untreated samples. This increase in cell attachment and proliferation is almost certainly related to a notable increase in wettability of the polyester surface induced by treatment. Mechanical tests revealed that, for ligaments with a nominal ultimate tensile strength of 2100 N, RF-generated glow treatment reduced the ligament's strength by 12% but increased its stiffness by 15%. After a medium-term fatigue test (10.8 million cycles), however, there appeared to be recovery of the mechanical properties, with the strength and stiffness of untreated and treated samples being essentially the same. After exhaustive fatigue tests (more than 62 million cycles) the residual strength of the treated ligaments was only 9% lower than that of the unfatigued and untreated ligaments. Received: July 1, 2002 / Accepted: October 22, 2002 Acknowledgments. The authors thank Xiros plc for providing ligament samples. We also thank the following individuals for their contribution to the work described in this study: Mr. Les Johnson, School of Textile Industries, University of Leeds, for carrying out wettability tests; Dr. David Woolley, Department of Medicine, University of Manchester for supplying cells for the study at Yorkshire Regional Tissue Bank; Mr. John Tresnan, Xiros plc, for carrying out the mechanical tests. We especially acknowledge the contribution of Sangjin Kang to the work carried out at the School of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Leeds. Offprint requests to: J.R.J. Rowland  相似文献   
This case involves a 16-year-old woman with a posterior cervical tumor. Histologically, it was found to be a extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP). Immunohistochemically, IgG was present in the plasma cells that were shown to be atypia by the PAP method. Laboratory data revealed no other abnormalities. A surgical excision of the tumor was performed with a dissection of the relevant lymph nodes. Although irradiation and chemotherapy were administered postoperatively, multiple bone metastasis was found a month after the operation, and the patient died 8 months later.  相似文献   
Hypercalcemia in a Case of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Severe hypercalcemia (serum calcium, 4.25–5.25 mmol/l),in association with osteolytic bone lesions, was found in agirl aged 2 yr 7 mo with common acute lymphoblastic leukemia(ALL). Hormonal studies excluded the possibility of the hypercalcemiabeing caused by primary hyperparathyroidism or ectopic parathyroidhormone secretion. Increased plasma prostaglandinE2 (PGE2).Jlevels (130 ng/l), probably produced by leukemic cells, wereconsidered to be one of the pathogenic mechanisms responsiblefor the occurrence of hypercalcemia in this patient. Both thehypercalcemia and the abnormal plasma PGE2 level returned tonormal after chemotherapy.  相似文献   
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