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Recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) is a DNA-synthesized thrombolytic agent recently approved for clinical trials. We present the results of t-PA infusions in 18 patients with thrombosed peripheral arteries (12 patients) and peripheral bypass grafts (six patients). The duration of occlusion ranged from 1 to 21 days (mean, 6.8 days). Infusions of t-PA were done by way of an intra-arterial approach at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg/hr. All patients demonstrated thrombus lysis angiographically. Fifteen of 18 (83%) had clinical as well as angiographic improvement. Secondary procedures to maintain patency of the arterial segment were required in seven patients. No complications occurred that were related to the t-PA infusion. No significant prolongation of the prothrombin, thrombin, or activated partial thromboplastin times occurred. At the end of t-PA infusion, the mean circulating fibrinogen level was 59% of the starting value. The therapeutic use of t-PA is still in its preliminary stages and the efficacy and safety of this promising agent need to be further established. From our early experience with t-PA, it appears to be safe as well as effective.  相似文献   
Percutaneous techniques have become widely accepted for the management of many patients with renal calculi. Little is known, however, about the efficacy of utilizing these procedures for patients with solitary kidneys. We studied five such patients to determine whether percutaneous techniques could be utilized safely, effectively, and efficiently in this setting. The results achieved suggest that the percutaneous removal of renal calculi should be considered a viable treatment option for selected patients with stones in solitary kidneys.  相似文献   
Focal AF is frequently triggered by ectopic beats mostly originating from the pulmonary veins (PVs). So far, the morphological substrate for this entity is not well defined. Therefore, the distribution of myocardial cells within the PV were examined as potential target sites for RF application. The PVs (118) of 30 human autopsied hearts (age of death 63 +/- 13 years, 17 men) were dissected in their complete circumference starting 1 cm from the ostium. Tissue sections of the PV were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and with Masson's trichrome. To characterize the developmental state of the myocardial tissue in the PV, immunohistochemistry was performed with antibodies reacting with antigens which are stage specifically expressed during cardiac development (HNK1/Leu7, alpha-SMA, calponin and desmin). Furthermore, proliferative activity was assessed using antibodies against the Ki-67 antigen (MIB-1). In two hearts a left-sided common PV ostium was found. The other hearts showed four separated PV ostia. The ostium diameter of the right inferior PV (1.2 +/- 0.3 cm) was significantly smaller (P < 0.05) than remaining PV ostia (right superior 1.5 +/- 0.2, left superior, 1.5 +/- 0.3 and left inferior 1.4 +/- 0.3 cm) of the 118 specimen. There was no significant difference in the presence of myocardium in the PV 1-cm distant from the ostium comparing the right superior (78%), the right inferior (81 %), the left superior (81%), and the left inferior (81%) PV. In 54% of cases the myocardial bundles covered the complete PV circumference. In up to 38% of the small extensions of the myocardial bundles myocardial cells, characterized by distinct cross-striations and spindle shape were found. However, since these cells could not be labeled for other markers than desmin, their immature state seems unlikely. The anatomic distribution of myocardium in the PV suggests that RF applied to the entire circumference may be frequently required for its electrical isolation. Whether spindle-shaped myocytes have different electrophysiological behavior has to be further investigated.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: Three-dimensional electroanatomic (CARTO) activation mapping of the cavotricuspid isthmus can be helpful to guide atrial flutter ablation, but to date has not been investigated in comparison to conventional strategies. The aim of the present study was to assess the efficacy of the CARTO navigation system, especially with respect to the fluoroscopy time required for successful atrial flutter ablation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eighty patients with recurrent common-type atrial flutter were randomly assigned to temperature-controlled radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation, either guided by conventional criteria (group 1) or additionally oriented on electroanatomic mapping (group 2). In all patients, similar multipolar catheters were inserted into the coronary sinus and placed at the tricuspid annulus, respectively. In group 2, positioning of the mapping electrode and delivery of RF pulses within the cavotricuspid isthmus was mainly oriented on the CARTO map to achieve the most linear and continuous RF lesions. Abolition of intra-atrial conduction verified by conventional criteria (group 1) and electroanatomic mapping (group 2) could be verified in all patients. The overall number of RF pulses (group 1: 16.7+/-6.5; group 2: 13.2+/-5.3) and mean procedure duration (group 1: 172.5+/-47.4 min; group 2: 169.3+/-47.3 min) were not different between the two groups, but mean fluoroscopy time was significantly shorter when the CARTO technology was used (group 1: 29.2+/-9.4 min; group 2: 7.7+/-2.8 min; P = 0.0001). Recurrence of atrial flutter was observed in 3 (9%) patients in each group after a mean follow-up of 8.5+/-2.8 months. CONCLUSION: Atrial flutter can be abolished effectively using the conventional technique as well as oriented on electroanatomic mapping. However, overall X-ray exposure can be significantly reduced by the CARTO-guided approach without prolongation of procedure duration.  相似文献   
AIM: Sub-threshold stimulation (STS) applied during atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia (AVNRT) of the common (slow-fast) type has been shown to effectively characterise target sites suitable for slow pathway (SP) ablation but has not been investigated in the setting of fast-slow and slow-slow variants. METHODS AND RESULTS: Seventeen consecutive patients (52+/-16 years, 12 female) with sustained uncommon type AVNRT (fast-slow: n = 13, slow-slow: n = 4) were investigated. Mapping of the SP was started postero-septally close to the coronary sinus ostium and continued toward mid-septal sites, if required. Target sites for STS were selected according to established criteria including the recording of the earliest retrograde atrial activation during AVNRT. Long duration (5 s) constant current STS during AVNRT variants was performed in a stepwise manner (max 5 mA) at each site eligible for SP ablation until termination or capture occurred. Radiofrequency current (RFC) was delivered following successful STS termination of tachycardia (65 degrees C, 60 s) and exclusion of catheter dislodgement. Uncommon AVNRT with a mean cycle length of 405+/-70 ms was induced without spontaneous termination in all patients. Interruption of AVNRT variants due to selective STS-induced block of the retrograde (n = 12) or anterograde (n =2) SP occurred without capture in 14/17 (82%) patients. This was exclusively observed at sites with successful subsequent RFC application. AVNRT was rendered non-inducible in all patients after a median of 1 (1-11) RFC pulses without complications. CONCLUSIONS: Uncommon AVNRT can be interrupted by STS delivered at subsequently successful target sites for SP ablation in most patients (82%). The high positive and negative concordance between the effects of STS and following RFC application indicates that STS-mapping is also useful in the setting of AVNRT variants.  相似文献   
This case describes a 54-year-old patient with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter. Conventionally recorded local electrogram demonstrated a cycle length of 245 ms in the SVC which was conducted to the right atrium in a 2:1 fashion. The analysis of the virtual unipolar local electrogram from the noncontact mapping system demonstrated slow conduction between SVC and right atrium orthogonal to the atrial breakthrough in the upper part of the crista terminalis. RF ablation at the atrial breakthrough induced the electrical disconnection between the CVC and the right atrium.  相似文献   
Twenty-two patients were selected from a group of 33 patients who underwent recombinant human tissue-type plasminogen activator (rt-PA) thrombolysis for thrombosed infrainguinal bypass grafts of the lower extremity and were compared with 38 matched patients who had undergone surgical thrombectomy during the same period. The proportion of persons with diabetes mellitus, smokers, and types of bypass grafts was similar in both groups. More patients in the rt-PA-treated group had hypertension (p = 0.01). To evaluate the different lengths of follow-up, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was used with a log-rank test to compare the proportion of persons with patent grafts in the two treatment groups. At 30 days, 86% of the rt-PA-treated grafts were still patent compared with 42% of the surgically treated grafts (p = 0.001). When risk factors on the Kaplan-Meier curves were compared, there was no statistical difference with regard to graft patency among the groups. According to simultaneous Cox regression analysis, no risk factor was significantly associated with graft patency. When amputation was evaluated between treatment groups simultaneously with other risk factors in a logistic regression analysis, smoking and age of the graft were marginally significant (p = 0.07), whereas all other factors were clearly not significant. In 91% of the rt-PA-treated patients, a secondary surgical procedure was required to maintain patency of the graft segment. Eighty-nine percent of the surgically treated patients required similar graft revisions. Two patients in the surgical group and one patient in the rt-PA-treated group had major complications.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Nineteen patients were examined to determine the clinical potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for evaluation of renal transplants. A 0.6-T cryogenic magnet and spin-echo technique with varying pulsing factors were used. T1-weighted images were best for differentiating the cortical and medullary parts of the transplanted kidney. Of the six living-related transplants with good renal function that were imaged, five demonstrated good corticomedullary differentiation (CMD) and one faint CMD. Three transplants with acute rejection were imaged, and all demonstrated a decrease in CMD and decrease in overall signal intensity compared with baseline. No CMD was seen in the three chronically rejecting transplants imaged. The appearance of cadaveric transplants and acute tubular necrosis was quite variable. All perinephric fluid collections were well depicted by MRI. Lymphoceles could be distinguished from hematomas. MRI may prove to be a useful adjunct in the evaluation of renal transplants and perinephric fluid collections.  相似文献   
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