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Gastric secretion, motor function and tonicity of the stomach and duodenum, duodenogastric reflux were studied in inpatients with two clinicopathogenetic types of duodenal ulcer: observed at young age (type 1) and in later life (type 2). The examination included pH-metry with simultaneous balloon cimography, chromogastroduodenoscopy with Kongo-red, tests for Helicobacter pylori conducted on the biopsy samples. All the patients were found to have continuous acid production. High acid production was more frequently registered in males with the disease type 1, the lowest production was in females with the disease type 2. Duration of the acid inflow into the duodenum in patients with the disease type 2 was greater than that in young subjects. Mild ulcer was associated with moderate acidity in the duodenum, in severe ulcer the acidity was very high. Males with the disease 1 and 2 and females with type 2 had hyperkinetic, hypertonic gastric motor function. In duodenal ulcer prevalent is hypertonic, hyperkinetic type of duodenal motor function being most frequent among males with the disease type 2. Duodenogastric reflux occurs more often in patients with intensive acid production associated with hypotonic, hypokinetic motor type and duodenal tone.  相似文献   
Introduction: Increased stress levels have been reported and it has been implicated for mental illness amongst service personnel. However no study has been reported among Indian naval sailors.  相似文献   
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